Trading Cousins? - Poll. | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Trading Cousins? - Poll.

Would you trade Cousins for a 2nd round draft pick?

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  • Poll closed .
TigerForce said:
Ridiculous poll.

It's funny you know I hypothesized this exact same idea a few short weeks back and plenty were interested in the idea.
I do it again now after a few top performances and everyone's in a flap about it.

The way some are carrying on I really hope the club does check his value in the market place because this ridiculaous poll might have some weight.
Why not, whilst were at it why not trade Riewoldt, Post, Tambling, Cotch and Deledio as well.
Streak said:
Not neccessarily so Col. If the cattle ain't good enough, it ain't good enough. You can't really say that the example of Judd and Cousins has been lost on the Eagles that remained. They might have taken it all on board and more, but just not been good enough to make it in the AFL.

So if it's more about the cattle than the intangibles Streak and Freeza isn't that an argument to maximise draft picks to get the cattle. You can pick up some very useful players these days in the second round

Dyer Disciple said:
Bit of a different question/answer when you add on "and he wanted to go". :hihi

Anyone who doesn't want to wear our jumper I am happy to hold the door open for them on the way out as long as we haven't done wrong by them.

FWIW my observation of Cuz is that he is probably is an intensity loyal person and will be happy at our club. But I was more referring to a hypothetical situation where club and player thought it was a win win.

Dyer Disciple said:
Disagree strongly. Especially with a young side. I take your point about Cousins and Judd leaving but that is a very different kettle of fish and viewed wrongly I believe. Kids or veterans don't become champions overnight because they played under one, it is merely something that improves the rate of their development and the quality of player they will eventually mature into.

Yeah and I think Cuz has been good for our team, but I think there is a declining return to these thing, I think a year of cuz will be enough to leave an intense impression on the boys. Having said that I have mixed feelings about Newman's onfield leadership (being polite here) and perhaps Cuz does fill a big need.

Dyer Disciple said:
Also disagree. Football clubs are forgiving places if it brings you success. Any club can always say "Well, he was uncertain and a risk to our players potentially, but he showed at Richmond he is seriously committed to his footy again"

I bet more than a few clubs would be watching Cousin run around for us when he is playing and wish they had taken the chance. Do you seriously think if Cousins was on the market this year there would be no takers? I find that hard to comprehend myself mate.

Would clubs give a 2nd Round? That's a different question, I still think a club like a Sydney would or a premiership threat. However saying teams probably wouldn't trade for him full stop I find hard to believe myself.

Ok, yeah I agree, what I meant and should have said is that teams aren't going to give up a second round pick for a player who they could have got for free the year before. If he was a free agent again I'm sure teams like the Saints and Pies would be banging down his door begging forgiveness for spurning him last year.

FWIW my impression of the AFL is that clubs football department staff seem to be terrified of coming off second best in a trade. It is absolute ridiculous in a system where there is no real free agency only 6 players were traded last year in the AFL, disgraceful even.

:phew that pushed my quotinator skills to the maximum
Tigers of Old said:
It's funny you know I hypothesized this exact same idea a few short weeks back and plenty were interested in the idea.
I do it again now after a few top performances and everyone's in a flap about it.

The way some are carrying on I really hope the club does check his value in the market place because this ridiculaous poll might have some weight.

It's called 'progression'. Cuz has improved his fitness and his games as the season moved on.

From Reply # 64, the only weight this poll shows is a whopping 82 % as NO, so it doesn't look very good.

Maybe refresh this thread in 2012 and you might be correct.
GoodOne said:
Unless you are pushing for a premiership, think it would make long-term sense to trade an over 30 year old for a 2nd rounder which in Richmond's case would be around the 22-23 mark.

the only poss teams who would trade for him are those near the top of the ladder, meaning it would be a pick in the late 30s.
Tigers of Old said:
If another club offered up a 2nd round draft pick for Ben Cousins at years end would you take it?
You really are a glutton for punishment. Your suggestion to trade Ben Cousins displays absolutely no idea about his level of skill and intensity at all. It also indicates no idea about our shortfall in leadership and what he brings us in that regard... I could go on but for what seems like years now it is like talking to a brick.
Liverpool said:
But he's not 35 or 40 years of age....he's in his prime and playing well.

He's playing well no doubt but to say he's in his prime? He has a long way to go to reach his peak consistent performance of the past and I doubt he will ever get there again.

The point is you sound like you would trade him at 35 or 40. Why? Because you'd believe his time is limited and it would be adantageous to trade. I feel his time is limited at his current age (he will be 32 next year) especially with his tissue injury issues. So in effect we are in agreeance, just with a different tiemframe of our belief of how long he will last.

