Prime Minister Poll | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Prime Minister Poll

Would you like this man to be our next Prime Minister?

  • No

    Votes: 25 38.5%
  • Yes

    Votes: 29 44.6%
  • A cheese sandwich would be a better option

    Votes: 11 16.9%

  • Total voters
Liverpool said:
So a woman claims he hit a wall near her...a self-admitted ALP member who was "nearby but didn't see the incident" believes this woman.
This incident has only surfaced now, 35 years after it allegedly happened.
We have no evidence of anything that happened then or anything violent against women since.

And you class him as a "physically violent thug" as a result and vow not to vote for him.

How about Abbott's policies that are more favourable for women (see previous post with link) than anything the ALP have come up don't want to cast your vote on this more than an unproven incident that happened 35 years ago?

The stuff about Abbott at Uni has been well known for many years including the sexual assualt charge he defended with 5 witness and 2 QCs and the vandalism charge when drunk.

Here's just one example from a 2004 SMH article.

You just need to look at his behavious generally anyway, pathological liar, his physical aggression towards a legless veteran in Graham Edwards, his bagging of Bernie Banton as he was dying etc etc etc
lamb22 said:
The stuff about Abbott at Uni has been well known for many years including the sexual assualt charge he defended with 5 witness and 2 QCs and the vandalism charge when drunk.

Here's just one example from a 2004 SMH article.

You just need to look at his behavious generally anyway, pathological liar, his physical aggression towards a legless veteran in Graham Edwards, his bagging of Bernie Banton as he was dying etc etc etc

I thought the debate was about Abbott and women....but if we want to go further into bullying in general, you only need to look at that great ALP leader: Mark Latham.
Even Kevin07 was renowned for his bullying and swearing (including at women).

Like Gillard's antics 20+ years ago....I do not care what Abbott got up to back in the 1970s either.
Liverpool said:
So a woman claims he hit a wall near her...a self-admitted ALP member who was "nearby but didn't see the incident" believes this woman.

And you class him as a "physically violent thug" as a result and vow not to vote for him.

How about Abbott's policies that are more favourable for women (see previous post with link) than anything the ALP have come up don't want to cast your vote on this more than an unproven incident that happened 35 years ago?

You didn't answer the question you quoted. You said I voted for Rudd in 07 and he was more sexist than Abbott is perceived. Please either support that claim or retract it.

Alluding to me vowing not to vote for Abbott as a result of any one incident speaks volumes about you and your dodgy discussion tactics. I've mentioned several reasons I wouldn't like Tony to lead our country. I could probably think of several more without going near party policies. The latter wasn't the intention of this thread.

I'm not aware of calling anyone a physically violent thug. Please show where I did. I know I questioned a "tendency towards" it. Big difference. I was not suggesting for one second that anyone was actually hit. I take the information as reasonably creditable. I look forward to hearing Tony's version of events in regards to punching the wall and calling the woman "chairthing".
Liverpool said:
I thought the debate was about Abbott and women...

Think again and maybe re-read the original post and the poll question.
Liverpool said:
I thought the debate was about Abbott and women....but if we want to go further into bullying in general, you only need to look at that great ALP leader: Mark Latham.
Even Kevin07 was renowned for his bullying and swearing (including at women).

Like Gillard's antics 20+ years ago....I do not care what Abbott got up to back in the 1970s either.

I was responding to the violent thug denial stuff. I could have added his Mark Riley "$hit happens" intimidation meltdown. He really does have some serious issues to contend with.

Like the Gillard stuff its a character issue isn't it. He should explain his behaviour and if it was 'youthful exhuberance" and he has grown he should say so and he should apologise. Lying about the incident goes to his character.

He has three daughters and he should be an example and accountable to them. He needs to say what he did then was not acceptable and apologise. Simple really.
rosy23 said:
You didn't answer the question you quoted. You said I voted for Rudd in 07 and he was more sexist than Abbott is perceived. Please either support that claim or retract it.

