Ruthless or reluctant? Time for the club to choose | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Ruthless or reluctant? Time for the club to choose

Trading Bakes, Rioli, Bolton and Dusty this year improves our position for this years draft, but why not do it over 2 years, eg Bakes or Dan this year if wants to leave and Bolton or someone else next year.
We look like having pick 1 or 2 in this years draft, and probably a similar pick in next years draft. We get a first round pick for Bakes or Dan this year and a first round pick for Bolton or someone else next year.
We have two 2nd round picks, three 3rd round and three 4 round picks in this years draft, package some of them up to improve our draft hand for this and next years draft.
We then a very strong draft hand in the 2024 & 2025 drafts.
Would be a smart way of approaching this.

As long as it’s done before the idiotic lumberjacks of the apple isle come lumbering into our comp with their bad breath and corrupt genes
we are in the business , the football business
horse trading will be done
as much as it will frustrate us here , the Club needs to keep its cards close to its chest and deals done in private
I can just imagine it is a very challenging period
because of the likelihood some players leave that have currency , our bundle of picks could be bigger than currently projected
plus we maybe able to strike up pick bundling deals with other clubs

Like when we got the likes of Grigg , Houli , Nank and Caddy
not big name or big $$$ players but bloody good value

If we are losing experienced players it could be more than useful to pick up 1 or 2 back the other way that are slot straight in types

In the meantime I'm in the foetal position rocking backward and forward hoping we nail some top end talent in the ND

Come on Footy Dept. nail this offseason
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It is all about timing. Bolton, Baker and Rioli are not worth as much to us at the moment as the worth they represent to other teams.

Just like Freo’s first rounders are worth more to us than they are worth to them. Business.

Bolton represents the most discrepancy in value because he is demonstrably poor in the area of on-field leadership and example.

At the moment he is absolutely wasted in a non-challenging phase.

Personally, I'm not much interested in maximising the worth of our players for other teams.

The discussion lies in whether the draft picks, or the players, are of more value for us.

It is probably a useless hypothetical really.

Do you just say 'Firesale', and send them all off for whatever draft picks we can get? Or do you assess it on a case by case basis?

I think the 'ruthless' notion could easily conflate with 'careless'. There's no sense in trading players if you're not being appropriately compensated. Therein lies the conversation.

If someone offers two top ten picks for Rioli, that becomes a different discussion to whether or not you seek to trade Rioli just to reset the list. Doing that, most likely you could hope to get 1 top ten pick for him (maybe some trading of junk). Is that pick better value than he is? Then you have the middling deals that might confuse the issue. What if you were offered two picks in the teens (frequently draft busts)?

Then if you did trade Rioli, and Baker also asks to leave, how do you navigate that? Losing a stack of leadership in Rioli means that Baker's value to us is higher.

Then you have Bolton, who does not want to leave and is contracted. His value is also very difficult to assess after a year he has been predominantly played out of position. He's probably dropped in potential trade value this season, but not in value to us. I agree the leadership is not as significant a factor, but on field competitiveness is.

Coach and club would struggle to sail through another year or two like this one.
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Personally, I'm not much interested in maximising the worth of our players for other teams.

Do you just say 'Firesale', and send them all off for whatever draft picks we can get? Or do you assess it on a case by case basis?
Lol what is this tedium Burg?

No, obviously we don’t focus on “maximising the worth of players to other teams”. The clear inference is that we find maximum return, taking advantage of teams on the cusp of the top four who have less time than us. They need cream and they need it now. THAT’s the negotiating advantage.

No, clearly no one at the club is interested in a ‘fire sale’. Each case would of course be treated on its merits. There are potentially separate suitors for each of Bolton, Baker and Rioli, so this makes the task a little easier.

What’s happened to you with these ridiculous arguments?
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Coach and club would struggle to sail through another year or two like this one.
As is your wont of late, this is utter hyperbole.

Yze requires three years minimum to get this list in order and he will get it, safe as houses.

It isn’t 1987 down at Punt Rd anymore.
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According to the great Caro, the club has been emphatic in stating Rioli will not be traded.
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Lol what is this tedium Burg?

No, obviously we don’t focus on “maximising the worth of players to other teams”. The clear inference is that we find maximum return, taking advantage of teams on the cusp of the top four who have less time than us. They need cream and they need it now. THAT’s the negotiating advantage.

No, clearly no one at the club is interested in a ‘fire sale’. Each case would of course be treated on its merits. There are potentially separate suitors for each of Bolton, Baker and Rioli, so this makes the task a little easier.

What’s happened to you with these ridiculous arguments?

I'm not necessarily arguing.

Just trying to figure out what this 'ruthless' contention is. To me it sounds like the standard emotional supporter hyperbole when a team starts to struggle.

'Trade everyone and start again!'.

Genuinely though, what is the proposal here?

We should trade Martin, Rioli, Baker, Bolton at end of year to maximise draft position?

