Adem Yze | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Adem Yze

He will be as good as the people he surrounds himself with. Blake is a huge addition and a move in the right direction. Think Yze would be wise to add another senior head to his coaching staff as he is surrounded by too many fresh faces.
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He can coach. But just seems very awkward talking to the players and even the media im sure he will improve in these areas with time
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He can coach. But just seems very awkward talking to the players and even the media im sure he will improve in these areas with time
I’m not sure he is comfortable with the camera on him. It’s a massive change for someone to get used to it:
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Yeah, lets go hire one of those other premiership coaches from the last decade.
clarko, our bedfellows at the bottom of the pile
simmo, sacked
scott, could you imagine
goodwin, killing it at dees
macrae, hey, we had him
bevo, crazy and ruins supercoach scores
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He has done his best in very very challenging circumstances.
He told the committee that he will continue the push for success.
It's a pity the senior players yes that includes Tarranto, Bolton Short Baker all had disappointing seasons.
The injuries were an issue but not the entire issue.
He got a look at the group, now he can start to mould the group.
He needs to make a statement now and start moving on players not doing what he wants.
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He has done his best in very very challenging circumstances.
He told the committee that he will continue the push for success.
It's a pity the senior players yes that includes Tarranto, Bolton Short Baker all had disappointing seasons.
The injuries were an issue but not the entire issue.
He got a look at the group, now he can start to mould the group.
He needs to make a statement now and start moving on players not doing what he wants.
now we're getting somewhere zippers
Well said Zips pretty good summation.
So what is all the angst about from both sides?

99% of posters would agree on most things regarding Yze.
We know he has had a hard start especially with injuries. Some think the poor year is down to more than just injuries though.
Of course he has got his share of things wrong we hope he learns from his mistakes.
I think, hope everyone agrees he will be coaching next year regardless.

I am one who doesn't think we have actually bottomed out yet and next year could be just as bad as far as the win loss column goes.
Common sense says next year has nothing to do with wins or losses though. We will be looking for improvement in many other ways.

The full on rebuild is on we all know it. A large percentage of the team will likely be made up of 24 and unders.
Vets will continue to decline and kids will take time, we may not get a lot out of some of our future draftees for three or four years
But there will be a need to get AFL games into them.

Some me included have voiced some concerns about Yze but has any one actually called for him to be sacked?

Some of those concerns are about Things like structure, team balance, continued picking of underperforming senior players after horrid blocks of games. Lack of height the lack of actually throwing enough players around and trying them in new positions. Or refusing to play young players in their best positions. The lack of a recognisable game plan, The real lack of tackling and pressure basics of the game. and it seems the lack of buy in from too many players these and other things are ciritiques that i have read from posters and some i have voiced myself.
They are imo valid critiqes of him and surely people are allowed to voice concerns.

All this but with a touch common sense we all know the difficulties we all know its been a year from hell. Things are likely to get worse before they get better just my opinion.

Let people vent, let them talk about what they see even if its a negative, by god the year is a year where there has been little to be positive about.
If we can't criticise after this then you will never be allowed to criticise.
It does annoy me when people do make a criticism they are inevitably attacked by some overly sensitive souls who think your calling for heads to roll and it then gets vitriolic.

Anyway end of rant but for gods sake arguing over when memorabilia should have been taken down is bordering on ridiculous. Insinuating that the taking down of Said memorabilia has caused players to walk is nonsensical.

Forget about memorabilia stick to the gist of the thread and ask

Is Yze a good coach at the level? The answer is no one knows yet.
Does he deserve more time and a proper chance to show what he can do as a coach? well of course.
How long then? Well he has two seasons to go on his contract there's a starting point.

Voice what he has done well and yes be critical when he has got things wrong.
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Anyone notice yze during Grimes farewell?
Look like he had better things to do then sit there.
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Might be nothing to it but does seem to have a disconnect with most of the senior players but seems confident and cosy with the young blokes
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