The Blair "Which?" Project | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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The Blair "Which?" Project

This is the way to manage having a *smile* list and not overpaying them.

How do you actually execute this though?

I’m not sure ‘in exchange for pick 18 and 36 Richmond pays 250k of Warners’ salary for 3 years’ is an allowed deal.
Not sure of formula but it was touted by the AFL as part of restructure of the upcoming trading and draft process.
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Trade your pick/s to “overpay” your salary cap by plonking the excess on another club’s salary cap.
The “overpayer” ie “plonker” keeps their “overpaid” player/s by sacrificing a pick or 2 depending on the salary cap money they “plonk” on the “plonkee”
The “plonkee” club that takes on the excess salary cap from the other club receives a pick or picks for taking the “plonker” extra money

The “plonker” would have a full list and they’d near be contending and don’t want to cast anyone off. Their salary cap is about to explode by trying to keep their list together. They get the advantage of keeping all the players they want.

The “plonkee” club would be one rebuilding. Need extra decent picks. Have a young inexperienced list and they can use their cap room by “renting” it to the “plonker” club, in return for some juicy draft picks. Rather than use that space to front load contracts to “fill” their salary cap.
We could go upto each top 8 side and offer 100k cap relief in exchange for 1st rnd picks.
This years draft-2/12/13/14/15/16/17/18:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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Like the Suns did with the Cats taking Bowes. Take an overpaid player who isn't in their plans, give up a fourth rounder and get a high pick in return. Cats got pick 7 that way for a future 3rd and a hit to their cap.
Well they actually got a pick and a player for taking on his salary.
This is slightly different. The player stays. Part of his salary is put on the salary cap of another club who receive a draft pick from the other club for absorbing part of their player’s salary.
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Scats got away with it. Should never have been allowed. Imagine what the Politburo have done if we’d done it
Nothing more or less than smart work by the Moggies. They simply rewrote a players contract which has been done on a regular basis since the salary cap was first invented.
Bloody ridiculous that there was only one club in the running at the time, rest of the comp to busy twiddling the old fella.
Nothing more or less than smart work by the Moggies. They simply rewrote a players contract which has been done on a regular basis since the salary cap was first invented.
Bloody ridiculous that there was only one club in the running at the time, rest of the comp to busy twiddling the old fella.

Yep I've been calling out the obvious arbitrage that is in an 18th placed list having to pay 95% of the salary cap (that prepays some players hoping they will get better) vs the 1st placed team (that can backload some stuff aka lynch).

This is just smart work by Geelong.

Trading salary cap for picks seems an obvious evolution to get rid of what is otherwise patently ridiculous. But also like any form of optioneering is going to end up in some mighty *smile* ups.
Yep I've been calling out the obvious arbitrage that is in an 18th placed list having to pay 95% of the salary cap (that prepays some players hoping they will get better) vs the 1st placed team (that can backload some stuff aka lynch).

This is just smart work by Geelong.

Trading salary cap for picks seems an obvious evolution to get rid of what is otherwise patently ridiculous. But also like any form of optioneering is going to end up in some mighty *smile* ups.
One could see an obvious massive advantage to a #Lolnorf over recent years only having to pay approximately 75% to 80% of their cap to the developing youngsters and assisting contending clubs by handing over their spare cap allowance for extra draft picks.
It would firstly eliminate the *smile* need of priority picks to rebuild a list.
Would save clubs from having to overpay youngsters on the basis of maybe potential rather than actual performance in their developing years.
Would allow clubs that were actually in contention to better keep their list intact for those few viable years of playing for a flag, balanced against the obvious risk of perhaps missing some draft talent which would cause the inevitable drop and rebuild process required after the flag chase.
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If we do lose a few of our senior players , BH could have a huge war chest to go shopping with , not sure there’s a huge amount of talent we would be front loading long term contracts either . Harley Reid 😉
Interesting to know whether Blair sees our current rebuild as intellectual nirvana for him to work his magic, or a hard slog while we wallow at the bottom for a while
If we do lose a few of our senior players , BH could have a huge war chest to go shopping with , not sure there’s a huge amount of talent we would be front loading long term contracts either . Harley Reid 😉
No one worth $$$ will come to a bottom dweller. Meanwhile, we can front-end a number of contracts so the war chest is enormous when we start to contend again. Bring forward Tarranto and Hopper's 7 year contracts for a start, and then from Year 6 all they'll be costing us is a list spot and loose change.
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No one worth $$$ will come to a bottom dweller. Meanwhile, we can front-end a number of contracts so the war chest is enormous when we start to contend again. Bring forward Tarranto and Hopper's 7 year contracts for a start, and then from Year 6 all they'll be costing us is a list spot.
Like that , possibly give us a mil in cap space when we have a star cub coming out of his first contract .

I’d never say never to a player coming to the Tiges , we should never underestimate the pull of the power of playing at Punt rd
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I’m thinking we should trade out Bolton and use the capital to lever a key forward out of another team. The obvious one is Treacy at freo but seems committed there. What about one of those bullies talls? Grab some outside speedsters with the change, a couple of classy mids in the draft. Looking good!
We should target James Peatling from GWS. Been in and out of their team but is above VFL level. 24 years old with great speed and agility
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Nothing more or less than smart work by the Moggies. They simply rewrote a players contract which has been done on a regular basis since the salary cap was first invented.
Bloody ridiculous that there was only one club in the running at the time, rest of the comp to busy twiddling the old fella.

What a load of bollocks.

The AFL changed the rules on the run so their two pet teams could pull off this travesty.

No other teams had a chance to be involved.