Once again it would never happen as no-one would offer a 2nd rounder for Cousins at his age. So on that basis its great that Cousins has been able to overcome injury this year and have a positive influence on the younger players. His work ethic and professionalism when it comes to preparation is second to none.
We couldn't afford to trade Ben for a 2nd round pick because the one thing we badly NEED and have needed for decades is precisely what Ben brings to the table - ability to spark a cultural revolution at Tigerland ;)

Guess what??

Brett Deledio laid SEVEN TACKLES this weekend!

You can't put a price on the impact Ben Cousins is having on our players.

I would happily turn down a top 10 pick if it means Deledio alone continues to run hard like he is finally doing now.

Class leader and player WHO can install all the qualities and work ethic required to aspire to greatness for this group of young players.

You can see how Cotchin, Deleido play when he is in the side.

There is no way i would trade him. We were prepared to take him on. This decision in years to come will be shown to be one of the smartest recruitments made.

He has on current form and showing 2 years left. Then he must be retained as an assistant.
Brodders17 said:
the only poss teams who would trade for him are those near the top of the ladder, meaning it would be a pick in the late 30s.
This was the point I was going to raise, the only clubs who'd be interested would be a Top 4 club pushing for a flag and for a pick in the mid 30s so I don't think it's worth it really. Now if it was a 1st rounder you'd have to consider it, however I'd probably put it to Ben to see what he wants to do, if a Top 4 club has approached us with an offer, let him know and get his feedback. Ask him if he wants to stay and help develop our kids, looking to keep him around as a midfield coach after he retires. Alternatively we can trade him to a club pushing for a flag so he can try for the ultimate success again, while helping our rebuild with the pick we get. It'd have to be a bloody good deal though.
Tigerbob said:
I would definitely NOT trade Ben Cousins for anything.

Really bobby? I am surprised.
A 31 yr old with hamstring issues who's past his best.
Every player has their price and a 2nd round pick is a realistic offer for a formerly elite older player at this stage of their career.
Others Benny's age such as Bowden, Simmonds and Brown are likely to be retiring at years end, if we could pry a 2nd rounder for a player of Cuz's vintage I'd jump at it.
Like I have said before the end can be quick at this stage of a footballer's lifespan. The odds are against him playing for a lot longer.

Col.W.Kurtz said:
Yeah and I think Cuz has been good for our team, but I think there is a declining return to these thing, I think a year of cuz will be enough to leave an intense impression on the boys.

Again I agree here.
Though unquantifiable, it's pretty obvious that Cousins has had some positive impact on some players in the squad but it's my belief that this impact has also been largely overstated by many on these boards.
Your point about how WC have fallen away since his departure is very valid IMO. There seems to have been little lasting effect of his 'legacy' etc. over there.

It could well be argued that Jade Rawlings has had a bigger impact on player performance on the team than Ben has.
Even Ben's personal performances have improved since Jade took over as senior coach from Wallet.

For example Deledio, one you'd think would benefit most from Cousin's on field leadership, was almost dropped three weeks ago by Jade after having a relatively poor season even by his own admission. Yet the work ethic our senior coach is looking to instill has had a significant impact on Brett since. As has much of our work ethic across the board. Who gets the benefit for that? Jade or Ben?

Not disputing Cousin's impact & leadership here, just reckon it's grossly exaggerated as it seems the trendy thing to do.

He's got trade value where as many of our other soon to be departing seniors have none.
Unlikely as it may be if a club on the verge was prepared to part take with their 2nd rounder I'd do it for certain.
momentai said:
Your suggestion to trade Ben Cousins displays absolutely no idea about his level of skill and intensity at all.

I have never questioned Cousin's footballing ability though I do believe he is now not the player he was when he won his Brownlow medal.
rockstar_tiger said:
Guess what??

Brett Deledio laid SEVEN TACKLES this weekend!

Ben only had 2. He should ask Lids for some tips. :hihi
here we are crying out for another A grade midfielder and this thread wants to trade benny cousins ... gee the Tambling thread must be boring ATM
mb64 said:
Wouldn't happen,ridiculous poll

If Cousin's was 26 it would be a ridiculous poll but he's not.
Given the massive disparity of the ages on our list we need to be adding quality kids to the bottom of our list who might be part of a RFC premiership one day long after Benny's retired.

If club's won't give anything for him then obviously we sign him again for next year but I'd sure test the waters.
I said no. His leadership qualities around the young playing group have been fantastic. Something we have lacked for years. Young kids need leaders around them to help them mature as footballers. Furthermore Cousins should be retained once he retires as a development coach.
Rockster said:
gee the Tambling thread must be boring ATM

How's the humble pie tasting Rocky?

Cousins has at most two years left. Unless the new coach thinks we can challenge in that time I don't see why we wouldn't trade him if the opportunity arose. Yes he's had a good influence on our players but perhaps now it's their turn to influence others.