Prime Minister Poll | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Prime Minister Poll

Would you like this man to be our next Prime Minister?

  • No

    Votes: 25 38.5%
  • Yes

    Votes: 29 44.6%
  • A cheese sandwich would be a better option

    Votes: 11 16.9%

  • Total voters
poppa x said:
I find it more interesting to look at what will happen to the Greens and the independents at the next election.
IMO it will be a slaughter. Even worse than the caning Labor's gonna get.

this is what worries the most. while most people can't stand either abbott or gillard, and most (including me) have no resprect for the major parties, we are crying out for alternative options to vote for. i can't stand family first but i acknowledge that their presence is important. while idealogically i am more in line with the greens, i still don't agree with many of their policies. we all know what happened to the democrats when meg lees negotiated the passing of the GST through parliament. this country is in desperate need of viable and respectable alternatives. there aren't any at the moment and i can't see any on the horizon. :(
rosy23 said:
You sure raise who I vote for, in fact tell me who I will or won't vote for, a lot. You've done it for years...and yet you pretend you don't care. :-*

You repeatedly claimed that was sexist behaviour. It wasn't gender specific at all. You trying to turn a tantrum about a sandwich, and focussing on the fact the victim was female, into evidence of sexism shows more sexist leanings on your behalf than Rudd did in the example you pushed.

I can tell you who you vote for by your anti-Lib postings over the years...this thread being another one and your defence of Rudd on this very post another such example.
Balanced and undecided?
To borrow one of your words: Piffle! ;)

As for Rudd....he picked his target regarding a 23 year old air hostess...whether you believe it or not.
Liverpool said:
I can tell you who you vote for by your anti-Lib postings over the years...this thread being another one and your defence of Rudd on this very post another such example.
Balanced and undecided?
To borrow one of your words: Piffle! ;)

As for Rudd....he picked his target regarding a 23 year old air hostess...whether you believe it or not.

It is actually you who keep raising it so the burden of proof (rather than belief) is on you. I haven't seen you prove anything yet. People often use Abbott's having a wife and female children as a defence against sexism claims. Rudd has an independently wealthy wife and a regarded (by some) author for a daughter. Neither really helps me decide whether they are or are not sexist. Nor does who Rosy votes for to be honest. While I enjoy you and Rosy going at each other it always seems to descend into the personal, who she voted for, or will vote for doesn't really inform the debate does it?
Whats Rudd got to do with it? Cut from a very similar nasty scratchy velvetine to Abbott. I'd like to see Rudd and abbott dropped on a small desert island in shark infested water with only a pair of speedos, a collection of David Mahar essays and a tail shaft off a HR Holden each.

Numbers are looking encouraging Rosy. I think labour are FINALLY landing a few punches. All is not lost. At best, abbott loses and Julia gets another term. At worst Abbott wins and drags us all into a Thatcheresque 1950's australia. OR, maybe abbotts polls could get low enough for Turnbull to take them to the election, in which case I think Turnbull would be a better result than Abbott OR Rudd.
Liverpool said:
I can tell you who you vote for by your anti-Lib postings over the years...this thread being another one and your defence of Rudd on this very post another such example.
Balanced and undecided?
To borrow one of your words: Piffle! ;)

As for Rudd....he picked his target regarding a 23 year old air hostess...whether you believe it or not.

I haven't defended Rudd. I've said it was an ordinary situation. I've said I wouldn't vote for him again. I've merely pointed out the absurdity of your claims that a tantrum about a meal equates to being sexist as you continue to claim. There is absolutely no evidence of that in the article you continually refer to in reference to your sexist accusations.

As for balanced I certainly don't claim that so not sure why you throw it in. A typical red herring to disguise your lack of substance. When all else fails make it personal.

Fact is you don't know everyone I have voted for , will vote for in the future or when I've just drawn a smiley face on the ballot paper yet you keep making out you know my voting habits better than I do. Your many references to it over the years are border on obsession.
I think many people confuse style and substance. In relation to proper administration, managing an economy and introducing real reforms Gillard goes down as one of the best PMs we've ever had.

