Richmond vs Gold Coast Game Day Thread | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Richmond vs Gold Coast Game Day Thread

Wasnt Griffiths just taken off last week for precaution and said he's all fine etc etc but come 7 days later he misses!!!
Missing Tigers

Couldn't help but put this up. Here's the team that DIDN'T take the field against Vlad's GC Suns:

F Elton Post Connors

HF King Vickery Hellbig

C White Martin Verrier

HB Arnott Griffiths Darrou

B Wright Grimes Astbury

R Maric Jackson Foley

Int McDonald Turner Miller

Reckon this lot - even with a handfull of rookies, a top heavy back line, no sub on the bench, and Miller in the team, would have given Richmond a run today.


Re: Missing Tigers

That last 45 seconds was possibly the most disorganized piece of football ever played !
No one manned up in the centre bounce ! Suns players left unattended on the wings !
No forwards ran down to block up the back line !
No one spotted hunt all on his own 20 yards out from goal!
Where we're our leaders during this !
Serious bunch of comedy cappers !
And it's 4 o'clock and I can't bloody sleep !
Re: Missing Tigers

arlobill said:
That last 45 seconds was possibly the most disorganized piece of football ever played !
No one manned up in the centre bounce ! Suns players left unattended on the wings !
No forwards ran down to block up the back line !
No one spotted hunt all on his own 20 yards out from goal!
Where we're our leaders during this !
Serious bunch of comedy cappers !
And it's 4 o'clock and I can't bloody sleep !

Re: Missing Tigers

x 4 horrible time atm cant sleep ,hate these cairns games ,lets all chip in 500 thou and staye in melb. really concerned about roos next week, will have to be on our game from ist bounce ........mite go and do the dishes ,cheers to all tigers supporters.
lamb22 said:
Yep unbelievable 45 seconds So many errors/misjudgements

1. Tucky kicks short to the middle rather than long and wide.
2. Derrickx drops mark
3. Derrickx stumbles ball away from his control.
4. Tucky misses tackle
5. Rance misses Tackle (Harbrow only kicks on his left but Alex took the candy)
6. Midfield set up wrong
7. Grigg cant clear
8. Deledio fumbles and runs over ball.
9. Rance goes to ground when leading for the ball and air swings the ball.
10. Houli sags off his man - easy mark to Hunt.

We rectify any one of those mistakes and we most likely win

All that last 45 seconds needs is Benny Hill music over it, this was an absolutely disgraceful loss.
Summerisle said:
All that last 45 seconds needs is Benny Hill music over it, this was an absolutely disgraceful loss.

Yep no two ways about it. This club continually finds new and more ludicrous ways to shoot itself in the foot.

That light we could see at the end of the tunnel was the reality train heading straight for us. I truly can't see us ever breaking out of this cycle of mediocrity.

Had the worst nights sleep for a long time last night, replaying that last minute over and over. Still can't believe professional footballers could be so inept. It beggars belief.
Re: A Good Year

LeeToRainesToRoach said:
Actually, by Monday I think I'll feel relief. With the season effectively over, I'll be giving footy a wide berth this week, not worrying about injuries, selection, the opposition etc. Could prove cathartic.

I kind of feel the same. The season is over, the pressure is off, results for he rest of the year are effectively meaningless now.
I still can't believe we lost that, after going to hundreds of matches, sitting through the crap they've served up over the last 30 years I can't believe how stupid some of our footballers are. To top this garbage off a Rugby player gets the winning goal. Only the RFC..... God conspired against us eh Dimma?
Re: Missing Tigers

X 5. Had the worst nights sleep in a long time. Kept replaying the last minute over and over in my head.

Still can't believe we lost it.
smasha said:
I haven't cried after a game for a long long long time but tonight I am and I don't give a sh!t.

Understand where you are coming from Smasha - that was me probably back in the 90's feeling that. Now after the years, the heart breaking losses, the unmitagating disasters of games such as this one over the years, the feeling is that I'm numb to it..... It's quite sad to get to this stage but because of the last 30 years of history of the club it really doesnt come as a surprise anymore and you just have that feeling you have last night replaced by a numb groundhog day feeling.

Sure, I'll be there at the G next week as usual and baracking away for my beloved Tigers but I temper any extreme feelings one way or another as I've been there and done that, it gets you nowhere with this club. Hopefully one day I'll truely be able to get that feeling back but whilst they continue to put up games like yesterday even with the players the club had out, I'll just be wary as usual and not get too expectant. It doesnt do your health any good at all mate :-\
Well now the only way they can redeem themselves is to win at least 6 out of the next 7.
I have never been so upset after a game (not since the 1982 GF).
We should never have sold our games with GC.Can we get out of this contract for 2013?
Well, I still feel like *smile*.

Sad when this morning I woke up thinking about summer this year and how I'm looking forward to heading down to pre-season training. This season is shot and I don't know if I can be arsed making the 2 hour trip to another game for this year anyway.
Has anyone watched the tv show ' Destroyed In Seconds' where it takes only a few seconds for things to fall apart. Well if the execs of that show are looking for something new i have a suggestion.

On this weeks episode of ' Destroyed In Seconds' we dissect the final 45 seconds that destroyed Richmond's 2012 season and find out what went horribly wrong.
I wasnt feeling too bad this morning,that was until I saw the morning papers,turned on the Tv news ,everyone's so happy about the suns and K.hunt,have to remember not to turn the radio on for a least a week now ahhhhhh
I can't even imagine barracking for a side that you expect to win every week and see finals and God forbid Grand Finals.

You can't help but feel a little ripped off being a Richmond supporter. Years and years of crap and dissapointment. That was the worst loss I can remember.

If North or Carlton ended our season so be it but to have it ruined by a winless side while we play a home game interstate....again.... really cuts deep. What a bunch of tossers.