U.S Presidential Election | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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U.S Presidential Election

People still think Biden runs the show? Bernie Biden.

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Funnily enough, people are focussed on the election. Forgetting Sleepy Joe is the President NOW for another 6 months or so.

If that was an afl talk show and Biden was a coach, his club would sack him the next day. Or stand him down for a health assessment and put an assistant in as caretaker.
*smile*, in this case it’s Kamela. The only difference with Joe is she can walk. Nothing else though, she can only giggle.
Funnily enough, people are focussed on the election. Forgetting Sleepy Joe is the President NOW for another 6 months or so.

If that was an afl talk show and Biden was a coach, his club would sack him the next day. Or stand him down for a health assessment and put an assistant in as caretaker.
*smile*, in this case it’s Kamela. The only difference with Joe is she can walk. Nothing else though, she can only giggle.

Yet both of them wouldn't be as bad as another Trump Presidency. Man I feel sorry for the US
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Yet both of them wouldn't be as bad as another Trump Presidency. Man I feel sorry for the US
Yet at least old mate Trumplestiltskin would be running the circus himself n sacking any of his team that didn't do as he demanded. Who the *smile* has been running the circus while old sleepy Brainfart has been turning into an ambulatory vegetable these last few years?
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Yet at least old mate Trumplestiltskin would be running the circus himself n sacking any of his team that didn't do as he demanded. Who the *smile* has been running the circus while old sleepy Brainfart has been turning into an ambulatory vegetable these last few years?
When you look at what has been accomplished under his Presidency, you can only assume he has a good capable team around him.
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When you look at what has been accomplished under his Presidency, you can only assume he has a good capable team around him.
So it’s his Team. Not Sleepy Joe.
Or was it coming out of Covid that things improved? How much could be put down to that I wonder?

Seeing old Joe only has an approval rating of around 35% and isn’t all that popular, it’s a wonder they kept him on. But that’s politics in the good old US of A
So it’s his Team. Not Sleepy Joe.
Or was it coming out of Covid that things improved? How much could be put down to that I wonder?

Seeing old Joe only has an approval rating of around 35% and isn’t all that popular, it’s a wonder they kept him on. But that’s politics in the good old US of A

I have no idea. US domestic politics doesn't really interest me and I have no idea what Biden's poll results are.

But the US are, whether we like it or not, the West's super power and the President of the US has the authority to hit the Nuke button. For that reason alone I hope we don't see another Trump presidency.
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SCOTUS giving Trump some wiggle room regarding criminal prosecution in his term as president was always going to happen. Lower courts to decide if they think his actions are prosecutable. Then up to the Supreme Court on appeal. That's when the true bias of this SCOTUS will come to the fore.

If it stays in its current make up you can be sure that in future prosecution appeals SCOTUS will rule favourably for Reps and unfavourably for Dems. Biden to spend his retirement in chains a sure thing.
The Dems stuffed up big time. They thought they could eke out one more term with an aging Biden, remember this was decided 2 years ago, he has declined badly since, they were horribly wrong. At the time it looked very risky, in hindsight it looks like total insanity. The way the US system works, selecting candidates is long and cumbersome. It would never happen here, but if it did, there'd be a new leader by lunchtime.

We all know Biden is too old. But Trump is no razor-sharp spring chicken either, has no integrity, and want to dismantle democracy and be a facist dictator.

They are both old and have physical or mental problems. Its a vote for or against democracy.
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The Dems stuffed up big time. They thought they could eke out one more term with an aging Biden, remember this was decided 2 years ago, he has declined badly since, they were horribly wrong. At the time it looked very risky, in hindsight it looks like total insanity. The way the US system works, selecting candidates is long and cumbersome. It would never happen here, but if it did, there'd be a new leader by lunchtime.

We all know Biden is too old. But Trump is no razor-sharp spring chicken either, has no integrity, and want to dismantle democracy and be a facist dictator.

They are both old and have physical or mental problems. Its a vote for or against democracy.
I just think it’s unfathomable.
Biden vs Tump. I’m not sure there are any clear winners.

But a Trump victory is a *smile* scary prospect all round. At least if Biden is elected, he can be put in a broom cupboard and “his team” would govern.
Trump is just a megalomaniac. I doubt he listens to anyone. There’s only one way…his way or get out.

Two men both incompetent, too old, too disconnected from reality. One of them will become the most powerful man in the world.
How does this happen? I know there are a lot of incompetent people elected to high office around the world. But geez the USA sure has its fair share of them.

When and where was the last real world statesperson?
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I have no idea. US domestic politics doesn't really interest me and I have no idea what Biden's poll results are.

But the US are, whether we like it or not, the West's super power and the President of the US has the authority to hit the Nuke button. For that reason alone I hope we don't see another Trump presidency.
You don't have to worry about Trump - Bernie Biden and his minders are doing a great job at heading us into a nuclear war.
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When you look at what has been accomplished under his Presidency, you can only assume he has a good capable team around him.
Of course there isn’t a leader on the planet who can succeed without a good team around him/her. That’s the same for a US president, in business, sport and whatever else we can think of.
I once saw a video of the number of people Trump has had around him over the years before and during his presidency who he now has fallen out with or sacked, it a massive list.
He is incapable of keeping good people around him for long periods, history shows us that. To me that is one thing Biden has had, a stable loyal team.
In the US that is incredibly important because of the number of key bureaucratic posts that are appointed by a president.
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I just think it’s unfathomable.
Biden vs Tump. I’m not sure there are any clear winners.

But a Trump victory is a *smile* scary prospect all round. At least if Biden is elected, he can be put in a broom cupboard and “his team” would govern.
Trump is just a megalomaniac. I doubt he listens to anyone. There’s only one way…his way or get out.

Two men both incompetent, too old, too disconnected from reality. One of them will become the most powerful man in the world.
How does this happen? I know there are a lot of incompetent people elected to high office around the world. But geez the USA sure has its fair share of them.

When and where was the last real world statesperson?
Agree on everything except Biden being disconnected from reality. Past it yes, disconnected from reality no.

And Trump talks and acts as if he's disconnected from reality, but I honestly don't know if its act or not. The effect is the same though. Its an example of the old 'mad or bad' question.
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