Prime Minister Poll | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Prime Minister Poll

Would you like this man to be our next Prime Minister?

  • No

    Votes: 25 38.5%
  • Yes

    Votes: 29 44.6%
  • A cheese sandwich would be a better option

    Votes: 11 16.9%

  • Total voters
well in some recent posts, at least some have said they don't disagree with what he was trying to do, just the way he said it.

I respect that.

but it took a long time for people even to say that, they only focussed on gaffe, not the policy of it all.
U2Tigers said:
On Abbott - could his Gaffes come down to being to honest for his own good?

I think it takes balls to say their is a difference between indigenous groups, maybe to individualise it, makes it worse then it is.

It's not about honesty. It's about delivery. Many times I think his intent is fine, he just can't deliver it in a manner that a senior politician should.

Compare Howard to Abbot and you see how despite their policies and ideals being similar, Howard knew how to deliver the message without constantly tripping up.
antman said:
How about MP Ken Wyatt (Lib)? Do you reckon he thought it was a gaffe or not?

I don't think he will see it as a gaffe. Abbott said what he thinks, he will no doubt be offended by it.

It may damage his relationship with Abbott as a result though.
U2Tigers said:
well in some recent posts, at least some have said they don't disagree with what he was trying to do, just the way he said it.

I respect that.

but it took a long time for people even to say that, they only focussed on gaffe, not the policy of it all.

If he's genuine about wanting more indigenous people in parliament, then I'd agree. The problem arises when he derides a sitting member of parliament (in his own party I might add) for being "not a man of culture" simply because he's indigenous but from an urban area.

I don't think it's a policy issue, the guy just speaks without thinking.
U2Tigers said:
but it took a long time for people even to say that, they only focussed on gaffe, not the policy of it all.

But it's the gaffe, the constant gaffes, that make him unsuitable to be a Prime Minister of Australia. You can't seperate his policy from how he delivers it. They are as important as each other in this day and age.
Baloo said:
It's not about honesty. It's about delivery. Many times I think his intent is fine, he just can't deliver it in a manner that a senior politician should.

Compare Howard to Abbot and you see how despite their policies and ideals being similar, Howard knew how to deliver the message without constantly tripping up.

I agree, Abbott is doing all the damage to himself.

I just get annoyed, how the whole message of what he is saying gets lost in the end due to it. Hence why I see a lot don't like, or would fail to vote for him.

I try to see what his message is though, and this time I agree with him.
KnightersRevenge said:
Still no response on Gillard gaffes? Hmm. So true to form Livers tries to shift the subject to something he wants to talk about.....any chance you are actually Piers Akerman? There is 'em ZERO...evidentiary accounts to back up yours and The Australians assertion that Gillard is implicated in actual fraud. She challenged the Aus journalist yesterday who tried to bring it up again they were left flat footed, yet again. Pontificate and obfuscate and conflate your little socks off, but without proof you and your cohort are p!ssing in the wind. And all the while Abbott's thought bubbles are becoming lead balloons around the LNP's neck. I feel a Christopher Pyne challenge coming on....

Oh no, I didn't bother with Gillard gaffe's....I just went straight to the "Lies and Corruption" file and mentioned the good old carbon tax line, and not a word from Rosy, yourself, or anyone.....of course but, its not a tax, even though the ALP webpage states that the defence still? :)

As for her union corruption....oh, let it simmer along...she says its a "smear" and refuses to answer questions on it but the rumours, innuendo, and claims continue.

Azza said:
Still no article Livers? You complain about the lack of anti-Gillard articles, but don't post them yourself.

No need for anti-Gillard articles.
Just type in "Gillard $5000" in Google and let the good times roll.
Bent as a 9-bob note...

antman said:
It's specific enough to demonstrate your disregard of indigenous culture and your strange backflip supporting Abbott's championing of it.

Abbott has been a good advocate of Aborigines actually....
U2Tigers said:
I don't think he will see it as a gaffe. Abbott said what he thinks, he will no doubt be offended by it.

It may damage his relationship with Abbott as a result though.

Possibly, but I think it's more likely that Tony doesn't actually know what he thinks and runs off at the mouth. Then backtracks when his advisors tell him he's been silly again.

Usually he compounds the error when he tries to explain his way out of it though.
Liverpool said:
Abbott has been a good advocate of Aborigines actually....

