Ricky Petterd | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Ricky Petterd

How so? You don't think a drunken sun baked crowd would in general reactmore aggresively ?
Disco08 said:
To a lobbed plastic cup? Why react aggresively at all?

A good question that I don't know the answer too.

But do you agree that a drunk sunbaked crowd would tend to react more aggressively ?
Disco08 said:
No. If the act deserves zero agressiveness is a null point.

In your mind it deserves zero agro,as it does in mine. But that doent change the fact people react aggresively to an action like that. You don't think it would make a difference if they were sober in a cafe or drunk at the cricket as to how they react ?
Sure. But no one deserves to be judged by anyone for lobbing a plastic cup irrespective of the venue.
Disco08 said:
Sure. But no one deserves to be judged by anyone for lobbing a plastic cup irrespective of the venue.

That would depend on the intent I would have thought. Was it a lob, full stregth smash or a return of serve ?

It resulted in agro so one can safely assume Petterd was an idiot for throwing something at another patron.
Looks like a lob to me. He doesn't seem to be straining at all at the point of release.

Unless you know the context it happened in you can't assume anything.
I can safely assume it caused a confrontation of sorts. Or are you saying he doesn't need to take responsibilty for his actions.
You can't safely assume that at all. The confrontation could have been started by the other guy. It could have been a misunderstanding. It could have been an accident. All you do by making such assumptions is make yourself look pompous.

Even if Petterd did start a minor confrontation by lobbing his plastic cup - so what? Was anyone hurt? Anyone offended?
Disco08 said:
You can't safely assume that at all. The confrontation could have been started by the other guy. It could have been a misunderstanding. It could have been an accident. All you do by making such assumptions is make yourself look pompous.

Even if Petterd did start a minor confrontation by lobbing his plastic cup - so what? Was anyone hurt? Anyone offended?

The photo sequence shows a confrontation after the throw. But the irony of you calling me pompous isnt lost.
But wait, there's this too!


Seems legit. Not sure if it's a lob or a smash or a topspin forehand though.
Just an amazing thread.

Baloo walk away, you can't win this.

I agree with you if it counts.
skybeau said:
But wait, there's this too!


Seems legit. Not sure if it's a lob or a smash or a topspin forehand though.

This is terrible Id expect the papers to be all over this latest video in the morning.
This is a disease its called " emptiusplasticupus " its the fear of ending up with a plastic cup in your hands and not knowing what to do with it.
I blame the MCG for not having the foresight to instal more recycling bins around the ground to erradicate this problem.
I'd also like to point out, more seriously, that Petterd isn't an idiot. His behaviour was (arguably, in my opinion yes it was) idiotic.

There's a distinction there, semantics perhaps, but I feel a few are gleefully labelling Petterd as an idiot.

That's my only issue with this thread.
SCOOP said:
Just an amazing thread.

You're not wrong there. A guy lobs a plastic cup and gets into a minor scuffle while a bit toasted at the cricket. The overreaction is tremendous.
skybeau said:
But wait, there's this too!


Seems legit. Not sure if it's a lob or a smash or a topspin forehand though.

:hihi Good one skybeau.

They look like aces to me.

First Airhead and now Pretread......maybe Goneagain has something planned for the new year?
Disco08 said:
You're not wrong there. A guy lobs a plastic cup and gets into a minor scuffle while a bit toasted at the cricket. The overreaction is tremendous.

What over reaction is that ? Calling him an idiot, or too happiliy concede skybeau's point that Petterds behaviour was idiotic. Is that over reacting ?

Or are you talking about you entering the debate late and taking pot shots at me in what I can only assume is an attempt to provoke me into reacting in a manner unbecoming of the forum ?