She is also one of the most diligent and honest in implementing her election commitments as set out in the article below published by the Australian the day before the last federal election.

As for me I'm happy to support a PM/PMs who delivered the following;

Survived the GFC
Avoided recession
Saved 350,000 jobs
Economy grown 10% since.
Best performed country in OECD
750k + jobs created
Low interest rates (3.5%) last time this low under LNP was 1965
Low unemployment (5.2%)
Low inflation (1.2%)
High growth (4.3%)
Record terms of trade
Record investment
First triple A credit rating from all three agencies
Low tax to GDP (lower than Howard average)
Low spend to GDP (lower than Howard average)
Low debt to GDP
Low yields on ten year Cth bonds (ie low debt repayments - half the inteest rate Howard govt paid)
World’s best treasurer
Said sorry to stolen generation
Signed Kyoto
Successfully running hung parliament passing 400+ bills
Completed 16b BER with less than 3% dissatisfaction rate
Established national curriculum
Established My School
Increased education spend by 50%+
Doubled university places
Increased trade training
Increased health spend by 50%+
Introduced ground breaking aged care package
Introduced ground breaking mental health package
Introduced NDIS trials
Introduced means testing for private health rebate
Established FWA – abolished workchoices
Introduced world first plain packaging legislation
Building worlds best NBN with rural and urban users @ equal cost
Solved Telstra separation problem
Introduced market based carbon pricing (as promised) with less than 1% effect on CPI
Established 10b green energy fund
Provided majority consumers with better than even compensation
Provided trade exposed industries with compensation
Protected steel and car making industries
Introduced MRRT
Raised tax threshold to 18k with future increase to 21k
Income tax cuts of over $1500 for most earners since 2007
Raising super by 3%
Providing record infrastructure spend
Provided highest increase to pensions in 100 years (ie $4000 in real terms since 2009)
Provided 2b federal commitment toward equal pay in community sector workers
Introduced flood levy to assist ravaged Qld
Introduced first paid parental leave
Designated troop return from Afghanistan
Established worlds largest marine parks
SSM – conscience vote pending
Commissioned Gonski (further education funding reform)– decision pending
Commissioned Finkelstein (media reform) – decision pending
Company tax forum – decision pending
Murray/Darling water-plan – decision pending
Currently establishing first steps to refugee regional processing solution - implementing Houston reccomendations..
KnightersRevenge said:
It is actually you who keep raising it so the burden of proof (rather than belief) is on you. I haven't seen you prove anything yet. People often use Abbott's having a wife and female children as a defence against sexism claims. Rudd has an independently wealthy wife and a regarded (by some) author for a daughter. Neither really helps me decide whether they are or are not sexist. Nor does who Rosy votes for to be honest. While I enjoy you and Rosy going at each other it always seems to descend into the personal, who she voted for, or will vote for doesn't really inform the debate does it?

Nothing personal about it, Knighters...and I'll explain.
I am sure Rosy is a nice woman who loves the Tigers as much as I do and there have been many posts on various threads I have agreed with her over the years.

All I have ever questioned on this forum is this perception she gives to posters of being a type of "undecided voter who only votes on the day and doesn't vote for one particular party" yet all I have seen over the years are posts slagging off one particular party and their leaders and the defending of the other when challenged.

I would have loved to have seen the thread if it was Abbott who swore and carried on at a female flight attendant over a sandwich or said to a female PhD student that she was only doing it as an excuse not to have babies :spin
And I am sure this thread would not have existed if it was Gillard or Rudd who were slamming fists into walls.

As I have stated...I don't care who she votes for or if she is the biggest ALP fan south of the equator...just don't come on here making out you're something when you're not.
I don't hide my opinions or thoughts and people know where I stand and where I am coming from, and if they agree or disagree, then thats fine.

