Umpire farce - Getting worse by the minute! | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Umpire farce - Getting worse by the minute!

The apprentice will soon overtake the master
Goethes 'Sorcerers Apprentice' begins as an old sorcerer departs his workshop, leaving his apprentice with chores to perform. Tired of fetching water by pail, the apprentice enchants a broom to do the work for him, using magic in which he is not fully trained. The floor is soon awash with water, and the apprentice realizes that he cannot stop the broom because he does not know the magic required to do so.
The apprentice splits the broom in two with an axe, but each of the pieces becomes a whole broom that takes up a pail and continues fetching water, now at twice the speed. At this increased pace, the entire room quickly begins to flood.
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Brad Scott did nothing to make me feel at ease with this rule or how this game is umpired.

How he could say the decisions were right are beyond most football loving supporters.

You have umpires across let’s say this round picking and choosing when to apply this ‘dissent rule’.

To me and most of the supporters I’ve spoken too the rules recently introduced are not ‘in the spirit of the game’. The countless introductions to rules are so open to interpretation is at the heart of the AFL’s problems. To me saying that there is a shortage of 6000 umpires and ITS because of the ABUSE they cop is a cop out to what is the real problem. If supporters and even commentators are not sure why a free has been given, why it wasn’t then how the hell are we going to get consistent umpiring decisions?? They look confused, unsure themselves out there.

I will acknowledge that in junior levels or lower levels umpires do cop unwanted calls from supporters about decisions but not by 6000 numbers. I reckon that’s just a smokescreen to getting this rule implemented.

Yet Brad Scott comments on Trent Cotchin yet doesn’t comment on his brothers side of serial duckers ( which is a dangerous act/behaviour) , checkers and divers.

Doubling down on umpire dissent is good and fine as I don’t condone behaviour which is aggressive, threatening, abusive behaviour towards umpires but raising ‘your hands up’ or ‘pointing to the screen ‘ or ‘politely querying ‘ a decision is ‘demonstrative’ is just beyond me.

The AFL needs to firstly :

Make umpires full time. I would pay them a handsome salary reflective of their experience. I know you make have umpires who might be lawyers, accountants , whatever on good money. Pay them above the money they are earning doing their full time job to become full time umpires.

From the junior levels pays those umpiring the game on Saturday or Sundays say double, triple what they are currently paid.

Full time umpires. Full time job. Full time feedback, review, assessment and improving their craft.
Make umpires known to the fan. Humanise them. What we are seeing and hearing at games is ‘fans’ angry , upset, confused at the decisions they make which are making things worse.
The game can afford some of these suggestions through the billion they will get from their next broadcast rights to help grassroots football, the junior umpires, the AFL umpires and most importantly the FANS. Because without us the game we grew up playing, loving, supporting with suffer.

If they are only concerned with the broadcasters, the TV viewers , they will ultimately lose the fans.

Covid isn’t the reason crowd numbers are low.

Make it easier to go, book and sit at the game. It’s a mess. It’s hard.

The rush to bring in the AFLW game and the number of clubs wasn’t necessary but look I understand as I can see the affect this has had on young girls taking up the sport and the numbers of participation. The season just finished and it looks like they will be starting in August again. It shows the AFL again not thinking through things from the start but rushing to show inclusiveness. Most of these girls have jobs, families, school so to make this even more marketable and more of an attractive spectacle as with the umpires make them full time not just a past time.

Hopefully the new CEO who comes in can do more by listening to the fans. Review these rule changes implemented the past four years by Hocking without proper consultation, rushed and bring the game back to the FANS.

I am but one voice.

I use to watch other games, other teams but I find myself falling out of love with the game.

I have found myself not attending games and at times not being able to watch OUR games because I am so confused and disheartened with the continual rule changes.
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Brad Scott said umpires weren’t tough enough on players over the weekend as some abuse was missed
how is a player asking an umpire a question or waving their arms or rolling their eyes deemed to be abuse?

Why doesnt a journo call the Scotts out?

'Ummm, are you chris or brad? Either way, your CEO and your brother made these rules, do you really think paying customers, of whom 95% hate the rules and their interpretation, not to mention coaches, players and umpires, pretty much every stakeholder in the game except the afl execs and broadcasters, dont see which side your breads buttered on?'
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What’s next security/police singling out anyone that they consider is barracking too much and throw them out of the ground?
Wait on that happened a few years back at Marvel when supporters in the crowd we’re told by security to tone down their support or be thrown out
AFL have gone freaking mad
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Why doesnt a journo call Scott out?

'Ummm, brad, your CEO and your brother made these rules, do you really think paying customers, of whom 95% hate the rules and their interpretation, wont see through you falling into line?'
If a journo called him out IMO theyd lose their AFL media accreditation and be out of a job
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If a journo called him out IMO theyd lose their AFL media accreditation and be out of a job

The afl is Putin-like.
Get rid of the dissenters. Cronyism at its best.
Enabled by a group of people who call themselves the media.
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Boycott the matches.

It's not an overreaction - our game is in a death spiral, it's unrecognisable and the AFL are out of control.

I know you'll argue that a boycott will hurt Richmond but the end justifies the means. Empty stadiums is how we're heard - all fans of all clubs should unite in this.

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Boycott the matches.

It's not an overreaction - our game is in a death spiral, it's unrecognisable and the AFL are out of control.

I know you'll argue that a boycott will hurt Richmond but the end justifies the means. Empty stadiums is how we're heard - all fans of all clubs should unite in this.

