Umpire farce - Getting worse by the minute! | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Umpire farce - Getting worse by the minute!

Yeah, they only have to have the fitness and athleticism to run 10-15 km and position themselves around a huge field, with 44 players on it, and make decisions on a 360 degree game with a large set of complicated rules containing many points of interpretation.

If you don't think it is amongst the hardest games to umpire you don't know sport.

It certainly is an extremely hard game to adjudicate. It's become even more so with the AFL making unnecessary & ridiculously difficult to interpret rule changes.

Simplify the rules a little & I believe the umpiring standard will improve
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It certainly is an extremely hard game to adjudicate. It's become even more so with the AFL making unnecessary & ridiculously difficult to interpret rule changes.

Simplify the rules a little & I believe the umpiring standard will improve
There’s too many umpires (4) with differing interpretaions were stretching the available ump ”talent” to cover games
3 umpires was enough 4 are too many
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I'm trying to understand this logic.

A clear error is made. 2 field umpires + 2 boundary umpires there to see it. Collingwood players disputing it. Discuss. Fix it. If Geelong won last night, this would be a massive issue in the media.
View attachment 20191

Yes a clear error was made by the boundary umpire. The field umpire erred by not bringing it to his attention. Mistakes happen and it will always happen.

Players make mistakes, coaches make mistakes, umpires make mistakes. That's sport. The reaction to this mistake is totally out of proportion to other mistakes in the game.

If Geelong won last night that wouldn't be any more the reason why than 100 other mistakes in the game.
Can always rely on old David Dunning-Kruger to arrive on cue.

Yes, DDK, the umpires officiate the match in line with the rules and if you read the next paragraph, the rules say:

  1. Unless otherwise determined by the relevant Controlling Body, the duties
    of a boundary Umpire shall include without limitation:
    1. (i) judging whether a football is Out of Bounds or Out of Bounds On the Full and signalling to the field Umpire when that has occurred;

So no, a field umpire can't call it out of bounds, it is the boundary umpires job, without limitation.

Good one Big Noter, that does not preclude the field umpire from calling the ball out of bounds, what it does do is define the boundary umpire's role. Learn to read.


Oh, apparently now the field umpire was supposed to bring it to the attention of the boundary umpire, I'll sit back and watch as this particular argument falls in a heap.
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There’s too many umpires (4) with differing interpretaions were stretching the available ump ”talent” to cover games
3 umpires was enough 4 are too many

I think that's a big generalisation without evidence to support it.

In the past umpires have consistently been audited at about 80 odd % accuracy on the whistle and 70 odd % in total. Would be interesting to see what those numbers look like this season with 4 operating.
I think that's a big generalisation without evidence to support it.

In the past umpires have consistently been audited at about 80 odd % accuracy on the whistle and 70 odd % in total. Would be interesting to see what those numbers look like this season with 4 operating.
About 97%
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Good one Big Noter, that does not preclude the field umpire from calling the ball out of bounds, what it does do is define the boundary umpire's role. Learn to read.


Oh, apparently now the field umpire was supposed to bring it to the attention of the boundary umpire, I'll sit back and watch as this particular argument falls in a heap.
Simple solution. More Umpires.
I'm trying to understand this logic.

A clear error is made. 2 field umpires + 2 boundary umpires there to see it. Collingwood players disputing it. Discuss. Fix it. If Geelong won last night, this would be a massive issue in the media.
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Wow. I didn’t see the game and this is the first time I’ve seen an image of the incident.
Don’t know how anyone with any smidgeon of an idea about Aussie rules can defend that.
I don’t care how complicated or not the game is to umpire, but the easiest thing in the world is to look at that and see that the ball and player are on the wrong side of that white line there.
I wonder what the response from the AFL would have been if Geelong won by less than a goal?
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Must be same boundary umpire from last night as the linesman at the soccer.
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The biggest surprise in this is how many people care that collingwood was shafted

Let everyone kick goals from the stands against the pricks I say
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Sort of the whole point of what I said was that the second one was an error. Of course it was an error, and like a lot of errors it came in an unusual situation and because the umpires are human and not robots they missed it.

And as usual the response to it is completely out of proportion, uneducated and unreasonable.

How many decisions did they get right last night? But no let's focus on a mistake.

Why didn't they review it? Because the reviews don't look at free kick decisions, just if it was a goal or a point. As usual people go off half-cocked without knowing the rules.

So what if they made a mistake and it cost a goal. Players do that 30 times a game and most times no one bats an eye lid. It's almost as if making mistakes in the heat of the moment is natural.

And the same morons who bleat on incessantly about this stuff will also fail to see the irony is they are one of the main reasons why we don't have umpires coming through, yet are complaining about the standard getting worse.
Frog *smile* TBR. The handball by Close while he was outside the boundary to Jizza who was also well outside the boundary was at a stoppage play with the field umpire ten metres away and also a boundary umpire about the same distance away watching closely, both in perfect position and unobstructed. Yet both umpires totally *smile* up the call, not a mistake. Pathetic incompetence would be closer to the mark.
There was also another incident of umpiring incompetence this evening during the last qtr of the Brisvegas / Crowbaits game. Crowbaits have a ping at goal and a Brisvegas defender cleanly takes the ball several metres from the score line, at no pace and without a Crowbaits defender within ten metres of him yet the maggots simply allow him to shuffle over the line with ball in hand for a behind. Under the AFL rules it's a free kick shot at goal to the Crowbaits every single day of the week. Once again the maggots deem nothing to see here, pay the behind and re start with ball control and 25 metres of open space to Brisvegas.
Us morons have more than enough valid reason to bleat about the incompetence of the umpires, those bastards only have to stand there and uphold the rules of the game. They don't have to try and execute any particular skills under physical pressure.
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I'm trying to understand this logic.

A clear error is made. 2 field umpires + 2 boundary umpires there to see it. Collingwood players disputing it. Discuss. Fix it. If Geelong won last night, this would be a massive issue in the media.
View attachment 20191
OMG. This fat biased moron watching the incident on tv got it wrong. I owe TBR a humble apology.
In the replay I saw, I thought there was only one boundary umpire and one central umpire who got this call totally wrong. This image obviously shows that there was two boundary umpires and two central umpires in perfect position with clear line of sight that totally *smile* up the call.
So sorry TBR that I mistakenly thought it was only two umpires that made the error and not four which is clearly shown in this hindsight imagery.
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Aah the Big Noter is back and defending the indefensible.

Mind you, I am impressed by the patronising tone when he claims things like that the field umpire cannot call the ball out of bounds, let's look at the rules as devised and published by the AFL shall we:

Under Duties, section 8.2 it states:

So, yes, the field umpire can call it out of bounds. Learn the rules.

As for the decision, seriously, how complicated can it be when the ball is clearly out of bounds? How many umpires missed it? Ridiculous incompetence.

If this is the standard which is acceptable at the highest level of the game no wonder there are issues. Of course, we can sit back and accept incompetence or we can call for improvement. I choose to call for improvement, some clearly see no problem with gross incompetence.

Yes no matter what the Big Narcissist thinks the field umpire has control over the game in all instances. They overrule goal umpires if they think a mistake has been made (happened in my son’s game a couple of weeks ago and we have seen it in the AFL) so there is no reason they can’t overrule a boundary umpire when a clear mistake has been made such as that debacle last night. Common sense.
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