Adem Yze | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Adem Yze

Didn’t mention his contract.

He will be coach for the next 2 years because we don’t go around sacking our coaches and knee jerking to outside noise like we used to. It’s not the 1980s.

Get used to it and back him.
That's *smile* and your opinion. As nobody knows what the future holds. Are you the decision maker at the club on whether coaches get sacked or not? NONSENSE AS USUAL
No you are paranoid and over sensitive and can't accept people's responses if they say anything slightly against the club. Deal with it ok as i wish you were right as we would all be happy, but the truth of the matter there's a lot to be concerned about. People are entitled to their opinions and don't need a STRAWMAN putting words in their mouth just because they're insecure about a bit of criticism made against the coach. All my evidence was correct and i'm done arguing over it as you appear to be emotionally hurting.
I’m not paranoid, overly sensitive or insecure about anything.

You have made a claim that you have been unable to support with actual evidence and then keep doubling down on it and stating that you have done so when you haven’t.

Emotionally hurting; good one.
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We can all agree that moving the memorabilia out of some room or other derailed season 24. And that the inflatable camel did too.

In which case both the interior decorator and the installation artist have a lot to answer for. Adem Yze was both of those people.
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That's *smile* and your opinion. As nobody knows what the future holds. Are you the decision maker at the club on whether coaches get sacked or not? NONSENSE AS USUAL
You are a little sensitive aren’t you ?

It’s an opinion and one the is backed by the history of our club in more recent times.
I'm coming around to the idea that we should spend $1M on a search for a new interior decorator. And another $1,000M on a new installation artist.

I for one can no longer support Adem's involvement in either role. As we begin our rebuild we need the best people.

Let's begin with better memorabilia and bigger camels. Or even better - a decorative hadron collider, in tasteful desert shades. An inflatable hadron collider. And a giant golden cup with yellow and black streamers. An inflatable cup. Maybe faded streamers. Or new ones. Inflatable streamers. Giant ones? Let the fans decide. We need to keep them involved during the Spoony Spoon Epoque Magnifique.
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We can all agree that moving the memorabilia out of some room or other derailed season 24. And that the inflatable camel did too.

In which case both the interior decorator and the installation artist have a lot to answer for. Adem Yze was both of those people.

It also caused players to retire and seek trades.
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Think about it folks

Hardwick was very savvy in leaving when he did and I don’t begrudge him.

But conventional coaching arcs would suggest that Hardwick should be agreeing to part ways with the club now after the bottom has fallen out of the list and we’ve settled on a rebuild.

I firmly believe Yze was installed a year too early and considering all his challenges this year he’s been more than adequate.

I look forward to Yze coaching at a club that knows where it is and where it is going.

This is pretty clear to most supporters.
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Clearly he has sent the wrong message.Instead of disrespecting a 3rd of the list he should have said this what happens when you do the hard work.You win Flags!
6mnths on:
Dan and Bolton are leaving despite signing long term contracts
Baker our VC leaving
Pickett with only 8 games to go to reach 100 and been offered a 1yr contract decides to retire.
The Goat Dusty never looked happy from day 1.
Its pretty clear that not all the gang were happy with the message.
Maybe a whole bunch of those players have simply filled their boots n gone into satisfied cruise mode when finals or flags are no longer part of the career equation. Maybe some get just a bit stale after a bunch of years n hype in the one place and want a new challenge, change of scenery to spark them up again.
Dozens of possibilities depending on the player involved, without sitting down for in depth personal conversations it's all just guesstimates n speculation.
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Its going to be an emotional day tomorrow for the club.

We farewell the Tiger King, Dylan, Marlion, Balmey and Benny Gale. Its also probably the farewell game for Shai, Danny, Bakes and Fridge.
That group has made an enormous contribution to the club. It's fitting Dimma will be there as well.

A lot of tears will be shed by the faithful tomorrow.
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Then journalist asked what sort of expectations Ooze was placing on the team, to which he replied that he wasn't placing a ceiling on where they could finish.

This is a standard and well worn straight bat media response that is intentionally optimistic in view of providing space for belief and positivity regarding the future and what can be achieved, rather than a declaration of where the list is at or what he 'expected them to achieve'.

He went onto comment that he got upside from watching other teams rise from the bottom half of the ladder and then go onto play finals (like GWS), and then immediately added that this didn't mean that Richmond would achieve the same but was something that they would 'strive to do'.

And that he 'wanted the players to walk into the club thinking that they could achieve anything, and that there would be bumps in the road'

Again, his comments were general statements about belief, positivity and mind-set around what they could achieve (which are perfectly reasonable coming from a coach), and in no way declarations on the state of the list of what he expected them to achieve this year.

Yet somehow you are attempting to frame them as some sort of proof that he considered the team to be a serious finals contender, when this is not reflected in what he actually said.
Just selling a bit of candy to the fans so we'd get all happy n excited n buy a membership. If Ouzo had told the truth about this season instead of taking the *smile* we'd all have stayed home n saved the membership money for more sippins.
How's your first season gunna go Ouzo?
Well *smile*, I reckon we'll have half a dozen knee reco's a handful of back attacks, plus an ongoing treadmill of weekly injuries.
We'll get flogged on a regular basis n hardly ever be any more than competitive in a few games.
We'll use every player on the list for at least a couple of games each.
We'll have a mass exodus of premiership heroes retiring or pulling the pin to go elsewhere.
We'll probably win the spoon this year, but just to excite the fans we'll leave possibly missing pick 1 until the very last game of the year.
But don't you worry Tiger fans, we'll be getting plenty of games into a handful of fringies and young kids just starting out for you to get all excited about.

