Trading Cousins? - Poll. | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Trading Cousins? - Poll.

Would you trade Cousins for a 2nd round draft pick?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Tigerbob said:
By the pre season, Ben Cousins will be the leader of this football team, not in name, but he will be the one.

No claims in what Cousins has brought has been hypothetical. That's as you say, piffle.

It is FACT.

There have been plenty of hypothetical claims made. FACT is Ben has played in 3 winning games for us and the team is worse performed, at this stage, since he arrived than it was last season...and I haven't even voted to trade him. All players should be looked at and weighed up in terms of value to the club and what we could get for them and I don't think Ben should be exempt from that. I don't expect him to be traded just the same.
rosy23 said:
There have been plenty of hypothetical claims made. FACT is Ben has played in 3 winning games for us and the team is worse performed, at this stage, since he arrived than it was last season...and I haven't even voted to trade him. All players should be looked at and weighed up in terms of value to the club and what we could get for them and I don't think Ben should be exempt from that. I don't expect him to be traded just the same.

Rosy, can Ben be blamed for the team being worse performed then last year?

Undoubtly we are a much better side with him out there.
rosy23 said:
There have been plenty of hypothetical claims made. FACT is Ben has played in 3 winning games for us and the team is worse performed, at this stage, since he arrived than it was last season...and I haven't even voted to trade him.

The Eagles have been worse after he left too ;)
SCOOP said:
Rosy, can Ben be blamed for the team being worse performed then last year?

How about you go back and answer my last question in response to your comments to me before asking me one. Yet another senseless question from you. I haven't alluded to our form begin Ben's fault in any way.
Tigerbob said:
Because if you ask anyone at the club they all point to Cousins. That's the caretaker coach, the CEO, the Football Manager, the President, the Captain and a lot of players. Trent Cotchin has been very vocal in his praise for what Cousins has done to our squad. You only have to say "Ben Cousins" to young Trent and his eyes light up and he is full of praise for him. If you take noticed on gameday's, it's evident in every huddle, at every point in the game, when he runs past say a Deledio and pats him on the bum and says keep pushing, and Deledio can see how hard he is working that he has to chunder because he pushes his body to the limits, he has been simply immense. The intangibles he brings, you cannot teach. He is a once a generation talent and we are lucky to have him.

Talking to a few players they rave about what he has brought and the difference he has made. Everytime. It's fact.

By the pre season, Ben Cousins will be the leader of this football team, not in name, but he will be the one.

No claims in what Cousins has brought has been hypothetical. That's as you say, piffle.

It is FACT.

Tend to agree TB. When first sprouted that we may look at Ben, I thought NO!!!. Then the deal was done, pre-season brought new focus to the Tiges, perhaps some may say for the wrong reasons, however since his return from the round 1 hammy, I've been amazed at his work ethic, leadership, the way in which he gets involved with the players on match day, vocally challenging the group to lift, be challenged himself by Rawlings at three quarter time a few weeks a go and responding with a brilliant last quarter.

I've spoken to a couple of the young players at the club who are known as hard trainers, that do everything they can to demand the best from themselves, and they just admire what Cuz brings to the club re training, professionalism and what should be the standard for everyone, he has just been fantastic.

We all know he still may have off field demons to beat, but his football skills, smarts etc can only benefit the club both short and long term.

Why on earth would we want to give him up now when the RFC will be the beneficiary of his attributes.
rosy23 said:
There have been plenty of hypothetical claims made. FACT is Ben has played in 3 winning games for us and the team is worse performed, at this stage, since he arrived than it was last season...and I haven't even voted to trade him. All players should be looked at and weighed up in terms of value to the club and what we could get for them and I don't think Ben should be exempt from that. I don't expect him to be traded just the same.

I do not understand what you are getting at here Rosy.

You claim that Ben Cousins has been overvalued in his influence and there is no substance to the reports.

"How do you know it is Cousins influence and not Rawlings, or Newman's or anybody elses Livers? A lot of the claims on this thread are as hypothetical as the poll itself."

As you can see from your quote, you said they were hypothetical.

I am saying that is not true, it is FACT that he had a massive influence on all area's pointed out by posters on here.

Also to judge his influence on wins and losses like you have done is very simplistic. Sometimes you have to look deeper. Anyway, I know the club is more than happy to say he has been influential and in a massive way, both publically and in private.
Ben is the best credentialed, best prepared player on the Tiger's list. He is a true leader on field in every sense of the word: the way he blocks for other players, the way he always draws opposition players to him to free up team mates, the way he continually runs to position both ways, the way he encourages youngsters, the way he trains all spell leadership with a capital L. You cant buy that - and we have not had it at the club for.........well since the halcyon days of the 70s and 80s. Now that we have got it, trading it, even for a 2nd rounder would be foolishness. The club desperately needs it.
rosy23 said:
How do you know it is Cousins influence and not Rawlings, or Newman's or anybody elses Livers? A lot of the claims on this thread are as hypothetical as the poll itself.