Voted for Rudd in '07:
rosy23 said:
No way was I voting Liberal this election. I'm happy I decided, in the last week or two, to vote Labor.
Eat 'em Alive Krudler. (Slight Simmos reference there)

....and going from Rudd's portfolio of sexist remarks or critiicism towards women (see links I have already posted), then I think Rudd certainly is more sexist than Abbott and a lot more recently than uni days in 1977 as well.

I shall retract nothing.
Baloo said:
Unfortunately perception is reality to most.

Her giggling while with Obama didn't help things. And if she's being advised badly, after all this time in the top job, it shows the ALP, her party, are incompetent. If the party, of which she is the leader, can't turn the debate around to show just how bad Abbott is, then her party, the one she leads, is in pretty bad shape.

They might be good at policy but to be a good government these days you need to be as effective at selling your message as you are delivering it.

This is absolutely true. This is why while most think she "knifed" Rudd I actually think she was pushed. She was the "Hermes" (Futurama reference) of Rudd's government. She was the reason anything got done. I think his cabinet got fed up with the duplicity and ego of Rudd when they knew it was actually her ability to negotiate and manage that was keeping his government afloat. I think she proved this by by getting her version of his policies over line very quickly after taking over when he had stalled completely.

What would make all the difference would be getting someone dynamic into the deputy's chair. Swan is just about as beige as they come. If she can't sell it then Labor needs a spokesperson who can cut through. Rudd did it well but lost control of himself when he got there. The fact that this far into the next election cycle they still haven't sorted this is quite telling. But then neither have the other mob. Abbott gets his message out there but I'm not sure it's as compelling as it is loud and repetitive.
U2Tigers said:
yes rolley eyes, but hardly sarcastic, just stating a fact. Have a look at 3 of the last 4 threads on here, they all are negative against Abbot.

Thats because Murdoch or Rhineheart have no stake in PRE. Pick up the rags we call newspapers in this country and youlle find a few pro-abbott threads. Thats why Gina wanted to buy fairfax and give that *smile*-facist whats-his-name? an editorship.

Abbott is a nasty peice of work. Tony Windsor is a middle ground former National, ask him how Abbott does business.
Liverpool said:
Voted for Rudd in '07:

Why keep telling us that as if it's a great secret? If that election was held again and Rudd was the option I'd still vote for him.. I didn't like Howard at the time of the election and I was dead against the GST and I hate it with a passion. I've stated that several times.

Liverpool said:
....and going from Rudd's portfolio of sexist remarks or critiicism towards women (see links I have already posted), then I think Rudd certainly is more sexist than Abbott and a lot more recently than uni days in 1977 as well.

I clicked on one of your links and it was obviously just an opinion piece so didn't bother. What were the references to Rudd being sexist pre 07 when I voted for him? I don't have a lot of time for him as a leader either but I don't recall any sexist allegations to him to judge him on before I voted.

Liverpool said:
I shall retract nothing.

Fair enough. Some references to Rudd being sexist before I voted for him would be appreciated though. I don't recall that being mentioned before I cast my vote.
rosy23 said:
Why keep telling us that as if it's a great secret? If that election was held again and Rudd was the option I'd still vote for him.. I didn't like Howard at the time of the election and I was dead against the GST and I hate it with a passion. I've stated that several times.

I clicked on one of your links and it was obviously just an opinion piece so didn't bother. What were the references to Rudd being sexist pre 07 when I voted for him? I don't have a lot of time for him as a leader either but I don't recall any sexist allegations to him to judge him on before I voted.

Fair enough. Some references to Rudd being sexist before I voted for him would be appreciated though. I don't recall that being mentioned before I cast my vote.

I didn't say it was mentioned before you cast your vote.

All I said was that you voted for him and he's more sexist than Abbott will ever be.
tigergollywog said:
Thats because Murdoch or Rhineheart have no stake in PRE. Pick up the rags we call newspapers in this country and youlle find a few pro-abbott threads. Thats why Gina wanted to buy fairfax and give that *smile*-facist whats-his-name? an editorship.

