Umpire farce - Getting worse by the minute! | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Umpire farce - Getting worse by the minute!

The AFL have clearly unleashed the robots on the fan survey.

72% of 33,000 respendents saying score review system has made the game better.

I challenge them to ask for a show of hands at a game at The MCG.
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Geez these Scott boys get preferential treatment.

Essendon coach Brad Scott has revealed that the AFL contacted him on Monday to admit to several mistakes made in the controversial clash against Geelong in Round 16.

Ed Bourke
Brad Scott says there’s “too much grey” in the game to analyse every umpiring error as he defended the AFL’s decision not to publicly explain contentious decisions in Essendon’s loss to Geelong.
The Bombers coach on Monday revealed on AFL360 that he had spoken extensively to league umpiring officials who had admitted mistakes were made in Saturday’s clash.
Despite the private admissions, the AFL has declined to post a video explainer of the decisions on its website. Interviews with football department leaders Laura Kane and Josh Mahoney to explain controversial umpiring decisions have become almost weekly, but the league said it would only use the platform for umpiring calls late in games that had an effect on the result.
Scott said he could understand Bombers fans’ frustration over the lack of a public explanation from the AFL but warned that focusing on decisions midway through games was a slippery slope.
“(A video) is probably the simple answer (for agitated fans),” Scott said on Tuesday.
“You can make a bit of a rod for your own back though, in terms of is this going to be a weekly Monday morning explainer of every single decision that people want clarification on? I’ve said before, people generally only want the explanation they agree with, and we do deal with shades of grey in our game. I understand fans’ frustration and I think the concern for the game more broadly is that there are people who have been involved in the game all their lives who didn’t have a clear understanding of how the rules are adjudicated.
“If that’s the case, what hope is the fan who’s sitting up in the bleachers or watching at home on TV got? So the more we can be transparent and explain things, probably the better, without going down the rabbit hole of nitpicking every decision through every game.”
Scott said the Bombers had a “really productive couple of hours” with umpiring bosses, but reiterated he had been more disappointed with his players’ response to the frustrating decisions in the loss.
Geez these Scott boys get preferential treatment.

Essendon coach Brad Scott has revealed that the AFL contacted him on Monday to admit to several mistakes made in the controversial clash against Geelong in Round 16.
chris geere bad connection GIF by You're The Worst

Meanwhile at Punt Rd we’ve been waiting for call from AFL umpires dept since 2017
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Why are the umpires an issue this week?
Because they bent over Essendon?
Did they miss the 2020 Qualifying final?
The 2022 Elimination final??
And even single fken week we take the field??
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Why are the umpires an issue this week?
Because they bent over Essendon?
Did they miss the 2020 Qualifying final?
The 2022 Elimination final??
And even single fken week we take the field??
Because Dons are only 2nd on the free kick ladder and they thought the umps needed to get them to the top of the list by piling them with frees to whittle down the 45 point deficit into a win.
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Dill the the dill saying that umpiring has never been better is a real a Tony Abbott moment, when Abbott gave Prince Phillip a Knighthood :oops:

Better make that your last mistake Dill.
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The AFL needs to decide whether they honestly start public judging umpires decisions, or just say they wont make any comment.
There are multiple mistakes made every game- no one could deny that, but just commenting on the ones the media makes a story of and not others is wrong.
I doubt they can do it honestly so they should just make no comment.

Have they justified the Banks deliberate decision?

And I reckon Scott is exaggerating on any conversation to deflect heat from his team failing again when they are put under any pressure.
Dunno if anyone saw 360 last night. It was interesting. Robbo is pushing hard for what he is calling a 'Summit', "like a royal Commission". Saying most or all footy fans are disillusioned and pissed off with the umpiring.

B Scott was on. He ridiculed the summit idea, as a good company man would, but then proceeded to backhand the AFL. They had sent him explanations for the "series of unfortunate events" in the third Q last round. Was trying to put a positive spin on it, saying it was great getting an explanation. But then when pressed on each decision, said the AFL either admitted it was a wrong call, or provided a confusing/ unacceptable explanation of why it was a right call. Quite funny.

