Umpire farce - Getting worse by the minute! | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Umpire farce - Getting worse by the minute!

Love how Selduck commented on it. Just laughable. That's like the Devil telling his followers to behave. Absolute joke. Hawthorn against Collingwood and none of those free kicks get paid.... The AFL is now a joke.
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The AFL are so high and mighty about protecting the Head yet they encourage the behaviour by rewarding deliberate ducking of the head to milk a free. The Jack Ginnovan school of diving was on full display yesterday and he has taught his peers very well. This behaviour should be punished not encouraged
Jack G learned everything he knows about ducking and diving from the Master - Joel Duckwood. Don't go giving Ginni credit for something he openly and brazenly copies from Mr 1000 free kicks.

Watching him tut tut about this exact subject and what a blight on the game it has become on Talking Footy last night was eye popping, jaw dropping and compelling viewing. The gall.of the bloke. He deserves an Oscar for being able to keep a deep frown on his forehead about the gravity of the farce and a straight face.

I rofl

It's Joel's legacy, he earned it.

Divvi Van is just his pupil.
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It's Joel's legacy, he earned it.

Divvi Van is just his pupil.
Greta call yeolde, it definitely is his legacy. I hope everyone keeps bringing it up every time he is on a broadcast. Every time he speaks at a function. Every time he is "honoured" with some other award. Hey Joel, what do you think of all the youngsters coming into the game trying to manufacture frees? And I hear "insert cheating player name" had to retire from multiple concussions, are you proud he took your methods to the next level?

He played in a disingenous way and he has to own it.

One of the many beauties of dusty is he never ever staged, cheated, sooked, faked etc Nor did he ever whinge when the muppets penalised him or not reward him correctly. He just played the game with complete integrity and class.
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It's Joel's legacy, he earned it.

Divvi Van is just his pupil.
Both are initiates of the Ordo Fraudulentus.

An esoteric group of sporting cheats dating back to ancient Egypt, who have been finding loopholes in sporting contests for thousands of years for the purpose of feeding off the anger and rage disseminated by the helpless onlookers.

It’s a viscous circle, as the more they get away with it, the stronger they become.

And the angrier we get.
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Both are initiates of the Ordo Fraudulentus.

An esoteric group of sporting cheats dating back to ancient Egypt, who have been finding loopholes in sporting contests for thousands of years for the purpose of feeding off the anger and rage disseminated by the helpless onlookers.

It’s a viscous circle, as the more they get away with it, the stronger they become.

And the angrier we get.
Ahh Loopholes Laura is Egyptian.
How *smile* inept was that. I.e. Cameron's goal after the siren by playing on. What are the muppets smoking.

The rule is the natural arc needs to take you over the man on the mark not 2 metres to the side.

Incompetence personified.
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How *smile* inept was that. I.e. Cameron's goal after the siren by playing on. What are the muppets smoking.

The rule is the natural arc needs to take you over the man on the mark not 2 metres to the side.

Incompetence personified.

Would never happen, but wouldn’t it be great to hear tomorrow from the AFL mouthpiece Laura (aka the sacrificial lamb)

  • Haha
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So about that "dangerous tackle" against Dangerfield last night .....

As much as i dislike Dangerfield, looking at that action there was no way his tackling action caused Walsh's head to smash towards the ground like that. He clearly threw his head towards the turf to milk a free.

IMO Walsh should be cited and suspended for a week for that. Or at least very heavily fined. If the AFL are serious about avoiding head trauma then players have to be held accountable for their own actions. It's the only way to stamp this crap out. Players are trying to milk frees with no regard for their own safety and it's going against everything the AFL is trying to do to protect them.

This exploiting of rules brought in to protect players (contact below the knees is another one) has got to stop
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How *smile* inept was that. I.e. Cameron's goal after the siren by playing on. What are the muppets smoking.

The rule is the natural arc needs to take you over the man on the mark not 2 metres to the side.

Incompetence personified.
Particularly from the fool who actually blew the whistle and called play on and watched him from about 15 metres away. Clearly he is a goldfish who can’t retain a thought in his head for too long. Astounding.
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Is it just me or since the adjustment to the holding the ball interpretation that’in the back’ rule in tackles has gone out the window?
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Is it just me or since the adjustment to the holding the ball interpretation that’in the back’ rule in tackles has gone out the window?
You could very well be right. Players are hurrying up their disposal like it’s a hot brick. No more wait for the tackle and fall forward.
Is it just me or since the adjustment to the holding the ball interpretation that’in the back’ rule in tackles has gone out the window?
Interpretation has always been an issue. Problem now is we don't know what we're supposed to be interpreting. I have no idea what the holding the ball rule is now. Dangerous tackle, I'm dumbfounded. 50metres for breaking stand rule or encroaching? Nup.
Is it just me or since the adjustment to the holding the ball interpretation that’in the back’ rule in tackles has gone out the window?

You're not seriously suggesting that the goldfish brained umpires can hold 2 thoughts in their head at once?

I mean, really, asking them to not only adjudicate the recent change in interpretation of HTB/HTM and push in the back, all during the same 2 hour period - clearly asking too much on the evidence of their capacities.

Seen as much footy ( other then our games ) as I have in ages over this weekend , approximately 10 minutes 😁 , the over umpiring , the inconsistency, the grey rules just *smile* me , from a lover of the game I now really don’t enjoy it , way too frustrating and inconsistent. Still love the Tiges as much as ever , however I really don’t enjoy watching a neutral game at all anymore , in saying that , I’m glad to read the game is as popular as ever, just not for me .
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Seen as much footy ( other then our games ) as I have in ages over this weekend , approximately 10 minutes 😁 , the over umpiring , the inconsistency, the grey rules just *smile* me , from a lover of the game I now really don’t enjoy it , way too frustrating and inconsistent. Still love the Tiges as much as ever , however I really don’t enjoy watching a neutral game at all anymore , in saying that , I’m glad to read the game is as popular as ever, just not for me .

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