Prime Minister Poll | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Prime Minister Poll

Would you like this man to be our next Prime Minister?

  • No

    Votes: 25 38.5%
  • Yes

    Votes: 29 44.6%
  • A cheese sandwich would be a better option

    Votes: 11 16.9%

  • Total voters
rosy23 said:
If Tony Abbott thumped the wall each side of a person's head it qualifies as thuggery to me. We'll probably hear more about that once a stat dec is signed. Yony didn't deny it when asked, he just said he didn't remember it. He later changed his tune about that but admitted he referred the lady as "thing".

Who are you to judge whether someone has had a sheltered life in regards to thuggery? Have you ever been the victim of domestic, or any, physical violence?

No matter what you want to assume about Tony and his sister, or how he later responded, he said he felt threatened by homosexuals.

Perhaps read a bit about the author as well. I know it will be very tough to read the whole article, after all it doesn't fit the smear
tigergollywog said:
Superb work babysheepbarryrowlings. I wish you worked for channel 9 and moonlighted for the sunday telegraph.

Thanks TGW.

Interesting how the conservatives on here just avoid policy and achievement and are completely silent on the list I posted and just rely on the black arts of abuse, ridicule, dissembling, deceit, bluff and bluster.
Merveille said:
Perhaps read a bit about the author as well. I know it will be very tough to read the whole article, after all it doesn't fit the smear

I see your article and raise you 6.
Merveille said:
Perhaps read a bit about the author as well. I know it will be very tough to read the whole article, after all it doesn't fit the smear

I am shocked. A Christopher Pearson article defending Abbott/the Libs. Never seen that before.
I am also a little shocked Pearson did not mention how long it took for Abbott to no longer be 'threatened' by him, or whether maybe he still is a little.
KnightersRevenge said:
You may well expect someone to behave a certain way, but that doesn't mean they must. If you think there aren't enough pro-right threads on PRE why not start one yourself?

Its not about how many pro-right threads there are to pro-left threads.
That is superfluous to me.
And you are right...people don't have to behave a certain way, but I guess I attempt to be transparent and honest with my opinions so fellow posters know where I stand and I hope other posters are equally as honest.
When I say I am voting Libs and posters see a post of mine that criticises the ALP, then everyone understands why I feel this way and what direction I am coming from.
I don't give a perception I am a fence-sitter and then criticise one party. That to me is dishonest but like you said, I shouldn't expect posters to have the same values as myself and they don't have to...however, don't expect me to be silent when I question someone either.

rosy23 said:
If you choose to fantasise about whether I'm a nice woman or not it's your business but please keep your opinions in that regard to yourself. You don't know me and my gender has nothing to do with my comments. As for you telling me how I do or don't vote and what you expect me to say. :vomit

Definitely not "fantasising", just assuming from the many posts I have read of yours over the years on this forum on various threads that you are 'nice woman' and like I said, I have agreed on many posts of yours as well, especially on the Tigers part of the forum.
If posting a compliment like that to try and let another poster know that I am not aiming my ire at you on a personal basis, but purely on this topic alone...well, I find it strange to receive such a response.
Secondly, I never used gender as a reason for your comments and I do not know how you can twist my post around to something like this. :eek:
I purely used the word "woman" because your name is 'Rosy' and where I come from, 'Rosy' is a female name.
Apologies if I was wrong with this assumption. Now I see why Abbott may have used the word "thing" instead of a specific gender. :p
Finally, I am not telling you how you vote or don't vote...I am commenting on the fact that you have admitted many times that you have no allegiance to a party yet criticise one party constantly while defending another constantly. I don't think you are being honest with the perception you give to everyone, thats all.

lamb22 said:
Thanks TGW.
Interesting how the conservatives on here just avoid policy and achievement and are completely silent on the list I posted and just rely on the black arts of abuse, ridicule, dissembling, deceit, bluff and bluster.

Maybe many of these accomplishments under an ALP government would not have been possible if it wasn't for systems, processes, and procedures that were left by the Libs.
For example, your top one ("survived the GFC"..."avoided recession")...when Howard left government, we had a surplus of $21-billion, which gave Rudd/Gillard room to move (such as $900 each stimulus package, school buildings, etc).
Last year, Swan claimed we would be 'only $22-billion in deficit....this has blown out to $44-billion....will we survive another GFC under the finances the ALP have left for us?
"Accomplishments" on your list such as 'world's best treasurer' :rofl well, I guess thats why responses to your list are few and far between. Its not from avoidance, I assure you.
Liverpool said:
"Accomplishments" on your list such as 'world's best treasurer' :rofl well, I guess thats why responses to your list are few and far between. Its not from avoidance, I assure you.

'world's best treasurer'? did lamby make that up?

