Footy media , love’m or hate’ m ? | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Footy media , love’m or hate’ m ?

When Murdoch's own son quits the family company and cites "disagreements over editorial content" as the reason, only the gullible or blind could think anything Murdoch touches isn't being used to further Rupert's interests.
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When Murdoch's own son quits the family company and cites "disagreements over editorial content" as the reason, only the gullible or blind could think anything Murdoch touches isn't being used to further Rupert's interests.
Alternatively an overly privileged little "smile" couldn't further his own interests so threw a tantrum?
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Lemme tell ya how long a donkeys year is. From the time Murdoch buys a media outlet to the time he sacks or terrifies everyone into his way.
Yeah, right.

Then he terrifies the overwhelming lion's share of the market to buy, read, watch his media too.

Let me guess. You're a "friend of the ABC", read the Guardian and think that they are bastions of fair and balanced reporting?
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Jai Bedwetter having his usual cry about Richmond.

AFL so in love with Dustin Martin it forgot the rules

Was a loose ball that both players got to at more or less the same time, and Dusty pulled rank. Entirely different situation if Bolton has possession first and Dusty takes it from him.

Get another job, Jai. Footy ain't your caper.
This is where most Richmond supporters first heard of Jai. Here's his brilliant, non-biased article after the 17 GF:

Some quotes from it:

"But you also want a grand final product that highlights the very best of your game and a winner that can be celebrated for being a genuinely brilliant football team. It’s debatable whether the Tigers fit this description".

"In terms of game style, you can hardly argue Richmond’s win was a win for entertaining football either"

"What’s the lesson from the Tigers? Surround a few stars with a bunch of battlers and just pressure the bejesus out of the opposition.

There’s nothing wrong with contested ball remaining king but a Crows win would have been a win for attacking, high-scoring footy. Instead the grinders won out and the game’s highlight reel was stunningly short".
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This is where most Richmond supporters first heard of Jai. Here's his brilliant, non-biased article after the 17 GF:

Some quotes from it:

"But you also want a grand final product that highlights the very best of your game and a winner that can be celebrated for being a genuinely brilliant football team. It’s debatable whether the Tigers fit this description".

"In terms of game style, you can hardly argue Richmond’s win was a win for entertaining football either"

"What’s the lesson from the Tigers? Surround a few stars with a bunch of battlers and just pressure the bejesus out of the opposition.

There’s nothing wrong with contested ball remaining king but a Crows win would have been a win for attacking, high-scoring footy. Instead the grinders won out and the game’s highlight reel was stunningly short".
Clearly someone to be ignored.
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This is where most Richmond supporters first heard of Jai. Here's his brilliant, non-biased article after the 17 GF:

Some quotes from it:

"But you also want a grand final product that highlights the very best of your game and a winner that can be celebrated for being a genuinely brilliant football team. It’s debatable whether the Tigers fit this description".

"In terms of game style, you can hardly argue Richmond’s win was a win for entertaining football either"

"What’s the lesson from the Tigers? Surround a few stars with a bunch of battlers and just pressure the bejesus out of the opposition.

There’s nothing wrong with contested ball remaining king but a Crows win would have been a win for attacking, high-scoring footy. Instead the grinders won out and the game’s highlight reel was stunningly short".

He kept his job after 2018 and 2019 showed his analysis was garbage?

What do these people have to do to lose their jobs?