I would think that is the case with just about any thread on PRE. Though your question appears a argument for the sake of it. No one said ONLY cousins has had a influence, merely that he HAS had a influence. Something many in the club back up.

rosy23 said:
I'm not in either camp on this thread, and I believe the cold hard facts are every player has a price, but some of the pro-Ben claims are outlandish.

I haven't seen any outlandish claims on this thread by pro-Ben people myself, but if there are a couple, once again, surprised that you of all people feel the need to note this when once again such appears in just about every thread.


On a similar note, Disco, you seem to keep referring to a doubt that Ben can offer much more. I don't quite get that. Ben has been at the club a very short time, I'm not sure how you believe he cannot impart a hell of a lot. I don't know many athletes or students who absorb everything the first time they see it or within a year. Human nature, things take time and Cousins has a wealth of things to impart that come out over time. Far more than just inspiring them to work harder on the field.

It seems there are some on this thread who are choosing to question people inside the club (ie players, Rawlings etc and i am only referring to the people who have made public statements/conversations to be fair) while sticking to their own "hypothetical" (Rosy? :help) ideas, are you saying Rawlings and the players are all wrong or merely towing a line?
Tigerbob said:
Because if you ask anyone at the club they all point to Cousins. That's the caretaker coach, the CEO, the Football Manager, the President, the Captain and a lot of players. Trent Cotchin has been very vocal in his praise for what Cousins has done to our squad. You only have to say "Ben Cousins" to young Trent and his eyes light up and he is full of praise for him. If you take noticed on gameday's, it's evident in every huddle, at every point in the game, when he runs past say a Deledio and pats him on the bum and says keep pushing, and Deledio can see how hard he is working that he has to chunder because he pushes his body to the limits, he has been simply immense. The intangibles he brings, you cannot teach. He is a once a generation talent and we are lucky to have him.

Talking to a few players they rave about what he has brought and the difference he has made. Everytime. It's fact.

By the pre season, Ben Cousins will be the leader of this football team, not in name, but he will be the one.

No claims in what Cousins has brought has been hypothetical. That's as you say, piffle.

It is FACT.

Bob he will biuld our midfield into a tyop line one just because his there
sign him up and ROSY delete this post its redicickuluse. :p
rosy23 said:
How about you go back and answer my last question in response to your comments to me before asking me one. Yet another senseless question from you. I haven't alluded to our form begin Ben's fault in any way.

Rosy, twice in this thread you have posed the question are we any better preformed with Ben? I don't understand why you keep pushing that question if you don't think our form is Ben related.
Sign him up for two more years and watch all the young talent shine. :) :)
Cuz can improve this team as much as Juddy at Carlton.
Champions are a rare breed at Tigerland.

21 pages? Geezus all I did is ask a question, you'd think I just traded him today.

All I can say is if Craig Cameron was thinking about trading him or the new coach even thinks about punting the Messiah, they'd better be ready for fire and brimstone.

It seems the people have well and truly spoken.

If I was Cuz reading this, when I sit down to negotiate my contract I'd want to be signed for the next 5 years at 600k and made skipper given the weight of public support he has among the majority of Tiger faithful.
Tigers of Old said:

21 pages? Geezus all I did is ask a question, you'd think I just traded him today.

All I can say is if Craig Cameron was thinking about trading him or the new coach even thinks about punting the Messiah, they'd better be ready for fire and brimstone.

It seems the people have well and truly spoken.

If I was Cuz reading this, when I sit down to negotiate my contract I'd want to be signed for the next 5 years at 600k and made skipper given the weight of public support he has among the majority of Tiger faithful.

Now now ToOheys, no need for that. :hihi
Tigers of Old said:
All I can say is if Craig Cameron was thinking about trading him or the new coach even thinks about punting the Messiah, they'd better be ready for fire and brimstone.

Now you have a inkling of what it is like to be a List Manager. :hihi
Dyer Disciple said:
Now you have a inkling of what it is like to be a List Manager. :hihi

Too true DD.

I honestly didn't think it was that unreasonable a question and thought the price was about right. Got the currency wrong it seems.

On the back of a rare Tiger victory against moderate yet more fancied opposition, it also appears I picked the wrong week to suggest it.

FWIW I wonder what the results of the poll would have been if I suggested a round 1 selection, maybe even pick 1?

The way this poll has turned out I still vouch Ben would be in front. :headscratch
Liverpool said:
The Eagles have been worse after he left too ;)

Indeed. I rest my case in regard to people's claims about what his lasting legacy to the club will be. Any claims such as changing our culture etc are only hypothetical, as the Weagles situation you refer since Ben left shows. There is no FACT to them at all at this stage. It's something only time will tell.