Umpire farce - Getting worse by the minute! | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Umpire farce - Getting worse by the minute!

Here’s a crazy one…why can’t an umpire change there decision if it’s blatantly wrong ?
We all make mistakes as we are only human. Why can’t they change their decision…it’s not a rule that they can’t ?
Do you think they'll one day bring in a "captains challenge" or something similar? Not many sports left that don't have some sort of VAR
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:geek:I don’t think they can change it after the fact. What they can do is admit they were wrong and that’s what they won’t do. I think it’s this complete and total lack of accountability and refusal to ad it that they can and do make mistakes that frustrates many people.
I dispute that to a degree…I doubt very much it is a “rule” that you can’t change your decision once given. It’s just excepted they won’t.
Try it umps…we might actually love you a lot more for it :geek:
Here’s a crazy one…why can’t an umpire change there decision if it’s blatantly wrong ?
We all make mistakes as we are only human. Why can’t they change their decision…it’s not a rule that they can’t ?
It happened yesterday. Ump called 50. Nobody reacted, then he obviously changed his mind and pretended he hadn't and just set the mark where the free was. One of the commentators noticed it.
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It happened yesterday. Ump called 50. Nobody reacted, then he obviously changed his mind and pretended he hadn't and just set the mark where the free was. One of the commentators noticed it.
You can’t make this *smile* up.

Oh lord AFL…what the *smile* has happened to our great game :poop::poop:

It’s actually sad.
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I'm going to swim against the tide here. How hard is it to just accept the umpire's decision and move on? Has an umpire ever gone "yeah, you're right" and changed their decision because it was protested by a player? No. So why not get on with the game and look to the next contest instead of whinging about the last one. And this protesting at AFL level is outright abuse at local levels, where parents regularly have to umpire junior games due to there not being enough umpires to cover the games. The players, and commentators and fans for that matter, have to suck up the fact that umpires get some decisions wrong or miss infringements, just like the players sometimes miss targets and shank kicks.
I agree that the players should get on with it. What I cannot agree with is the penalty. The game is not about the umpires nor should a game be decided on a player abusing an umpire (well it’s not really abuse if you put your hands out and say what was that for?). But if AFL are now insisting on a no tolerance policy then fine the player, don’t have a game decided on this rubbish rule.
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You wouldn’t even expect this in amateur sport.
and that is exactly how the game is looking ..

bizarre when you think about this being what the AFL designed and thought, 'yeah, lets go with that...'

far out ...
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What's wrong with raising your arms and asking what was that for when most of the time it's a legitimate question?
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So Scott again references "demonstrable dissent" but goes on to say that the 50 against the Dawks and Andrews was correct.

In what stratosphere is putting your arms out demonstrable? The bloke has NFI what he is doing. He's doing to the game what he did to Norf....single handedly turning it to *smile*
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So Scott again references "demonstrable dissent" but goes on to say that the 50 against the Dawks and Andrews was correct.

In what stratosphere is putting your arms out demonstrable? The bloke has NFI what he is doing. He's doing to the game what he did to Norf....single handedly turning it to *smile*
dunno about single handedly, I'd say he's being a good AFL team man.
One of the interesting things is the number of free kicks this year: 44.56 per game, last time it was over 40 per game was 2018 when it was 41.06 and all other years back to 2016 were below 40. Now, this is with them not paying lots of indiscretions but it is clear that the umpires have been more involved in the game in 2022.

But, on to Richmond.

A lot has been said about how we give away a lot of free kicks and that it is part of the style of play during our successful era, ie: since 2017. But when you actually look at the stats, Richmond don't really give away many more frees than most teams, it is actually quite close:

All Teams Frees Against 2017 to R5 2022.jpg

As you can see, the number of free kicks teams give away is actually quite close, all teams give away a similar number.

Many here have argued that it is the free kicks we don't receive which is the issue, well that looks like this:

All Teams Frees For 2017 to R5 2022.jpg

Hmm, seems everyone gives away around about the same number of free kicks per game but they are suddenly on their best behaviour against Richmond (StKilda and Hawthorn also seem to improve every other teams' behaviour too, but we are the absolute champions of encouraging play within the rules by our opponents).

Make of this what you will, but it just reinforces the view that we don't get paid frees the same as other teams. I mean, how can it be the case that for 6 years and 5 rounds only teams playing Richmond give away 17.5 frees a game, but they give away more whenever they play any of the other teams?

Unbelievable, literally unbelievable.

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This should be the minimum you can get away with re umpire dissent: 1650412281702.gif
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I agree with the AFL trying to "stamp out" players abusing umpires, never be tolerated. What I can't get my head around is this stupid ruling that asking a question of what the free kick was for or raising your arms is umpire abuse or dissent. If a player truly doesn't know why a free has been paid against him, isn't it only natural to ask for a clarification. Surely that's not dissent.

The AFL is rapidly losing the paying public & if they don't start listening to their customers ie: club members, supporters etc. They'll kill the Golden Goose.

I've never heard of so many disenchanted supporters from ALL CLUBS in my life.

Like others have said in th forum, I used to watch 2 or 3 games each week + never missed a Tigers game (on TV or live) I can honestly say that over the last 2 years I have only watched 1 full game, that was last Fridays debacle between the Roos & dogs. (I was visiting Doggies supporting relos & had no other option)
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It’s funny, reading the paper and there’s 2 articles side by side.

1: the AFL crack down on umpire dissent

2: the MRP decide Hawkins didn’t stage.

So we have a crackdown on umpire dissent but not staging. Odd.

I feel sorry for the teams that play first this round, the umpires are going to be RED HOT on umpire dissent.
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How did the AFL come up with the data stating the game is 6000 umpires short and its because of abuse? Did they conduct statewide exit interviews, or run a poll of ex-umpires, send out a questionnaire? Where is this info... has it been publicly released? ....or did they just do what they normally do and overreact based on a couple of snapshots that received media attention. If they conducted a proper investigation into why the game has lost umpires they may not like the results, as it would probably point to disenchantment with the ridiculous week by week alteration of rule 'interpretations' making it impossible for umpires to adjudicate consistently....and to look like gooses in the process. Who wants to go out in public every week in front of squillions of people and look like an idiot?
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How did the AFL come up with the data stating the game is 6000 umpires short and its because of abuse? Did they conduct exit interviews, or run a poll of ex-umpires, send out a questionnaire? Where is this info... has it been publicly released? ....or did they just do what they normally do and overreact based on a couple of snapshots that received media attention. If they conducted a proper investigation into why the game has lost umpires they may not like the results, as it would probably point to disenchantment with the ridiculous week by week alteration of rule 'interpretations' making it impossible for umpires to adjudicate consistently....and to look like gooses in the process. Who wants to go out in public every week in front of squillions of people and look like an idiot?
Agree. The game has lost umpires because the rules to interpret are too vague and ridiculous. It's their own fault.
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Are they losing umpires or is it the fact they need more now due to women's football? There's always been a shortage just look at junior games where parents are goal and boundary umpires. The 6,000 isn't in seniors ranks!!
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FFS - I see the AFL mouthpiece Whateley is spruking what is considered umpire abuse/disent. His examples on 360 are rubbish. This great game of ours is officially farcical. If the bloody umpires were not wrong half the time with garbage decisions then there would be a lot less disent but to police emotion out of the game is just dumb..... I just can not see myself watching it anymore..
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