Prime Minister Poll | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Prime Minister Poll

Would you like this man to be our next Prime Minister?

  • No

    Votes: 25 38.5%
  • Yes

    Votes: 29 44.6%
  • A cheese sandwich would be a better option

    Votes: 11 16.9%

  • Total voters
U2Tigers said:
I am 1 sided as I am a coalition voter, however I have also criticised Abbott on a few of his gaffes, quite a few times.

I actually don't disagree at all with him this time at all.

As I have already stated, IMO there is a huge difference between city/urban indigenous people to county/urban/bush/outback indigenous people. This goes for way of life and tradition that are still maintained.

Jeez mate, it's just way too complicated an issue and needs to be handled with delicacy. Something Abbott struggles greatly with, disqualifying him as leadership material IMO.
Liverpool said:
Who cares about some petty "gaffe" that an opposition leader makes when YOUR Prime Minister lies to the Australian people on national TV and pockets $5000 into her account through dodgy and corrupt union deals with ex-boyfriends?

No comment from you on these much more important issues regarding a PM's character but instead we are again discussing grammar lessons and deciphering wording.

I expect the "I don't know anything about this" or "I have no opinion on the matter until I read more" or another inane line to try and defend the indefensible.

Is this the behaviour you expect from a PM???

How about you provide the article?
U2Tigers said:
have you seen this thread.

If it was Julia, no one would have even posted this.

In the media, it may have made page 30 or something. On here, wouldn't have been mentioned.

look at the rest of this Anti Abbot thread, I reckon I would get the money here.

Again, I think you are wrong.

Whether you want to believe it or not, I dislike both party leaders. But Abbott makes it very easy for everyone to ridicule him because he's hopeless in front of a cameras. It's one of the main reasons why I NEVER want him to be a Prime Minister. He's either stupid or inarticulate. Neither are a good attribute to have as a Prime Minister. The fact there are so many posts pointing our Abbott's gaffes are because Abbott makes them. Less so about Gillard because she's more stage managed, which is another problem in that she comes across as a mouth piece for the party, not a true leader. She rarely makes gaffes because everything she says is scripted.

She does fall over a lot though.
Liverpool said:
I never said abandon at all and you know it.

I said that English should be the number-1 focus for Aboriginal kids when they go to school and that the curriculum at schools in the outback should mirror as much as possible all the other schools around the state, to try and put them in good stead when moving onto further education or full-time employment.

Actually I remember you saying lots of things mostly around stone age cultures, humpies, people drinking themselves to death and being forced to move away from their traditional lands and to cities where they can better integrate.

Any of that ringing any bells?
Azza said:
Jeez mate, it's just way too complicated an issue and needs to be handled with delicacy. Something Abbott struggles greatly with, disqualifying him as leadership material IMO.

Why does it have to be so complicated though.

I think his saying there should be more representation from members of the indigenous people from remote areas in politics. IMO hats off to him for saying that. Hes actually wanting the best for those people.

Because I do think there is a difference, I congratulate him on it. It a gaffe to some, but not to me.

If everyone had to not say something as it may offend someone else, the world would be a very quiet place.
antman said:
Actually I remember you saying lots of things mostly around stone age cultures, humpies, people drinking themselves to death and being forced to move away from their traditional lands and to cities where they can better integrate.

Any of that ringing any bells?

I've said a lot over 200 pages on that threadm, may have to be more specific :cutelaugh
Baloo said:
Again, I think you are wrong.

Whether you want to believe it or not, I dislike both party leaders. But Abbott makes it very easy for everyone to ridicule him because he's hopeless in front of a cameras. It's one of the main reasons why I NEVER want him to be a Prime Minister. He's either stupid or inarticulate. Neither are a good attribute to have as a Prime Minister. The fact there are so many posts pointing our Abbott's gaffes are because Abbott makes them. Less so about Gillard because she's more stage managed, which is another problem in that she comes across as a mouth piece for the party, not a true leader. She rarely makes gaffes because everything she says is scripted.

She does fall over a lot though.

thats fair eough.

maybe I just didn't really understand this thread was purely a thread on their gaffes.

I do agree Abbott, has shot himself in the foot a few times, I also will add I reckon his advisors mustn't be doing their jobs properly, or hes to strong a character to listen to advice.
U2Tigers said:
Why does it have to be so complicated though.

I think his saying there should be more representation from members of the indigenous people from remote areas in politics. IMO hats off to him for saying that. Hes actually wanting the best for those people.

Because I do think there is a difference, I congratulate him on it. It a gaffe to some, but not to me.