I also have no problem whatsoever Rosy slagging off Abbott/Libs if what they did offends her or her beliefs. She can do it every day for all I care but as a so-called "undecided voter" who does not pledge allegiance to any one particular party, I expect the same protest when ALP politicians use similar tactics.
Thats all.
When this doesn't happen, then I think I am in my rights to question her "I judge things on their merits at the time" stance she eminates.
lamb22 said:
I think many people confuse style and substance. In relation to proper administration, managing an economy and introducing real reforms Gillard goes down as one of the best PMs we've ever had.

that should go down well.....
Liverpool said:
Nothing personal about it, Knighters...and I'll explain.
I am sure Rosy is a nice woman who loves the Tigers as much as I do and there have been many posts on various threads I have agreed with her over the years.

All I have ever questioned on this forum is this perception she gives to posters of being a type of "undecided voter who only votes on the day and doesn't vote for one particular party" yet all I have seen over the years are posts slagging off one particular party and their leaders and the defending of the other when challenged.

I would have loved to have seen the thread if it was Abbott who swore and carried on at a female flight attendant over a sandwich or said to a female PhD student that she was only doing it as an excuse not to have babies :spin
And I am sure this thread would not have existed if it was Gillard or Rudd who were slamming fists into walls.

As I have stated...I don't care who she votes for or if she is the biggest ALP fan south of the equator...just don't come on here making out you're something when you're not.
I don't hide my opinions or thoughts and people know where I stand and where I am coming from, and if they agree or disagree, then thats fine.

I also have no problem whatsoever Rosy slagging off Abbott/Libs if what they did offends her or her beliefs. She can do it every day for all I care but as a so-called "undecided voter" who does not pledge allegiance to any one particular party, [size=12pt]I expect the same protest when ALP politicians use similar tactics. [/size]
Thats all.
When this doesn't happen, then I think I am in my rights to question her "I judge things on their merits at the time" stance she eminates.

You may well expect someone to behave a certain way, but that doesn't mean they must. If you think there aren't enough pro-right threads on PRE why not start one yourself?
So this is how the rusted-on 30% of Labor primary voters explain their blind faith against all reason - it is all in the last 5 pages!

Abbott is a thug and homophobic - straight from the LAbor hand-book. Anyone who labels Abbott a thug does not know what a real thug is - oh for such a sheltered life!
As for the homophobic slur, I will let Abbott address it himself.

Please bare in mind whilst watching the below link that a short time after this was filmed, Abbott's sister - a strong and independent woman - came out as having been gay. Her and Tony are very close and have a respectful relationship. How he must have wanted to mention this in his answers, when asked such questions as he was, but out of total repsect for his gay sister, he remained silent on the fact.

Very dignified - try and watch with any shred of objectivity.
Liverpool said:
I am sure Rosy is a nice woman

I expect the same protest when ALP politicians use similar tactics.
Thats all.

If you choose to fantasise about whether I'm a nice woman or not it's your business but please keep your opinions in that regard to yourself. You don't know me and my gender has nothing to do with my comments. As for you telling me how I do or don't vote and what you expect me to say. :vomit
Merveille said:
So this is how the rusted-on 30% of Labor primary voters explain their blind faith against all reason - it is all in the last 5 pages!

Abbott is a thug and homophobic - straight from the LAbor hand-book. Anyone who labels Abbott a thug does not know what a real thug is - oh for such a sheltered life!
As for the homophobic slur, I will let Abbott address it himself.

Please bare in mind whilst watching the below link that a short time after this was filmed, Abbott's sister - a strong and independent woman - came out as having been gay. Her and Tony are very close and have a respectful relationship. How he must have wanted to mention this in his answers, when asked such questions as he was, but out of total repsect for his gay sister, he remained silent on the fact.

Very dignified - try and watch with any shred of objectivity.

"There is no doubt that (homosexuality) challenges, if you like, orthodox notions of the right order of things,"
"I probably feel a bit threatened, as so many people do. It's a fact of life."

2 quotes from Abbott.
Merveille said:
So this is how the rusted-on 30% of Labor primary voters explain their blind faith against all reason - it is all in the last 5 pages!

Abbott is a thug and homophobic - straight from the LAbor hand-book. Anyone who labels Abbott a thug does not know what a real thug is - oh for such a sheltered life!
As for the homophobic slur, I will let Abbott address it himself.