The standard chestnut, there was a "$22 billion surplus" is irrelevant to the actual response to the GFC. It is only relevant to the level of debt you end up after the stimulus spend.

For example revenues collapsed by $170 billion and the stimuls spend was about $70 billion over 3 years. so with $20 billion 'in the bank' it just means gross debt is $220 billion rather than $240 billion. small change in the scheme of things but admittedly helpful.

On budget matters the generally innumerate libs left labor with a structural deficit. While they were beneficiaries of high commodity prices and rising asset prices (shares and real estate) it inflated the 'normal' amounts of revenue received from company tax, GST and capital gains. They then pi$$ed away about $250 billion of the windfall gains in the budget (about $320 billion-those over and aboove what was envisaged in forward estimates) through middle class welfare and bribes such as regional rorts or whatever else they could think of to funnel cash to their preferred constiruencies at the expense of households.

The one damning statistic is that although the Libs had a revenue windfall of about $320 billion they actually cut monies to public education and Health and underinvested in infrastructure and training so that we started to see real capacity constraints in the economy which led to 10 interest rate rises in a row and real trouible unless they were corrected which fortunately labor is doing.

Labor despite having a GFC and a $170 billion WRITEDOWN in revenue has remarkably restored funding to education and health and investing in so much more capacity building in road and rail infrastructure, NBN, skills training etc and will balance or will go close to balance the budget this year.

Really chalk and cheese when to comes to the economic illiterates and innumerates on the conservative bences and the proven ALP team.

On "World's Greatest treasurer" this award known as best finance minister of the world is awarded by EuroMoney a prestigous british economic journal. Just as Times comes out with Person of the year and Forbes comes out with its rich list, Euromoney is the acknowledged source for the prestigous finance minister award. It rightly granted the award to Swan who is also acknowleged wordwide as handing the GFC and post GFC fiscal consolidation better than any other advanced economy. In its 40 year history the inly other Australian treasurer to receive the award was Paul keating for the remarkable changes brought in the 80's floating the dollar, cutting tarriffs, increasing competition and bringing in flexibility to the workforce through enterprise bargaining all the time keeping wages and process in check through the historic accord.

Costello was known as a Hammock dweller world wide and that's whay he didn't get any job offers until fool Rudd let him onto to the board of the Future Fund which has seen that Fund now UNDERERFORM most others.

Costello's highlights other than introducing the great big new Consumption Tax was losing many billions selling off our gold reserves, losing many billions betting on exhange rate risk, pi$$ing about $250 billion up the wall as mentioned above , leaving a structral deficit and perhaps worst of all leading to the greatest capital destruction of our share markets in his generous superannuation concessions which saw many higher income earners 'overinvest' in the market just before the crash, and if you listen to Costello a crash he said he knew was coming. I think "Financial Tsunami" were his exact words. How stupid would you have to be to do that?
You are the Taylor Walker of political threads Lamby.

BTW, you forgot $3 bill, which is $4-4.5 bill now, of Telstra sale money p!ssed up against the wall. Half on more middle class welfare, and the other half to keep their promise of 'environmental spending'. How did they keep that promise? $1.5 bill on Landcare, that is, paying farmers, (ie their constituents), to fix fences and improve creeks. A lot went on admin, which was regional assessment boards dominated by, you guessed it, farmers. $3 bill of a century of national wealth, G.O.N.E. Critics and economists have used your term of 'p.u.a.t.w'.

The Coalition for whatever reason, just don't build infrastructure. Don't want to, don't know how to.
Yup Lamby. I have often wondered why no one really seems to know about Costello's involvment in the gold reserve deal. At time he commented along the lines of gold is no longer considered a safe haven here is an excerpt from an article in The Australian in 2011 titled Reserve Bank's gold sale cost us $5bn"The RBA revealed in July 1997 that over a six-month period, it had sold 167 tonnes, reducing Australia's reserves to just 80 tonnes. At this time, the value of its gold assets fell from $3.6bn to about $1.1bn. The RBA's sales pushed the world gold price down to an 11-year low, returning just $2.4bn for the gold that was sold via a single broker engaged without a tender. The same amount of gold would be worth about $7.4bn today." This from the treasurer who is remebered by the right as part of the most economically resposible government of the last several decades. Go figure.
rosy23 said:
No matter what you want to assume about Tony and his sister, or how he later responded, he said he felt threatened by homosexuals.

can someone please explain to me why a person can feel threatened by homosexuals? maybe its the way my mind ticks over, but this is something i can't comprehend. i can understand why some people who haven't been exposed to gay people might be a bit naive or ignorant, but threatened?
Ian4 said:
can someone please explain to me why a person can feel threatened by homosexuals? maybe its the way my mind ticks over, but this is something i can't comprehend. i can understand why some people who haven't been exposed to gay people might be a bit naive or ignorant, but threatened?

