U.S Presidential Election | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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U.S Presidential Election

Well, Biden is the current President so . . .


As Commander in Chief this would be an act as President.

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Sounds like Kamala Harris is the only viable hope of delaying the end of the world slightly.

She is the only one who can access the Biden/Harris campaign funds.

some cavalry
If I understand this right the SCOTUS ruling means that if Trump sells pardons for cash - no crime. It’s an official act. Even if the interpretation of official act is challenged - Trump has a word with his AG and the DOJ stop the challenge. Cannot contest this situation. Trumps conversations with his AG cannot be introduced as evidence. Nor are his motives (money) allowed to be introduced.

Even if a lower court challenges and wins the odd case - all Trump has to do is appeal all the way to the SCOTOS claiming an official act and his mates there will get him off. This immunity ruling is virtually impenetrable.

Without any hyperbole - this is as an extreme far right decision by the SCOTUS that has shocked even far right advocates. This will end very very badly. Dark days ahead.
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I just think it’s unfathomable.
Biden vs Tump. I’m not sure there are any clear winners.

But a Trump victory is a *smile* scary prospect all round. At least if Biden is elected, he can be put in a broom cupboard and “his team” would govern.
Trump is just a megalomaniac. I doubt he listens to anyone. There’s only one way…his way or get out.

Two men both incompetent, too old, too disconnected from reality. One of them will become the most powerful man in the world.
How does this happen? I know there are a lot of incompetent people elected to high office around the world. But geez the USA sure has its fair share of them.

When and where was the last real world statesperson?
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If I understand this right the SCOTUS ruling means that if Trump sells pardons for cash - no crime. It’s an official act. Even if the interpretation of official act is challenged - Trump has a word with his AG and the DOJ stop the challenge. Cannot contest this situation. Trumps conversations with his AG cannot be introduced as evidence. Nor are his motives (money) allowed to be introduced.

Even if a lower court challenges and wins the odd case - all Trump has to do is appeal all the way to the SCOTOS claiming an official act and his mates there will get him off. This immunity ruling is virtually impenetrable.

Without any hyperbole - this is as an extreme far right decision by the SCOTUS that has shocked even far right advocates. This will end very very badly. Dark days ahead.
Also, if I read this right, the cheques he wrote, while sitting in the Oval Office,to Michael cohen to pay off Stormy Daniels can also be classified as official acts
Also, if I read this right, the cheques he wrote, while sitting in the Oval Office,to Michael cohen to pay off Stormy Daniels can also be classified as official acts
I don't really know but surely an official act means an act related to the office of the President, otherwise these Supreme court judges are on the Dennis Denuto scale of lawyers.
If it didn't he could walk out the front of the Whitehouse and shoot people for fun and it would be an official act.
Surely no court could be that stupid, but this is the USA I guess
I think the Michael Cohen payments were before he was President
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I don't really know but surely an official act means an act related to the office of the President, otherwise these Supreme court judges are on the Dennis Denuto scale of lawyers.
If it didn't he could walk out the front of the Whitehouse and shoot people for fun and it would be an official act.
Surely no court could be that stupid, but this is the USA I guess
I think the Michael Cohen payments were before he was President
Less your Dennis Denuto and more your Al Capone. Its a terrible state of affairs.
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I don't really know but surely an official act means an act related to the office of the President, otherwise these Supreme court judges are on the Dennis Denuto scale of lawyers.
If it didn't he could walk out the front of the Whitehouse and shoot people for fun and it would be an official act.
Surely no court could be that stupid, but this is the USA I guess
I think the Michael Cohen payments were before he was President
Dennis Denuto is insulted at being compared to those crooks.
I think that cohen paid off Daniel’s before the election but trump wrote the cheques to pay back cohen while president.
The judges didn’t clarify what constitutes an official act did they? To trump, that means if he is president, anything he he does he’ll class as an official act
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I read a piece last night that was interesting. The President might be immune, but if instructs people to carry out illegal acts, they wont be immune and could be prosecuted.

But when you surround yourself with Yes Men and offer out Presidential Pardons like candy on Halloween, I'm not sure it will be that much of a deterrent.
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I read a piece last night that was interesting. The President might be immune, but if instructs people to carry out illegal acts, they wont be immune and could be prosecuted.

But when you surround yourself with Yes Men and offer out Presidential Pardons like candy on Halloween, I'm not sure it will be that much of a deterrent.
A bit like the Jan6 rioters/insurrectionists. Trump encouraged them. He’s free, a lot who followed his instructions have jail time
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