Umpire farce - Getting worse by the minute! | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Umpire farce - Getting worse by the minute!

How’s the free against Prestia where the guy dives head first into his knees whilst Prestia immediately throws his hands in the air to show the umpire that he’s avoided making any contact whatsoever and still gives away the free?
Only consolation was that Prestia’s knee opened up the diving Saints players head like a can of tuna
Yep. Made the ump look more of an idiot. Whole reason it’s play on is to try and stop players doing it so they don’t get injured.
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The last 3 weeks we have had 29-58 frees and we won all 3 games.
All through our premiership years we were last on free kick differential.
I am now convinced there is an inverse relationship between Richmond winning and free kicks.
We should be praying to get reemed by the umps every week
No need for any prayers mate. It just keeps happening
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AFL: The head is sacrosanct, we must protect the head, that accidental collision when both players had eyes for the ball deserves a three-week suspension for the player who protected himself.
Also the AFL: Well done on deliberately and unnecessarily putting your head in harm's way, forcing high contact by dropping to your knees and shoving your head in your opponent's armpit. That's the kind of football we want to see, a real Dusty moment. Have a free kick to reinforce the behaviour.
It will take ( I don’t want to say it ) an incident such as a player driving his head first in to get a free and ends up breaking his neck or worse a quad.
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My lounge complained of domestic violence. It copped an absolute flogging. *smile* little *smile* men with whistles. They can gafoa
We kinda had it good there for 4 or 5 weeks, felt weird actually winning the free kick count here and there, that’s now just a memory. Normal transition has resumed. Maybe the AFL got together and agreed we were getting too many frees.
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Leaderless + directionless + rudderless + hopeless = AFL laws of the game as administered by the current umpiring cohort and executive.
Yet we have a buffoon that pockets millions and pretends that everything is beautiful. It’s a mini version of the empire managed by that chubby North Korean bloke with the bad haircut.
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Why hasn’t the club *smile* said something publicly, that they are seeking clarification on free kicks that were not getting paid. Like every *smile* other club would do. You need to say something publicly ffs
Exactly. Even if nothing comes out of it, making a statement would at least put the spotlight on the maggots and plant a seed. Would maybe even get the spineless media to talk about it. . . . someone just needs to show the free differential for the last 5 years.

I think Clarkson?? may have done something similar that buddy wasnt being umpired the same way and it at least planted a seed in the heads of the maggots.
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I remember Adelaide fans making a similar video after the 2017 Grand Final. It was pretty funny.

If anyone seriously wanted to prove bias exists, they would need to do proper statistical analyse capturing a long period of time. Using a handful of subjective examples from a single match will always make you look silly.

If it's this obvious, then shouldn't it be easy to prove? I have yet to see any substantial data to demonstrate umpiring bias against Richmond.
Hmm yep, substantial data. It's perfectly obvious that the reason we finished 18th on the free kick differential ladder five years in a row is because of a long, continuous, complicated and almost impossible set of coincidences, back to back to back to back to back, one after the other. Over and over again.

I mean it could happen to anybody.
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I see the Balta one differently, it was there IMO. Looked a bit iffy in real time, but there, defs there in slo mo. Took the tacklers on and dropped it cold. Thats how HTB used to be adjudicated when I was a boy. If you didn't HB or kick it, and quickly, when tackled it was HTB. Simple. Prior opp, and 'spilled out in the tackle', whatever the *smile* that is, have since muddied the waters to the point that its a raffle. Its created multiple layers of inconsistency and uncertainty. If they paid it every time, fine. They don't, its a raffle.

Just one example of the confusion, when does taking on the tackler (theoretically HTB) finish and just bracing for an incoming tackle (theoretically a ball-up) start? Its a rhetorical question, there may be an theoretical answer, but the reality is nobody knows.
I thought the Balta one was umpired inconsistently because if they're going to pay htb or incorrect disposal when the ball gets knocked out in a tackle, fine. But then ten mins later a Saints player had exactly the same thing happen, ball spilled out in a tackle and it was play on. That's the stuff that drives us crazy. More importantly it drives the players crazy.