To me that sounds like the 'Firesale' proposition.

Or is it just, we should entertain any potential trades if they are valuable enough, but retain enough of them to still be competitive?

Because... Yeah. We should do that. It's not particularly contentious.

This discussion is only really interesting if you're discussing specific trades. To me, as has been the case all year, it's unlikely there will enough clubs to offer the value we'd want from all those players.

I'm guessing you are perhaps suggesting that, if the offer was right, we should trade them all. To me that's extraordinarily hypothetical, and the value of the offer would be what seperates supporter opinion.
As is your wont of late, this is utter hyperbole.

Yze requires three years minimum to get this list in order and he will get it, safe as houses.

It isn’t 1987 down at Punt Rd anymore.
I said the coach and club wouldn't ride out another year or two like this. Two years plus this one would be three.

If we win two games a year three years is a row, Yze will be unlikely to still be with us for a fourth.

Again, not particularly contentious.
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Rioli is great but you won't get two first rounders for him.

I would normally agree with this, but for Gold Coast, individual draft picks don't matter. From what I understand they have another group of academy players for next year, so only value and not specific picks hold value to them.

If they think Rioli is the player to take them to the next level, especially if we pay some of his salary, then I could see us biting if they offered both of their earlier 1sts, with something going back, maybe a 2nd next year.

Something like Picks 8 and 9 for Rioli, salary cap and Pick 20ish next year plus maybe another pick this year going back. In terms of pure value, thats about Pick 6-7 which includes Rioli and salary cap.

I was dead against trading Rioli and would certainly prefer someone to come in for Short but realistically, I don't see that happening, and we need to get Smith into the side IMO. If we can get 2 top 10's (albeit that they might slide a spot or 2) even if we have to give a little up, then its probably worth it for us, and is our pathway to getting maybe 5 picks inside 20.
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I'm not necessarily arguing.

Just trying to figure out what this 'ruthless' contention is. To me it sounds like the standard emotional supporter hyperbole when a team starts to struggle.

'Trade everyone and start again!'.

Genuinely though, what is the proposal here?

We should trade Martin, Rioli, Baker, Bolton at end of year to maximise draft position?

To me that sounds like the 'Firesale' proposition.

Or is it just, we should entertain any potential trades if they are valuable enough, but retain enough of them to still be competitive?

Because... Yeah. We should do that. It's not particularly contentious.

This discussion is only really interesting if you're discussing specific trades. To me, as has been the case all year, it's unlikely there will enough clubs to offer the value we'd want from all those players.

I'm guessing you are perhaps suggesting that, if the offer was right, we should trade them all. To me that's extraordinarily hypothetical, and the value of the offer would be what seperates supporter opinion.

honestly i've lost track of the point you are trying to make.

something about a firesale, then perhaps retaining some players to "remain competitive" (hmm)

i dunno man
how many top twenty picks can be shake out of desperate junkies like freo and gold coast?

how many before geelong complains about the rules?

pick 1
pick 7
pick 8
pick 10

this midfield I would like to see.
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I said the coach and club wouldn't ride out another year or two like this. Two years plus this one would be three.

If we win two games a year three years is a row, Yze will be unlikely to still be with us for a fourth.

Again, not particularly contentious.

you said 1-2 years.

you and Stiggers with pitchforks then if we sink like a stone next year
We need to be ruthless but the club is living in some fairy land where they think we can do a Geelong and not need a rebuild
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Sharpen that pitchfork Burg

I want it glistening in the winter sun next year

I don't know why you have to push criticism to such extremes. I have never at any point suggested we should sack Yze.

He has been given a *smile* sandwich to work with this year, but he's fried it in *smile*, and served it with a side of *smile*.

The reality of how the industry works is that if he overseas another couple of years like this one, he will be under very serious pressure.

Trading away the mid term future will make that even harder.
He has been given a *smile* sandwich to work with this year, but he's fried it in *smile*, and served it with a side of *smile*.
Now this, dear Burg, is where you and Stig are in blissful agreement. You don’t rate Yze and now we have it out in the open.

That was easy yes?

The rest of us are scratching our heads as to how you could possibly know this.

Most likely scenario is simply that he’s been dealt a *smile* sandwich and gets a chance to start again in 2025.
Now this, dear Burg, is where you and Stig are in blissful agreement. You don’t rate Yze and now we have it out in the open.

That was easy yes? Take a rest now.

The rest of us are scratching our heads as to how you could possibly know this.

Most likely scenario is simply that he’s been dealt a *smile* sandwich and gets a chance to start again in 2025.

It's not that I don't rate him.

I don't think he has coached well.

I also don't think Hardwick coached well in 2016 (have you kept your pitchfork handy, by the way?) but he was and is a good coach.

I think if Yze is unable to change things, he will be under pressure.

I am also willing to forgive and wait out inexperience and circumstance. For a couple of years. Not complicated.
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