Please bare in mind whilst watching the below link that a short time after this was filmed, Abbott's sister - a strong and independent woman - came out as having been gay. Her and Tony are very close and have a respectful relationship. How he must have wanted to mention this in his answers, when asked such questions as he was, but out of total repsect for his gay sister, he remained silent on the fact.

Very dignified - try and watch with any shred of objectivity.

If Tony Abbott thumped the wall each side of a person's head it qualifies as thuggery to me. We'll probably hear more about that once a stat dec is signed. Yony didn't deny it when asked, he just said he didn't remember it. He later changed his tune about that but admitted he referred the lady as "thing".

Who are you to judge whether someone has had a sheltered life in regards to thuggery? Have you ever been the victim of domestic, or any, physical violence?

No matter what you want to assume about Tony and his sister, or how he later responded, he said he felt threatened by homosexuals.
some more Abbott quotes:
"that was one boat that did get stopped, wasn’t it?" in regards to a sunken cruise ship that killed at least 11 people.
"*smile* happens" in regards to the deaths of Australian soldiers in Afghanistan
"If we did that we would be as dead as the former Liberal leader's political prospects." said after former NSW premier attempted suicide.
Thirteen votes no to eleven votes yes. Surprisingly close given the general tone of the thread.
lamb22 said:
I think many people confuse style and substance. In relation to proper administration, managing an economy and introducing real reforms Gillard goes down as one of the best PMs we've ever had.

She is also one of the most diligent and honest in implementing her election commitments as set out in the article below published by the Australian the day before the last federal election.

As for me I'm happy to support a PM/PMs who delivered the following;

Survived the GFC
Avoided recession
Saved 350,000 jobs
Economy grown 10% since.
Best performed country in OECD
750k + jobs created
Low interest rates (3.5%) last time this low under LNP was 1965
Low unemployment (5.2%)
Low inflation (1.2%)
High growth (4.3%)
Record terms of trade
Record investment
First triple A credit rating from all three agencies
Low tax to GDP (lower than Howard average)
Low spend to GDP (lower than Howard average)
Low debt to GDP
Low yields on ten year Cth bonds (ie low debt repayments - half the inteest rate Howard govt paid)
World’s best treasurer
Said sorry to stolen generation
Signed Kyoto
Successfully running hung parliament passing 400+ bills
Completed 16b BER with less than 3% dissatisfaction rate
Established national curriculum
Established My School
Increased education spend by 50%+
Doubled university places
Increased trade training
Increased health spend by 50%+
Introduced ground breaking aged care package
Introduced ground breaking mental health package
Introduced NDIS trials
Introduced means testing for private health rebate
Established FWA – abolished workchoices
Introduced world first plain packaging legislation
Building worlds best NBN with rural and urban users @ equal cost
Solved Telstra separation problem
Introduced market based carbon pricing (as promised) with less than 1% effect on CPI
Established 10b green energy fund
Provided majority consumers with better than even compensation
Provided trade exposed industries with compensation
Protected steel and car making industries
Introduced MRRT
Raised tax threshold to 18k with future increase to 21k
Income tax cuts of over $1500 for most earners since 2007
Raising super by 3%
Providing record infrastructure spend
Provided highest increase to pensions in 100 years (ie $4000 in real terms since 2009)
Provided 2b federal commitment toward equal pay in community sector workers
Introduced flood levy to assist ravaged Qld
Introduced first paid parental leave
Designated troop return from Afghanistan
Established worlds largest marine parks
SSM – conscience vote pending
Commissioned Gonski (further education funding reform)– decision pending
Commissioned Finkelstein (media reform) – decision pending
Company tax forum – decision pending
Murray/Darling water-plan – decision pending
Currently establishing first steps to refugee regional processing solution - implementing Houston reccomendations..

Superb work babysheepbarryrowlings. I wish you worked for channel 9 and moonlighted for the sunday telegraph.
bugger it, im going for the 1000.

AND, she achieved all of the above in a hung parliament. Extraordinary really.