U.S Presidential Election | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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U.S Presidential Election

A big reason it'll be hard to remove Biden is the team actually running the show won't be if he goes. So they're advising him to stay put. "You're the only one who can do it, sir." ("We like having all the power and none of the accountability. Take this pill and smile.")
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So, around 250 years ago, the colonies of America fought a war to rid themselves of being ruled by a monarch. Now, thanks to SCOTUS, if Trump wins the election in November, the United States will have voted in their first king. While the ruling states its “ limited immunity “, everyone knows this megalomaniac will consider anything he does as being immune from prosecution simply because he says so ( examples, classified documents he took because he said he could, he could declassify them just by thinking about it, declaring he will be dictator but just on day one, threatening to throw in jail anyone who crossed him or wasn’t loyal enough to him).
With the Supreme Court on his side, he can do whatever he wants. If enough maga cult members get voted in, he’ll have control of one or both houses, rubber stamping any legislation he wants. It wouldn’t be a stretch to believe he could dismiss the 2 term limit for Presidents. It is all about him after all.
His royal court has enough candidates lining up to be his court jesters. I guess you could start to wonder who would succeed King Donald the First. Would his eldest become King Donald the Second? Or would it be his favourite, Queen Ivanka? Maybe some Lannister Game of Thrones shenanigans would be going on there. His grandkid might also be his kid :ROFLMAO: . We know Eric the First won’t happen. He’s the Prince Harry in all this ( that’s if Donnie remembers he exists)
But all jokes aside, it’s a scary proposition should he win. You just have to listen to what he’s been saying, his own words. Add the immunity into the equation………….
Biden should make an executive order to you know what. It’s official, he won’t be prosecuted for it
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the West's super power and the President of the US has the authority to hit the Nuke button. For that reason alone I hope we don't see another Trump presidency.
Now there's a novel idea. Solve all the worlds problems with a simple little button push as there'd be no-one left to *smile* n complain about all the problems.
Yay for Trumplestiltskin, clean out the swamp big time.
So, around 250 years ago, the colonies of America fought a war to rid themselves of being ruled by a monarch. Now, thanks to SCOTUS, if Trump wins the election in November, the United States will have voted in their first king. While the ruling states its “ limited immunity “, everyone knows this megalomaniac will consider anything he does as being immune from prosecution simply because he says so ( examples, classified documents he took because he said he could, he could declassify them just by thinking about it, declaring he will be dictator but just on day one, threatening to throw in jail anyone who crossed him or wasn’t loyal enough to him).
With the Supreme Court on his side, he can do whatever he wants. If enough maga cult members get voted in, he’ll have control of one or both houses, rubber stamping any legislation he wants. It wouldn’t be a stretch to believe he could dismiss the 2 term limit for Presidents. It is all about him after all.
His royal court has enough candidates lining up to be his court jesters. I guess you could start to wonder who would succeed King Donald the First. Would his eldest become King Donald the Second? Or would it be his favourite, Queen Ivanka? Maybe some Lannister Game of Thrones shenanigans would be going on there. His grandkid might also be his kid :ROFLMAO: . We know Eric the First won’t happen. He’s the Prince Harry in all this ( that’s if Donnie remembers he exists)
But all jokes aside, it’s a scary proposition should he win. You just have to listen to what he’s been saying, his own words. Add the immunity into the equation………….
Biden should make an executive order to you know what. It’s official, he won’t be prosecuted for it
The two term limit is a comparatively recent amendment. FDR was partway through his 4th consecutive term when he died.
Biden considers himself to be a lifetime civil servant of his country. Well, someone needs to explain to him that right now, the greatest contribution he could make in his lifetime of service is to resign right now as the Democratic nominee.

It would be the most significant contribution in his career that he could possibly make, to the well being of his country.
Handover at the convention, make him look like a hero, grand exit, hold the hand up of the new candidate, nothing surer.
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Handover at the convention, make him look like a hero, grand exit, hold the hand up of the new candidate, nothing surer.
Bypassing the token V.P. Camelarse Hairy for some middle aged white male in a blue suit might be sending the wrong message to a hell of a lot of Dem's women though Scooper. Could make Trumplestiltskins run for the top job a hell of a lot easier.
Jacinta Adern has left New Zealand a mess and is not respected by a majority of Kiwis. She was too progressive and became too divisive.

The question was statespersonship,

Which is an olden days concept and largely unrelated to popularity.

Ardern was a stateswoman to me, as was gillard.

A defining factor for me is they devote themselves to the improvement of society post politics,

Not sell out to the highest paying lobby group
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Bypassing the token V.P. Camelarse Hairy for some middle aged white male in a blue suit might be sending the wrong message to a hell of a lot of Dem's women though Scooper. Could make Trumplestiltskins run for the top job a hell of a lot easier.

It's not the Democrat voters they need to convince. It's the swing voters (are there any in the US these days), or rather traditional Republican voters who may shudder at the thought of having Trump as President again.

And it's also about having a viable alternative so that people go and vote, rather than not bother as choosing either one doesn't sit right.
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It's not the Democrat voters they need to convince. It's the swing voters (are there any in the US these days), or rather traditional Republican voters who may shudder at the thought of having Trump as President again.

And it's also about having a viable alternative so that people go and vote, rather than not bother as choosing either one doesn't sit right.
That's the key.

Apathy will be the end of Biden.

The average American sees the footage of that debate and thinks, what's the point of showing up?

There's no good here.

The more reasonable middle grounders that can't see any value in voting, the better the outcome for trump.

He has enough fanatics.
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Those conservative supreme court judges knew what they were doing with this ruling. It's all about protecting their mate and its working. The corruption is so stark it boggles the mind.
The separation of powers in the US is now officially dead

The dissenting opinion of Justice Sotomayor is damning on her colleagues, blistering.
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If only that Ruth Baden Ginsburg had resigned when she had the chance rather than clinging to her job while she was dying. Not that there still wouldn't be a conservative majority in the Supreme Court but at least it would have been some resemblance of balance.

It's a similar position to what Biden is in now. History is repeating itself for the dems.

I think the only hope that Trump isn't reelected is that he drops dead before the election. You never know.
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I think the only hope that Trump isn't reelected is that he drops dead before the election. You never know.

Well according to the supreme court, Biden could get the military or FBI to take out Trump and he'd be immune from prosecution.
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