Abbott is a nasty peice of work. Tony Windsor is a middle ground former National, ask him how Abbott does business.

liking your posts gollywog :fing32
Not a fan of Abbott at all. I really wish they would dump him as leader. Having said that I can't stand waste of tax payers $ more and that's what the current government have a PHD in.
Not a fan of Abbott but dredging up something that may or may not have happened while he was at uni is pathetic. We've seen what Gillard's got, and it's not enough.
LeeToRainesToRoach said:
Not a fan of Abbott but dredging up something that may or may not have happened while he was at uni is pathetic. We've seen what Gillard's got, and it's not enough.

When I was at Uni, I drank too much, talked a heap of sh!t and never hurt a fly. The point being, a leopard doesnt change its spots. While I wouldnt mind seeing a clash of the titans Greg Combet V Malcolm T, I reckon Our Julia has done quite a bit of good old labour reforming in a hung parliament.
I find it more interesting to look at what will happen to the Greens and the independents at the next election.
IMO it will be a slaughter. Even worse than the caning Labor's gonna get.
As for Gillard and Abbott, they are both less than economical with the truth.
Neither have policies the country can afford.
And we see no discussion about the "big" issues which deserve comunity consultation....
- Nuclear Power to enable closure of coal mines
- More Dams
- How to solve our 1900's public transport chaos in our major cities that are growing at an alarming rate in the 21stle century.
- How do we move major chunks of our population into Regional areas.
- What is Australia's international trading advantage once the mining boom inevitably ends.
- In a land of drought and scarcity of water, can we afford to continue to grow cotton which uses massive amounts of water.
- Will our farming industry be able to feed us when our population hits 40 or 50 million people.
- What should our overall migrant level intake level be. And is it sustainable.
- the list just goes on and on.

But instead we get the combined genius of Gillard, Abbott and Swan, held in check until recently by Peter Slipper.
And not forgetting Craig Thompson, the workers union mate.
It's all very depressing.
Liverpool said:
I think if you read my post more carefully now, you will see who said what ;)

PS: I certainly wans't apologising. I have nothing to apologise for.

You mean your edited post? Fact is you had a crack at me not voting for the Liberals, as you often do, when I hadn't mentioned which party I would or wouldn't be voting for. It's well and good to change your post but fact is there isn't an election at this point in time and Abbott may well not be the leader when there is one. If here's there I won't be voting for him. If Rudd is there I won't be voting for him either. I'll decide who I will be voting for, if any party,at the time. I promise I'll let you know when the time comes if it's that important to you.

Liverpool said:
Voted for Rudd in '07:
....and going from Rudd's portfolio of sexist remarks or critiicism towards women (see links I have already posted), then I think Rudd certainly is more sexist than Abbott and a lot more recently than uni days in 1977 as well.

I shall retract nothing.

You say Rudd "is" more sexist than Abbott (above) but the post I was referring to said I voted for Rudd in 07 and he "was" more sexist than Abbott (below). An inference that I voted for him despite him being sexist. I just checked your first link and it didn't show any evidence of sexism. The issue, ordinary as it was, was over food not the hostess's gender.

Liverpool said:
C'mon voted Rudd back in '07 and he was more sexist than Abbott is perceived:
poppa x said:
I find it more interesting to look at what will happen to the Greens and the independents at the next election.
IMO it will be a slaughter. Even worse than the caning Labor's gonna get.
As for Gillard and Abbott, they are both less than economical with the truth.
Neither have policies the country can afford.
And we see no discussion about the "big" issues which deserve comunity consultation....
- Nuclear Power to enable closure of coal mines
- More Dams
- How to solve our 1900's public transport chaos in our major cities that are growing at an alarming rate in the 21stle century.
- How do we move major chunks of our population into Regional areas.
- What is Australia's international trading advantage once the mining boom inevitably ends.
- In a land of drought and scarcity of water, can we afford to continue to grow cotton which uses massive amounts of water.
- Will our farming industry be able to feed us when our population hits 40 or 50 million people.
- What should our overall migrant level intake level be. And is it sustainable.
- the list just goes on and on.

But instead we get the combined genius of Gillard, Abbott and Swan, held in check until recently by Peter Slipper.
And not forgetting Craig Thompson, the workers union mate.
It's all very depressing.