I can see why he wouldn't want a summit though, his mitts haven't been off it for very long.
Robbo going off his nut at the umpires?

Let me guess, the bumbers got some bad calls against them last weekend?
Robbo going off his nut at the umpires?

Let me guess, the bumbers got some bad calls against them last weekend?
He's been on it for a while. He actually made the point that Draper had been on the positive end of the ledger in the Adelaide game so he can't whinge.

His line has been the fans have had enough.
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So if Richmond complains about umpiring is us whinging and we should shut up.

Media complain about umpiring its because they are sticking up for the fans?

Got it
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The AFL needs to decide whether they honestly start public judging umpires decisions, or just say they wont make any comment.
There are multiple mistakes made every game- no one could deny that, but just commenting on the ones the media makes a story of and not others is wrong.
I doubt they can do it honestly so they should just make no comment.

Have they justified the Banks deliberate decision?

And I reckon Scott is exaggerating on any conversation to deflect heat from his team failing again when they are put under any pressure.

They should do public stats developed by an independent 3rd party not part of AFL ecosystem who provide a view based on the AFL's own criteria / standards - and seek what the factors are for the 'grey' interprestations.

Include missed frees, paid frees and %ge correct.
Highlight rules that need fixing due to no discernible clarity of criteria. i.e. "prior opportunity" to be strictly defined.

Will never happen. I was laughing while writing this.
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So if Richmond complains about umpiring is us whinging and we should shut up.

Media complain about umpiring its because they are sticking up for the fans?

Got it
I hear ya. But if you're dominating the comp, and especially if you're us, its politically untenable to protest about unfair treatment from the umps. Thats just the reality. I'll give Robbo a bit of credit, when he saw a recent graph show showing free-kick differential he said, re us, 'how can that be defended?' He was on it for a while.
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Umpires will always make mistakes but this is the main reason.
That and 4 umpires which imo leads to massive over umpiring.

When you have so many rules open to the interpretation of an individual, increasing their number can only increase the inconsistency. What is abuse to one umpire is water off a ducks back to another. What is insufficient intent to one umpire is OK to another.

And they clearly do not watch all off ball incidents, there are 100's of grabs/holds etc off the ball all game that go unpunished.

Reduce the number of umpires and at least you will get more consistency in interpretation. Is it really that physically demanding for 2 guys?
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They should do public stats developed by an independent 3rd party not part of AFL ecosystem who provide a view based on the AFL's own criteria / standards - and seek what the factors are for the 'grey' interprestations.

Include missed frees, paid frees and %ge correct.
Highlight rules that need fixing due to no discernible clarity of criteria. i.e. "prior opportunity" to be strictly defined.

Will never happen. I was laughing while writing this.
A transparent organisation would encourage such scrutiny.

I can see why you laughed.
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I hear ya. But if you're dominating the comp, and especially if you're us, its politically untenable to protest about unfair treatment from the umps. Thats just the reality. I'll give Robbo a bit of credit, when he saw a recent graph show showing free-kick differential he said, re us, 'how can that be defended?' He was on it for a while.
Yeh, Robbo has actually acted like a reasonable, intelligent, impartial footy journo on this matter.

I can only suspect his recent illness had some sort of John Travolta/Phenomenon effect.
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When you have so many rules open to the interpretation of an individual, increasing their number can only increase the inconsistency. What is abuse to one umpire is water off a ducks back to another. What is insufficient intent to one umpire is OK to another.

And they clearly do not watch all off ball incidents, there are 100's of grabs/holds etc off the ball all game that go unpunished.

Reduce the number of umpires and at least you will get more consistency in interpretation. Is it really that physically demanding for 2 guys?
2 is probably the right number or 3 at a pinch.

I don’t think it is 100% of grabs and holds off the ball, I think it is 98% and that to me is more frustrating. How do they pick the 2% ? It’s random
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