Also what the hell is happening when there's. A pile on of players and the ball is trapped underneath and sometimes that's a ball up, and sometimes the ump delays the call and delays the call and the bloke on the bottom of the pack is called for holding the ball. Again, no consistency!

Finally, I think Shai is so resigned that no matter what he does he's never going to get a free kick for being held off the ball he just gets on with it. Well I hope he does now after giving away that 50.

Marlion the same...just knows he's never going to get a free kick. In fact Marlion is probably the most noticeable player in the competition scaling back how he plays and how hard he goes for the ball. Add that list now.
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Even harley reid is doing it today at the champs.

So its intergenerational now

And a *smile* feature thats here to stay
Yep, the AFL have created a triple headed monster. Flopping (condoned and encouraged with free kicks and 50s), dropping the knees and shrugging the shoulders drawing head high contact (is now seen as a "skill" and is both condoned and encouraged with free kicks and 50s for questioning how obvious the duping is - not to mention not a single player has been called for staging this year, yet it's more endemic than Covid) and a MRP and tribunal process that is so inconsistent as to be almost impossible to understand, bordering on dangerous and incompetent.

But hey, revenue is up and lunches are still long (as long as the pie warmer is heating up).

Well done AFL, well done. Things are going beautifully.
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How’s the free against Prestia where the guy dives head first into his knees whilst Prestia immediately throws his hands in the air to show the umpire that he’s avoided making any contact whatsoever and still gives away the free?
Only consolation was that Prestia’s knee opened up the diving Saints players head like a can of tuna
That Saints player should be charged with staging. That's what the bloody rule is there for. I was as disgusted with that as Dion was.

The one good thing is the media are starting to take not, having been asleep at the wheel for years on this. It's finally starting to get called out for the dangerous and cheating act it is.
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Yep. Made the ump look more of an idiot. Whole reason it’s play on is to try and stop players doing it so they don’t get injured.
That was an absolute classic! Stocker dived into Prestia. Prestia was stationary ffs, and he made no move to tackle. Yet it’s too high. Makes no sense.
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One thing I will note is that even opposition supporters are now noticing how badly we are getting treated. The only exception being the genuine Richmond haters out there... Opposition clubs are clearly aware too and are playing for free kicks more then usual. They also know that any illegal infringement against us will be ignored.

I am trying to work out how these little maggots are profiting from this $$? Otherwise what are their motives for the blatant cheating every week?

This is not happening by accident...
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My blood pressure not dong well on this thread. Blew a woofer valve at the game last night. You expect a couple of dodgy ones against but the inconsistency in application of the same rule by the same umpire is just stupefying.
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So, off the top of my head. In recent years
- we don’t get a 50 m penalty after a free kick and the opposition kicks the ball into the top tier. Reason- common sense
- red hot on dissent then dies down. Players in recent weeks have been allowed to flap their arms indicating wtf and it gets let go. One of our players points to the screen after an obviously ridiculous decision . Result- 50m for dissent
- Baker gets tripped. No free kick. Reason- incidental
- Vlastuin gets a head high tackle. No free. Reason- accidental contact

and these *smile* wonder why we get so worked up :mad:
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Free kick differential other games
Power v Cats 1
Lions v Swans 5
Giants v Frockers 3
Blues v Suns 2
Tigers v Saints 13 …….. Yes 13 this is *smile* disgraceful AFL absolutely corrupt it’s a planned agenda to *smile* us up
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My blood pressure not dong well on this thread. Blew a woofer valve at the game last night. You expect a couple of dodgy ones against but the inconsistency in application of the same rule by the same umpire is just stupefying.
It's so bad you'd think it was a comedy show.
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Why isnt the club making more noise about this??? they owe it to their members to question it publicly, so we know they are trying to do something about it
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