Standard of Umpiring? | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Standard of Umpiring?

the umpires have been terrible as usuall this year.
the main decisions being, holding the ball one where the tackler holds the ball into there body and the stupid push in the back, NOT HANDS IN THE BACK, the one where the player knows are tackle is comuing sothrows himself forward
The holding the ball rule where the tackler holds the ball into the bloke making all the play, is just yet another example of how stupid the AFL umpires and Geischen are. Its been going on ever since they got rabid about not knocking the ball on - which would have been 3 or 4 years ago. Almost immediately, the clubs recognised a way to extract a free kick unfairly, but of course its only now that the umpires are starting to pick up on what the tackler is doing.
Has been terrible all year and imo will continue to be so until there is some accountability put on them and their moron 'supervisor' *faces left and spits*. The umpires have been put in a nice, big, comfy, stocked bar fridge fitted-out bubble and all we ever hear is how they are doing a good job... blah!
Redford said:
The holding the ball rule where the tackler holds the ball into the bloke making all the play, is just yet another example of how stupid the AFL umpires and Geischen are. Its been going on ever since they got rabid about not knocking the ball on - which would have been 3 or 4 years ago. Almost immediately, the clubs recognised a way to extract a free kick unfairly, but of course its only now that the umpires are starting to pick up on what the tackler is doing.

Thats one thing that saddens me. As dumb as we were in hindsight to pick Geisch as our senior coach, how dumb were the AFL to look at his performance with us and go "sheesh, this guy looks like he has the goods to run the umpiring!". At least the previous guy (Schwab?) had a clue.
cam said:
I thought the umpiring in the Tiges-WCE was alright. Some went against us but we did get away with a few also (off the top of my head, Foley and Edwards throw..).

I'm sick of seeing holding the ball paid as in the back when the tackle brings the guy to his knees THEN he falls forward, happened with a Tambling tackle.
I agree totally. I'm all for players being paid in the back if they are taken forward in the tackle, unless they were taken to their knees first. In that instance, if the player had prior opportunity, it should be holding the ball.
What annoys me the most is their inconsistency!!
They pay a free kick for one thing to the opposition, and when the same thing happens to us they either don't pay it at all or pay it against us!!

It is very frustrating to watch, so it must be unbelievably frustrating for the players.

I know the umps are only human (supposedly) and they make the odd mistake or three (and the rest!) but at least if they paid everything the same you would at least know why they are paying free kicks and the players could adapt accordingly.

Maybe it is because I can only watch footy with one eye, but we always seem to get a raw deal with the umpires!!

Ok had my winge, am happy now.
Watching the Carlton loss the fog cleared and it became blindingly obvious to me how the one thing Sam Newman is 100% right on is the umpires. They are forever missing paying the free kicks where the infringement has actually affected the play to the advantage of the infringing side, and will then pay inconsequential frees for the easy infringements which have had no effect on the play at all. I've seen it in every game I've watched since. Sam says its because they lack an understanding of the game and its dynamics and I reckon he's close to the mark.
The AFL should not select umpires that are shorter than 5ft 11in for AFL games.

All of those midget umpires show "little man bullying" syndrome throughout every game and let their disproportional egos get in the way of making CORRECT decisions during an AFL game. The decisions they make show that they not only have NO FLAMING IDEA about the way that footy should be played, it also shows that they are not in control of their own SELF let the game of footy. These midgets love the notoriety of being the BAD GUY and have no place on the field, or anywhere near an AFL event.

The normal size umpires make mistakes, but they do not seek the attention that these bloody midgets do.

Surely the greek god running the AFL knows that there were no famous midget gladiators. Lets hope he is not trying to make famous midget umpires.

Lets hope we don't have any of the midgets this weekend.
Hypoxic said:
Lets hope we don't have any of the midgets this weekend.