Must've watched too many Police Academy films in the Blue Oyster bar.
lamb22 said:
Thanks TGW.

Interesting how the conservatives on here just avoid policy and achievement and are completely silent on the list I posted and just rely on the black arts of abuse, ridicule, dissembling, deceit, bluff and bluster.

Yeah thats pretty standard. Left are measured, reasonable and rely on data (e.g. greg combet). Right are full of *smile* and wind and at the end of the day, just wanna make their mates richer (e.g. Joe Hockey)
Ian4 said:
can someone please explain to me why a person can feel threatened by homosexuals? maybe its the way my mind ticks over, but this is something i can't comprehend. i can understand why some people who haven't been exposed to gay people might be a bit naive or ignorant, but threatened?

Are you sitting down ian4?

Sometimes a man secretly covets a *smile* in his bottom, but its a very BIG secret. They often keep it extra secret by 1) getting married 2) appearing really tough and rugged and 3) wearing budgy smugglers. When these men come across an overtly gay man, their secret is THREATENED. They are scared they might sort of accidently end up with ....... yep, a *smile* in the bottom.

At least thats what I reckon.
tigergollywog said:
Are you sitting down ian4?

Sometimes a man secretly covets a *smile* in his bottom, but its a very BIG secret. They often keep it extra secret by 1) getting married 2) appearing really tough and rugged and 3) wearing budgy smugglers. When these men come across an overtly gay man, their secret is THREATENED. They are scared they might sort of accidently end up with ....... yep, a *smile* in the bottom.

At least thats what I reckon.

I actually find the assumptions in this post quite homophobic. Surely we should be okay with people wearing sport-appropriate wear without making comments about their sexuality.
mld said:
I actually find the assumptions in this post quite homophobic. Surely we should be okay with people wearing sport-appropriate wear without making comments about their sexuality.

fair enough mid. I'll change from 3) wear budgy smugglers to 3) join the priest hood.
mld said:
I actually find the assumptions in this post quite homophobic. Surely we should be okay with people wearing sport-appropriate wear without making comments about their sexuality.

you wear budgie smugglers? :hihi
We get the leader we deserve!

Isn't that the time honoured quote?

In comparing Gillard and Abbott I believe no matter which side of the spectrum you lean towards you would say - hey this is a choice of who is the best of a very bad lot?

Personally -
I have a distinct dislike for Gillard because of her Work Place Relations laws - she has made it impossible for my 7 day a week business to make a profit on Sundays. I would only operate 6 days a week if I could because of the these draconian laws but being part of a 7 day a week plaza it is written in my lease to be open 7 days a week. Further outside mining she is stifling investment in our economy with her Labor philosophy driven policies that snuff out every positive business initiative. Lastly here in Queanbeyan NSW we need our population to grow - a new development in, a suburb to be called Tralee is being stopped by her Government's ineptitude to recognise the current rule governing building suburbs near (not under) airport flight paths - to the extent her government is trying to change those laws using spurious means. The interesting part is if the laws are changed the development of Tralee will conform as much as every other current suburb built near (not under) flight paths in Australia.

As for her policies of Carbon Tax (it is OK with me - no where near as bad as the opposition made out), Mining Tax (Surely there is a better way to get the mining companies to support Australia other than taxing them?), NBN (Great project - needs Private Enterprise to handle the roll-out project as quasi government organisations always make a mess of such projects)

Next Mr Abbott - the mad monk - he scares me - his agenda is not at all explained and I fear he will take Australian Society back to the 1940s and 1950s if he get his way. I too believe he is homophobic - he is also Catholic Church centric - he is a brat who will spit his dummy if he does not get his way. Having said that he has done a great job in being a NEGATIVE opposition leader (albeit made easier by the minority government status of the lower house). However, he does not have a positive vein in his body and that is of most concern.

The answer to a strong PM lies within the following list -

Malcolm Turnbull - said to be a loner - but is conciliatory and will lead from the front - would be a strong PM IMO
Joe Hockey - said to be a show man - but has a balanced approach to most situations facing Australia - would be a worthy PM IMO
Stephen Smith - has no real media tag - well balanced approach, very good orator, a definite PM in waiting IMO.

Outside that we have Swan (God help Australia), Shorten (Please Lord NO!), Pyne (A very poor communicator), Robb (The village idiot), Bishop (Oh dear!)

As I started this post - if we get the leader we deserve? - then I believe I deserve Malcolm Turnbull or Joe Hockey or Stephen Smith as our next PM.
You still pushing Turnbull RT?

Doubt he will ever be PM though his chances would likely increase if he switched camps.