We were talking about your changeable attitudes, not Tony's. You should know that the bait-and-switch doesn't work around here any more.
But if you're constantly having to read between the lines/look hard to see his message, shouldn't somebody else be delivering it? The problem is then the messenger, not the message. I think that's what a lot of people are seeing in Abbott - he doesn't seem capable of delivering his message in a coherent and statesman-like manner.
rosy23 said:
I don't know the facts about the $5000 or what you call lies. Not sure why you'd have issues with that. Please provide factual evidence to support your claims so i know what you're on about.


I told you mate :rofl

Rosy...I can read you like a book 8-

Liverpool said:
No comment from you on these much more important issues regarding a PM's character but instead we are again discussing grammar lessons and deciphering wording.
I expect the "I don't know anything about this" or "I have no opinion on the matter until I read more" or another inane line to try and defend the indefensible.
Is this the behaviour you expect from a PM???
antman said:
We were talking about your changeable attitudes, not Tony's. You should know that the bait-and-switch doesn't work around here any more.

How has my attitude towards Aborginals changed??

No different in 200+ pages, I would have thought...?

So stop beating around the bush and spit it out what the issue is and we'll get into it.
Wildride said:
But if you're constantly having to read between the lines/look hard to see his message, shouldn't somebody else be delivering it? The problem is then the messenger, not the message. I think that's what a lot of people are seeing in Abbott - he doesn't seem capable of delivering his message in a coherent and statesman-like manner.

That's the crux of it for me. I can't believe the Libs don't have anyone else capable of leading the party. Unless they are just keeping Abbott there as the attack dog with a view to replacing him 6 months before the next election to ensure the new leader has a honeymoon period runup to the vote.
Wildride said:
But if you're constantly having to read between the lines/look hard to see his message, shouldn't somebody else be delivering it? The problem is then the messenger, not the message. I think that's what a lot of people are seeing in Abbott - he doesn't seem capable of delivering his message in a coherent and statesman-like manner.

I guess it comes down to whether you want a PM who may not word his speeches the best and therefore it allows the orcs to jump on anything he says but has good policies (say Aborigines or women, come to mind)....or a PM that may be more articulate with her speeches but can stare down a camera and lie to the faces of the Australian people or have her hand in the cookie jar when it comes to her corrupt union buddies?

Take your pick next election...
Wildride said:
But if you're constantly having to read between the lines/look hard to see his message, shouldn't somebody else be delivering it? The problem is then the messenger, not the message. I think that's what a lot of people are seeing in Abbott - he doesn't seem capable of delivering his message in a coherent and statesman-like manner.

Nice post, and I get that.

I could handle all the Abbott Gaffe posts, if they also included thoughts on what he is getting accross. He may make these Gaffes, but his policy/idea could still be the best thing for the country.

Once again a perfectly good issue is lost, and yes probably his own fault.
Baloo said:
That's the crux of it for me. I can't believe the Libs don't have anyone else capable of leading the party. Unless they are just keeping Abbott there as the attack dog with a Jew to replacing him 6 months before the next election to ensure the new leader has a honeymoon period runup to the vote.

could be.
Liverpool said:
I guess it comes down to whether you want a PM who may not word his speeches the best and therefore it allows the orcs to jump on anything he says but has good policies (say Aborigines or women, come to mind)....or a PM that may be more articulate with her speeches but can stare down a camera and lie to the faces of the Australian people or have her hand in the cookie jar when it comes to her corrupt union buddies?

Take your pick next election...

:clap :clap

I may not agree with this being the right way it should be done, I am clapping because thats the way it coming to for most and this post hit the nail.
Liverpool said:
I guess it comes down to whether you want a PM who may not word his speeches the best and therefore it allows the orcs to jump on anything he says but has good policies (say Aborigines or women, come to mind)....or a PM that may be more articulate with her speeches but can stare down a camera and lie to the faces of the Australian people or have her hand in the cookie jar when it comes to her corrupt union buddies?

Take your pick next election...

Or we can criticise both as needs be, and hope that one of the major parties blink and offer us something better.
Liverpool said:
How has my attitude towards Aborginals changed??

No different in 200+ pages, I would have thought...?

So stop beating around the bush and spit it out what the issue is and we'll get into it.

I'm too lazy to copy and paste what I wrote before so I'll just assume it's too difficult for you to actually address the issue.
Liverpool said:
No need for anti-Gillard articles.
Just type in "Gillard $5000" in Google and let the good times roll.
Bent as a 9-bob note...

So you whinge and whinge about an unbalanced discussion, but couldn't even be bothered providing countering material.