We got
Matthew Head, 186cm - tick
Brett Rosebury, 178cm - cross
and some bloke off the supplementary list named Heath Ryan who'll be doing his 8th game, no info available
Rules are generally in place for a reason, especially ones that have been around for years. One rule, that has always been ridiculous in my opinion is push in the back.
The push in the back I am referring to is not in marking contest or when a player pushes an opponent in possession with open hands.
It is when a player runs a player down from behind & actually tackles them. If the tackler does not hold the player up in the tackle it is deemed in the back. I don't agree that a player who has caught someone should be then made to hold his opponent upright. If he tackles from front on or in the side he can bury his opponent into the turf, but if it is from behind they need to be held up. Players know this and just collapse their knees now as soon as they feel any tackle from behind.
The tackle Aaron Davey made in the Melb vs Haw game, just highlighted how ridiculous this rule is IMO.
I would love this rule to be amended to make tackles from all directions to be adjudicated in the same manner. With the current rules commitee, I can't see this taking place.
Barkdog said:
I know it's old news and we were rubbish against the Blues in the second half and ya cant blame the maggots for why we lost, but I thought there were 2 or 3 decisions made or not made in the last quarter when the game was up for grabs that really hurt us.
- Morton took a mark on the lead and the blue defender rode him into the ground with his knees and no 50, when earlier in the year if you tapped the bloke on the back after a mark it was 50. Coudl hear the Tiges crowd going nuts about that one.
- Then Cotchin tackled Carazzo on the corner of the square for about 5 minutes and the ball bobbed loose and went forward for them and I think Fev kicked a point and I couldnt believe it wasnt holding the ball.
- And the worst one was when we were about 6 or 7 points behind, 30 metres from our goal and Johnson tackled some scumbag who threw the ball out, propped on his knees and allowed Johno to push him into the ground and got a push in the back.....they took it down and kicked a goal, literally a 12 point turn around.....

I dont see much footy these days but I think those decisions helped take the wind out of our sails on the day....even though we were dire in the second half.....

Yeah my old man mentioned those to me also and he's not into bagging umpires that much.

I was taken aback when he told me actually but it's true umpires can turn games.
Had a chat to an umpy yesterday and asked what exactly does Geish instruct you blokes re Richmond. He stated not much except that he does recite hiis coaching record at the tiges and lets everyone know its the best record of all tiger coaches last 20 years and with a nudge and a wink asks the umps to keep it that way :eek:

Knowing the way these social climbers (crawlers) think, I'd say such an anecdote may be damaging and may explain a little if not a lot about the attitude towards the tiges
Once again yesterday they almost turned the result of the game. The non-payment of Moore's terrific mark and Polo's mark directly cost us goals. They gave the Bombers a sniff plus probably cost us some confidence and momentum. Very inconsistent once again.
I was watching the Brisbane v West Coast, there was one umpire. never seen him before, so hesistant with the whistle, blew the whistle late, waited for players to ask for a free and listened to crowd reactions, paid a mark that went 5 metres, lucky the player played on to hide the mistake and got tackle by one arm, swung around and threw the ball, not pinged for a throw, so I say "Welcome to our great game new maggot, your already doing a better job than some of your veteran *smile* friends, I look forward to doing battle with you over the next ten years!" P.S Life is like a box of maggots, there are all gonna leave a nasty taste in the mouth!
the high tackle rule completely flummoxed me this weekend they have no idea. north in particular were on the recieving end of some very ordinary and changing interpretations of this rule. it seems if you bend down to pick a ball up you are actually ducking nowadays. but every now and then the same ump changes his mind and it is indeed a high tackle. it happened in other games as well but was prevalent in the north game.
I'm going to go and watch a movie now. The Carlton v Sydney game has that many soft frees it's really starting to annoy me. Put the bloody whistle away FFS :mad:
You wanna see pathetic umpiring, McBurney is putting on a clinic in bad umpiring in the last quarter of the Geelong v Hawthorn game. Talk about a panic ridden geek in the heat of the moment. Disgraceful.