Somehow I don’t think they care
All we hear about is Gill the Dill and the bonanza AFL will receive $$$ through new tv rights deal
Boycott the matches.

It's not an overreaction - our game is in a death spiral, it's unrecognisable and the AFL are out of control.

I know you'll argue that a boycott will hurt Richmond but the end justifies the means. Empty stadiums is how we're heard - all fans of all clubs should unite in this.

The only thing that may make them sit up and take notice is if people stop betting on the game and cite this as the reason. Watch them change if the gambling agencies say they’re losing revenue as a result of their tinkering with the rules.
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So we should just allow decisions which are completely wrong to be left unquestioned? Players can't thrown up their hands in exasperation when a clearly wrong decision is made?

I'm sorry, but the umpires need to be accountable for their decisions and if that means having to put up with the decisions being questioned then I see no problem. Questioning an umpire is not abuse, it is abuse to deny players the right to ask for the rationale for a decision.

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Somehow I don’t think they care
All we hear about is Gill the Dill and the bonanza AFL will receive $$$ through new tv rights deal
Whilst I agree with you that TV revenue is a huge factor - empty stadiums impact TV revenue, sponsorships, stadium contracts etc.

And the overall optics of empty stadiums are very bad for the game. That's why the AFL made a big song and dance about food prices and trying to break the attendance record in round of 1.

They need bums on seats, make no mistake about that.
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Goethes 'Sorcerers Apprentice' begins as an old sorcerer departs his workshop, leaving his apprentice with chores to perform. Tired of fetching water by pail, the apprentice enchants a broom to do the work for him, using magic in which he is not fully trained. The floor is soon awash with water, and the apprentice realizes that he cannot stop the broom because he does not know the magic required to do so.
The apprentice splits the broom in two with an axe, but each of the pieces becomes a whole broom that takes up a pail and continues fetching water, now at twice the speed. At this increased pace, the entire room quickly begins to flood.
I was thinking more of Chancellor Palpatine and Darth Vader
but that works for me too :LOL:
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Peter Cameron once umpired a game I played in. He was coming back from injury and asked our league if he could umpire a game to get back in shape for an AFL return. I couldn't stand him as an AFL umpire but I had a lot of respect for him and umpires after the game. He allowed players to query his decisions, always explaining why a decison was made and really gave as good as he got, only paying 2 or 3 25 metre penalties for the game when he felt the argument extended to personal abuse.

He was also forthcoming about reminding players of instances earlier in the game where perhaps they didn't go as hard for as they should have and that may be a better area to focus than his decisions.

I've always remembered the game as the best way to umpire a game of footy and thought perhaps that is what separated the AFL umpires from the riff raff we were used to. But we've strayed a long way from that.
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Peter Cameron once umpired a game I played in. He was coming back from injury and asked our league if he could umpire a game to get back in shape for an AFL return. I couldn't stand him as an AFL umpire but I had a lot of respect for him and umpires after the game. He allowed players to query his decisions, always explaining why a decison was made and really gave as good as he got, only paying 2 or 3 25 metre penalties for the game when he felt the argument extended to personal abuse.

He was also forthcoming about reminding players of instances earlier in the game where perhaps they didn't go as hard for as they should have and that may be a better area to focus than his decisions.

I've always remembered the game as the best way to umpire a game of footy and thought perhaps that is what separated the AFL umpires from the riff raff we were used to. But we've strayed a long way from that.
Totally agree jimbob. Wasn't he the one who was accidentally bumped into coz he got in the way? Was all smiles then and no fine for the player. Can't believe how much our game has deteriorated.
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If a journo called him out IMO theyd lose their AFL media accreditation and be out of a job
That’s the thing.

Most are scared.

Their salaries must a clause ( sorry bonus ) if you don’t speak out against the AFL, Umpires, Rules , Brad Scott , Chris Scott and oh yeah anything involving the Cats but everything involving the RFC.

RFC sells players, sorry click bait, radio (SEN) ..
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I'm going to swim against the tide here. How hard is it to just accept the umpire's decision and move on? Has an umpire ever gone "yeah, you're right" and changed their decision because it was protested by a player? No. So why not get on with the game and look to the next contest instead of whinging about the last one. And this protesting at AFL level is outright abuse at local levels, where parents regularly have to umpire junior games due to there not being enough umpires to cover the games. The players, and commentators and fans for that matter, have to suck up the fact that umpires get some decisions wrong or miss infringements, just like the players sometimes miss targets and shank kicks.
Here’s a crazy one…why can’t an umpire change there decision if it’s blatantly wrong ?
We all make mistakes as we are only human. Why can’t they change their decision…it’s not a rule that they can’t ?
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Boycott the matches.

It's not an overreaction - our game is in a death spiral, it's unrecognisable and the AFL are out of control.

I know you'll argue that a boycott will hurt Richmond but the end justifies the means. Empty stadiums is how we're heard - all fans of all clubs should unite in this.

I think a lot are already RM. Crowds are down big time.
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Here’s a crazy one…why can’t an umpire change there decision if it’s blatantly wrong ?
We all make mistakes as we are only human. Why can’t they change their decision…it’s not a rule that they can’t ?
I don’t think they can change it after the fact. What they can do is admit they were wrong and that’s what they won’t do. I think it’s this complete and total lack of accountability and refusal to admit that they can and do make mistakes that frustrates many people.
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