FMD. Reckon if we'd of seen that shitload of incoming before the season started, we'd all be hiding under the bed gibbering n twitching n just praying for 2024 to go away n never come back.
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And how many years was he coach ?

Have a think before you post
Irrelevant as you said we weren't like the 80's. Yet none of those coaches went onto any success elsewhere. It's a childish argument as we don't sack Wallet we don't get Dimma. Had we sacked Dimma after his scandal in QLD we would've ended up with possibly Fly or Kingsley later on. So sacking coaches can be of a beneficiary just as the rare chance they may succeed as we now lost Dimma who totally butchered our list although Blair made the final decisions. Dimma's contract took up a lot of soft cap space and we didn't then invest in fitness and other areas of the FD. We were stuck then employing Meehan with a promotion and getting failed AFL coaches as assistants. You make out that the club is error proof, but the last four years have shown it's regressed back to the 80's without even sacking a *smile* coach. lol
You argue like a 6yo pretending to be the RFC only board member by saying we don't sack coaches, yet we've sacked one recently and three flags come from it. Remember Dimma was kept for 7 seasons before he won a flag and take your own advice and Have a think before you post. IT CAN GO EITHER WAY YOU SEE ???
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Irrelevant as you said we weren't like the 80's. Yet none of those coaches went onto any success elsewhere. It's a childish argument as we don't sack Wallet we don't get Dimma. Had we sacked Dimma after his scandal in QLD we would've ended up with possibly Fly or Kingsley later on. So sacking coaches can be of a beneficiary just as the rare chance they may succeed as we now lost Dimma who totally butchered our list although Blair made the final decisions. Dimma's contract took up a lot of soft cap space and we didn't then invest in fitness and other areas of the FD. We were stuck then employing Meehan with a promotion and getting failed AFL coaches as assistants. You make out that the club is error proof, but the last four years have shown it's regressed back to the 80's without even sacking a *smile* coach. lol
You argue like a 6yo pretending to be the RFC only board member by saying we don't sack coaches, yet we've sacked one recently and three flags come from it. Remember Dimma was kept for 7 seasons before he won a flag and take your own advice and Have a think before you post.

It was 15 years ago and he coached for 4 1/2 years. I didn’t say we hadn’t sacked a coach since the 1980s, I said it isn’t the 1980s, a period when we knee jerked and sacked coaches regularly.

Seriously you are posting like a petulant child, not just to me but to lots of people.

Have a rest and calm down. LOL
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Its going to be an emotional day tomorrow for the club.

We farewell the Tiger King, Dylan, Marlion, Balmey and Benny Gale. Its also probably the farewell game for Shai, Danny, Bakes and Fridge.
That group has made an enormous contribution to the club. It's fitting Dimma will be there as well.

A lot of tears will be shed by the faithful tomorrow.
All because Ooze took those pictures down.

It will be emotional. Get to the G if you can tiger fans

It was 15 years ago and he coached for 4 1/2 years. I didn’t say we hadn’t sacked a coach since the 1980s, I said it isn’t the 1980s, a period when we knee jerked and sacked coaches regularly.

Seriously you are posting like a petulant child, not just to me but to lots of people.

Have a rest and calm down. LOL

You are full of so many contradictions it's not funny. You still think sacking those coaches was a knee jerk reaction? lol they all failed or never got employed by other clubs. Now you're mincing words and contradicting yourself as it's the same meaning implied as why would you raise it in your argument? lol
You pretended to make out the RFC doesn't sack coaches based on recent history. FFS we've only employed one coach in recent history and he *smile* off and had we sacked him in 2020 we wouldn't be in so much *smile*. You have all these throwaway lines that make no sense and when you're called out on them you start playing the man because you have no counter argument. You have missed the whole point of the argument as keeping or sacking coaches can go either way. Do you understand Mr Positive?
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What did some people expect Yze to say? We’ve got a crap aging list, most of who have their best days in the rear vision mirror. We’re probably going to have a rough season and fall down the ladder. Remember Malthouse saying he couldn’t see how Carlton would lose a game? He got sacked partway through the season.
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Its going to be an emotional day tomorrow for the club.

We farewell the Tiger King, Dylan, Marlion, Balmey and Benny Gale. Its also probably the farewell game for Shai, Danny, Bakes and Fridge.
That group has made an enormous contribution to the club. It's fitting Dimma will be there as well.

A lot of tears will be shed by the faithful tomorrow.
I will be definitely crying knowing Samson will be back next year
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You are full of so many contradictions it's not funny. You still think sacking those coaches was a knee jerk reaction? lol they all failed or never got employed by other clubs. Now you're mincing words and contradicting yourself as it's the same meaning implied as why would you raise it in your argument? lol
You pretended to make out the RFC doesn't sack coaches based on recent history. FFS we've only employed one coach in recent history and he *smile* off and had we sacked him in 2020 we wouldn't be in so much *smile*. You have all these throwaway lines that make no sense and when you're called out on them you start playing the man because you have no counter argument. You have missed the whole point of the argument as keeping or sacking coaches can go either way. Do you understand Mr Positive?

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