Prime Minister Poll | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Prime Minister Poll

Would you like this man to be our next Prime Minister?

  • No

    Votes: 25 38.5%
  • Yes

    Votes: 29 44.6%
  • A cheese sandwich would be a better option

    Votes: 11 16.9%

  • Total voters
There are some good laughs in this Interview with Walkley Award winning Leigh Sales. The bloke is a joke. Clueless and shifty as.

Watchdog clears Sales of bias in interview
Date December 21, 2012

THE broadcasting watchdog has dismissed allegations the 7.30 host, Leigh Sales, showed bias against the Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott.

The Australian Communications and Media Authority investigated the interview, broadcast on August 22, in which Ms Sales grilled Mr Abbott over his claim that BHP suspended its Olympic Dam project as a result of the carbon tax.

Ms Sales extracted an admission from Mr Abbott that he had not read BHP's statement, which made no mention of the tax.

The timing could not be worse for the Opposition Leader, who is now under attack for failing to read a Federal Court judgment dismissing the sexual harassment case against the former speaker Peter Slipper.

Despite not reading the judgment, which found the case to be a politically motivated abuse of process, Mr Abbott said Mr Brough acted ''rightly at all times''.

Mr Abbott said he was too busy ''doing important things for the people of Australia'' to read the judgment.

The probe into 7.30 was sparked by two complaints (the watchdog does not name complainants). One claimed Sales's treatment of Mr Abbott ''was very bad … she made it obvious that she does not like him.''

Another stated, ''I believe [her] personal left-wing views are showing through … I also believe the ABC is responsible for a great deal of left-wing bias.''

In response, the ABC told the watchdog that Sales had employed a ''devil's advocate'' interviewing style and that it does ''not believe that posing testing questions to an interviewee and then allowing them to respond to those questions is biased or bad mannered. It is, in fact, a recognised standard of objective journalism.''

ACMA announced its investigation found no breach of the ABC's Codes of Practice.

It said: ''ACMA accepts that the nature of current affairs reporting can require presenters to be questioning, and at times sceptical, in their analysis of issues.

''Viewers of 7.30 would be familiar with [Sales's] presentation style and may expect her to conduct probing interviews, particularly when dealing with a significant and experienced politician such as Mr Abbott.''

The report said Sales ''provided several opportunities for Mr Abbott to respond to her questions and to put his views across at some length''.
One Nation co-founder sues Abbott for $1.5m (ABC)

One Nation co-founder sues Abbott for $1.5m
Posted 11 hours 24 minutes ago

Legal papers have been served on Opposition Leader Tony Abbott by the co-founder of the now-defunct One Nation party.

David Ettridge is suing for $1.5 million, accusing Mr Abbott of acting unlawfully in 1998 by assisting and encouraging litigation against One Nation that led to the party being deregistered.

Mr Ettridge and fellow founder Pauline Hanson were jailed for electoral breaches but the conviction was later overturned.

Mr Ettridge outlined his allegations in an interview with the ABC's PM program.

"He assisted a gentleman who'd been a former One Nation party member to conduct a series of attacks through the Queensland courts against the One Nation party," he said.

"Those attacks were completely false and malicious in nature, there was no truth to them, but Mr Abbott continued to provide finance and support through the provision of legal firm barristers and a QC, to help drive that false and malicious argument through the courts.

"And of course by doing that, he was trying to give it credibility it didn't have."

An administrative hearing is set to be held in the Supreme Court in Brisbane next month.

"This matter is all about the behaviour of a gentleman who wants to be the next prime minister of Australia," Mr Ettridge said.

"He is a fellow who has shown no respect at all for the laws of Australia or the laws of Queensland.

"He showed no respect the rights that were enshrined in electoral law for the democratic process of Queensland."

Mr Abbott's office has confirmed he has received the papers.
From Fairfax:

Today's Nielsen poll, published in Fairfax papers, shows support for Labor slipping below 30 per cent for the first time in 10 months.
The poll puts Labor's primary vote down two points at 29 per cent, while support for the Coalition has risen two points to 49 per cent.
On a two party-preferred basis, the Coalition is ahead on 57 per cent, while Labor sits at 43 per cent.
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott leads Ms Gillard in the preferred prime minister stakes 50 per cent to 42 per cent.
It is the first time Labor's primary vote has slipped below 30 per cent since June 2012, before the carbon tax was introduced.
i think it puts into context some of Abbott's behaviour. he clearly needs the payrise that would come with being PM.