I agree with you about the rude shock coming for the Greens, though I think Windsor and Oakeshott have equipped themselves capably.
Disagree with the notion of nuclear being the future of anything, unless the ITeR fires up.
I agree emphatically with you about large infrastructure projects, particularly rail.
I also agree that we need to be looking to Australia post hole-in-the-ground....what's next?
rosy23 said:
You mean your edited post? Fact is you had a crack at me not voting for the Liberals, as you often do, when I hadn't mentioned which party I would or wouldn't be voting for.

I don't have a crack at you for not voting Liberal, Rosy.
I don't care who people vote for.

I have a crack at you because you come on here and tell everyone you are balanced and "undecided" about who you will vote...claim you base your decisions not on the party but on their policies, etc.....but you show me when you have ever posted a pro-Lib article? or said anything positive about the Libs?

You've opened a thread with the article containing highlighted and underlined bits about an alleged violent outburst from Abbott.
If you feel so strongly about women being treated negatively from our politicians and are as balanced with your opinions on the parties as you make out, then where were the articles with highlighted bits regarding Rudd's verbal outburst at a female air-hostess which reduced her to tears? where was the article with highlighted bits showing Rudd's comments about women doing PhDs as an excuse to avoid having babies? or even the rudeness and utter contempt he treated a female premier prior to a meeting?

Even with comments like this:
rosy23 said:
I said I voted no on the poll. That's no reflection on who I would or wouldn't vote for.
Of course you've made up your mind you're not voting Libs if you don't want Abbott as while voting "no" on this poll is a reflection, maybe not exactly on who you will vote for, but on who you are not voting for (as if we didn't know that already ;) )

Funny that, as Abbott has probably the best policy regarding women between the two major parties.
So much for being 'balanced and undecided' :spin
poppa x said:
I find it more interesting to look at what will happen to the Greens and the independents at the next election.
IMO it will be a slaughter. Even worse than the caning Labor's gonna get.
As for Gillard and Abbott, they are both less than economical with the truth.
Neither have policies the country can afford.
And we see no discussion about the "big" issues which deserve comunity consultation....
- Nuclear Power to enable closure of coal mines
- More Dams
- How to solve our 1900's public transport chaos in our major cities that are growing at an alarming rate in the 21stle century.
- How do we move major chunks of our population into Regional areas.
- What is Australia's international trading advantage once the mining boom inevitably ends.
- In a land of drought and scarcity of water, can we afford to continue to grow cotton which uses massive amounts of water.
- Will our farming industry be able to feed us when our population hits 40 or 50 million people.
- What should our overall migrant level intake level be. And is it sustainable.
- the list just goes on and on.

But instead we get the combined genius of Gillard, Abbott and Swan, held in check until recently by Peter Slipper.
And not forgetting Craig Thompson, the workers union mate.
It's all very depressing.

Totally agree and have said many times, that I'll be voting Libs because I want Gillard/ALP out more than anything and the Libs are the only ones that can do this.

Whether any of the above will be addressed by the Libs is yet to be seen but we know they won't be addressed by an ALP Government and certainly not with a hung parliament as well.

While a part of me would love to see the ALP decimated and I would enjoy this as much as seeing the Tigers beat the Bombers....overally, I don't think this would be great for Australia and its future, so I just hope, if the Coalition get up at the next election, they do just enough damage so the ALP have to reform and get some fresh blood into their party and start listening to people.
This will also keep a Coalition government accountable moving forward.
Liverpool said:
I don't have a crack at you for not voting Liberal, Rosy.
I don't care who people vote for.

.... then where were the articles with highlighted bits regarding Rudd's verbal outburst at a female air-hostess which reduced her to tears?

You sure raise who I vote for, in fact tell me who I will or won't vote for, a lot. You've done it for years...and yet you pretend you don't care. :-*

If you feel so strongly about women being treated negatively from our politicians and are as balanced with your opinions on the parties as you make out, then where were the articles with highlighted bits regarding Rudd's verbal outburst at a female air-hostess which reduced her to tears?

You repeatedly claimed that was sexist behaviour. It wasn't gender specific at all. You trying to turn a tantrum about a sandwich, and focussing on the fact the victim was female, into evidence of sexism shows more sexist leanings on your behalf than Rudd did in the example you pushed.