If everyone had to not say something as it may offend someone else, the world would be a very quiet place.

Its only a "gaffe" to the people who want it to be a gaffe though.....if Gillard had said exactly those same words, the same people on here would be applauding her for thinking of Aborigines and their constituents and getting a cross-section of their people involved in politics.
Liverpool said:
Its only a "gaffe" to the people who want it to be a gaffe though.....if Gillard had said exactly those same words, the same people on here would be applauding her for thinking of Aborigines and their constituents and getting a cross-section of their people involved in politics.

Thats the way I see it.
U2Tigers said:
I think his saying there should be more representation from members of the indigenous people from remote areas in politics. IMO hats off to him for saying that. Hes actually wanting the best for those people.

If he'd said exactly that, there'd be no problem. In fact he'd likely to have won a fair few brownie points among the wets. But he didn't, he chose to contrast Anderson with Hasluck. A stupid thing to do that only caused problems. Can't you see the idiocy?
Exactly - it's not what he meant that was the gaffe, it was the way he chose to explain what he was thinking that made it a gaffe. There's nothing wrong at all in wanting more indigenous representation in parliament, and from central/northern Australia, but to compare the two politicians was just dumb.
Liverpool said:
Who cares about some petty "gaffe" that an opposition leader makes when YOUR Prime Minister lies to the Australian people on national TV and pockets $5000 into her account through dodgy and corrupt union deals with ex-boyfriends?

No comment from you on these much more important issues regarding a PM's character but instead we are again discussing grammar lessons and deciphering wording.

I expect the "I don't know anything about this" or "I have no opinion on the matter until I read more" or another inane line to try and defend the indefensible.

Is this the behaviour you expect from a PM???

Still no response on Gillard gaffes? Hmm. So true to form Livers tries to shift the subject to something he wants to talk about.....any chance you are actually Piers Akerman? There is 'em ZERO...evidentiary accounts to back up yours and The Australians assertion that Gillard is implicated in actual fraud. She challenged the Aus journalist yesterday who tried to bring it up again they were left flat footed, yet again. Pontificate and obfuscate and conflate your little socks off, but without proof you and your cohort are pissing in the wind. And all the while Abbott's thought bubbles are becoming lead balloons around the LNP's neck. I feel a Christopher Pyne challenge coming on....
Azza said:
How about you provide the article?

Still no article Livers? You complain about the lack of anti-Gillard articles, but don't post them yourself.
On Abbott - could his Gaffes come down to being to honest for his own good?

I think it takes balls to say their is a difference between indigenous groups, maybe to individualise it, makes it worse then it is.
Liverpool said:
I've said a lot over 200 pages on that threadm, may have to be more specific :cutelaugh

It's specific enough to demonstrate your disregard of indigenous culture and your strange backflip supporting Abbott's championing of it.
Azza said:
Still no article Livers? You complain about the lack of anti-Gillard articles, but don't post them yourself.
He can't post it because he knows it contains just the same un-substantiated guff that the Aus has been peddling for years. (The same method it used to undermine the Police Chief Commissioner here in Melbourne), including a retraction from a key witness. This story has been so toxic that a journo lost his job over it (though Nikki Savva thinks it had only "one" word out of place - really Nikki? He lost his job over ONE word?)
Azza said:
If he'd said exactly that, there'd be no problem. In fact he'd likely to have won a fair few brownie points among the wets. But he didn't, he chose to contrast Anderson with Hasluck. A stupid thing to do that only caused problems. Can't you see the idiocy?

in this instance this is the point.
many disagree with a lot of what Abbott says, but even when they dont he still causes grief by his inability to articulate. one of the articles had a spokesman explaing what Abbott really meant. perhaps if he had of said what he really meant their wouldnt be an issue. like if he said what he really meant when he said Gillard should be in Indonesia meeting SBY, like when he said.......... the list goes on.
Liverpool said:
Who cares about some petty "gaffe" that an opposition leader makes when YOUR Prime Minister lies to the Australian people on national TV and pockets $5000 into her account through dodgy and corrupt union deals with ex-boyfriends?

No comment from you on these much more important issues regarding a PM's character but instead we are again discussing grammar lessons and deciphering wording.

I expect the "I don't know anything about this" or "I have no opinion on the matter until I read more" or another inane line to try and defend the indefensible.

Is this the behaviour you expect from a PM???

I don't know the facts about the $5000 or what you call lies. Not sure why you'd have issues with that. Please provide factual evidence to support your claims so i know what you're on about.