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I'm not on twitter, so don't know what time Robinson started the poll about Nick, but I would assume that he was on the lunatic soup when he had the brain fade to start the poll.
How dare he slander our Nick, the Herald Sun should make him use a breathalyser when working from home......or at work for that matter.
How many professions allow their employees to work while under the influence of alcohol.
Being part of the Murdochrity, I'd be almost certain they are supplying his West Coast Coolers and telling him to go as hard as he can!!
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I dont find it hysterical at all. Murdoch has killed real journalism in major outlets. It's dead. Comedians and virtual underground writers have to do it now.
Reckon ya might need to go back as far as Ted Turner n CNN 24 hour a day news n excitement to find where journalism first died Tora. Since then it's been nothing more than biased infotainment n select your favourite hype n hysteria provider.
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39k people? Not overly overwhelming thus far. I'm guessing a lot of people would be put off by the hysteria in the given reason for the petition.
It's because the site keeps crashing, I've tried 3 times to get on and it just gives you the "this site is experiencing technical issues, please try again later"
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Then he terrifies the overwhelming lion's share of the market to buy, read, watch his media too.
Not quite right, although it's possible when combining The Australian with the Herald Sun that more people consume Murdoch press than Nine's in Melbourne. In Sydney it's no contest -- the SMH is king by a long way.

(NB: What's not clear from the numbers below is the location of The Australian's readership.)

Roy Morgan reports that over a four week period to June 2020, cross platform (i.e. print and digital) audiences are as follows:

4,850,000 Daily Telegraph
8,259,000 Sydney Morning Herald

4,300,000 Herald Sun
5,601,000 The Age

4,323,000 The Australian

The most recent numbers for The Guardian show that for the 12 months to April this year its readership doubled and it is now the fourth most popular news website in Australia. I suspect Roy Morgan doesn't include The Guardian in its numbers due to it not having a print edition.

What would trouble Murdoch and his oiks is how the bottom is falling out of the News Ltd audience.

While The Age and SMH recorded cross platform drops of 2.1% and 0.3% respectively, the Daily Telegraph (-17.9%), Herald Sun (-6.2%) and Australian (-4.4%) are going backwards at a great rate.
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Not quite right, although it's possible when combining The Australian with the Herald Sun that more people consume Murdoch press than Nine's in Melbourne. In Sydney it's no contest -- the SMH is king by a long way.

(NB: What's not clear from the numbers below is the location of The Australian's readership.)

Roy Morgan reports that over a four week period to June 2020, cross platform (i.e. print and digital) audiences are as follows:

4,850,000 Daily Telegraph
8,259,000 Sydney Morning Herald

4,300,000 Herald Sun
5,601,000 The Age

4,323,000 The Australian

The most recent numbers for The Guardian show that for the 12 months to April this year its readership doubled and it is now the fourth most popular news website in Australia. I suspect Roy Morgan doesn't include The Guardian in its numbers due to it not having a print edition.

What would trouble Murdoch and his oiks is how the bottom is falling out of the News Ltd audience.

While The Age and SMH recorded cross platform drops of 2.1% and 0.3% respectively, the Daily Telegraph (-17.9%), Herald Sun (-6.2%) and Australian (-4.4%) are going backwards at a great rate.

Only in Lefty world do digital "clicks" count as readership.

Here are the print media figures.

HSun readership is 40% more than The Age!
That's a flogging in any arena.

Even The Australian has almost the same readership (as The Age)....and it is thrashing the Financial Review.

....and the SMH is only 10% ahead of the Daily Telegraph.

Courier Mail in QLD is 87% of the State's readership.

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Only in Lefty world do digital "clicks" count as readership.

Here are the print media figures.

HSun readership is 40% more than The Age!
That's a flogging in any arena.

Even The Australian has almost the same readership (as The Age)....and it is thrashing the Financial Review.

....and the SMH is only 10% ahead of the Daily Telegraph.

Courier Mail in QLD is 87% of the State's readership.

Even these numbers are dodgy - it's "readership" rather than copies sold, so there would be many assumptions about how many people "read" a print copy. 30 years ago I'd buy newspapers, haven't done since then. All my news reading is online now.

The big problem for print media is revenue. Advertising has moved online.
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Hate all of them at the moment they know anything Tigers sells and provides clicks so the microscope is on and everything is beaten up.
39k people? Not overly overwhelming thus far. I'm guessing a lot of people would be put off by the hysteria in the given reason for the petition.

It's because the site keeps crashing, I've tried 3 times to get on and it just gives you the "this site is experiencing technical issues, please try again later"
It's been overwhelmed by people trying to sign. Your best chance is the middle of the night.