Thanks PRE from Cogs family | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Thanks PRE from Cogs family

Hi Bigs. Beautiful post. Very unhappy what has happened with Mark. He's been so unfortunate with his knee & hammy problems and his fight has been incredible to come back from the injuries he's had. Was so happy to see him back this year but upset that he will not play for the Tigers anymore. I hope all is well with the rest of your family. I hope you are doing well. Take care friend. Hope to hear from you on here in the near future.

biglinds said:
On behalf of Mark, I just want to thank Rosy and Pre for all the support you have given him in the years he has been at the club.

As his uncle, I was an eagles supporter when Mark got drafted, but I determined to be as passionate tiger supporter as possible and threw everything in with the tiges. Now I wonder how on earth I ever supported the eagles.

Even though we didn't see the best of him and he was decimated by injury,we are grateful to the tiges for picking him up. We as a family and I as his uncle have spent many hours on this site reading the informed (and some not so informed) views of the tiger faithful. When the chat room was at its height a few years ago, I spent many hours yarning with my fellow tiger fans.

I said to Mark last night, that whatever happens to him, I will ever be a tiger supporter, my blood is so yellow and black that I couldnt even consider following any other team.

I knew Mark's number was up in his resurrection game. His strength was gone, his ability to break tackles and get out the quick hand pass was gone, he was being flung around like a match stick. It was distressing to watch. I only learned last night standing outside the ground that it was all over. I dont know what people thought of the big man in the tiger gear crying on the side walk.

Particularly I want to thank Rosy, she has been magnificent. You have got as your moderator on Pre one of the most loyal and faithful people one could ever have. This site would have collapse years ago if it wasn't for her stickability. I look forward to continuing on pre in the years to come. I also want to publicly thank Fiesty tiger for keeping me informed about tiger happenings and news from punt road. Over the years I've made many friends. RFC forever, Tigerdog, Mikee and Tigerbob have been special to me. Of late I just haven't had the time to spend as much time on Pre as I would have liked.

At the end of the day, as much as we all love it ,footy is a bag of wind, it has its highs and lows, I'll be pretty proud to say in future years that I had a nephew at tigerland who played 92 games and won a fairest and best. But it's off the field that I am especially proud of him. All the trials of the last few years have helped to make him an outstanding person off the field. His kindness and compassion not too many people know about.

Again Pre people, thanks so much from the family, over here in the west its all eagles and dockers, its so good to get the news from Melbourne(Ben Cousins said the same thing last night). The one thing I've learned most from being a tiger supporter as the absolute PASSION
tiger supporters have. It eclipses anything that I have known coming from the west.

Mark in his speech after the game praised the tiger supporters, It has meant so much to him. I'm pretty choked up at the moment, but come round 1 next year, I'll be donning the hat and the scarf again and hoping that Damien Hardwick can inspire a recovery

God bless you all, biglinds
Great post, being in the west I would endorse everthing you said in paticular your comment on Rosy. PRE is one of the few ways for us to stay in touch with matters Richmond.
I remember Cogs in his B&F season, I thought he was going to be anything and he would have if injuries had not struck him down. It's a sad way for a potentially great career to end. I hope that the club keep him around. With all the time he spent in the box over the last few years he must have learned something. I think he'd make a good assistant and can possibly become a good coach in the future.
I was suprised to see he has only played around 90 AFL Games. A real shame could of played 200 if not for injury :'(
Great post and all the best to Mark and his family for the future.

Terrible circumstances brought the kid down, and its a shame Mark never got the chance to realise his full potential just as he was starting to become a dominant Tiger player, and a shame the Tigers were robbed of a fit and healthy Mak Coughlan, he carried the weight of expectation and support of Tiger fans in a dark time.

Showed great application, and fortitude to fight back from 2 acls and shot hammies...... respect.

I liked the kid ....

Best wishes to you Mark Coughlan.
i was just thinking yesterday.... that it's going to be strange not seeing joel bowden from now on..... after so many years...... and it feels the same with cogs..... even though he hasn't played many games recently..... you would always seek out how he was going, and you were always hoping the best for him - just wishing that his injuries could somehow magically disappear.....

but , you know ..... as with joel, you just have this feeling that cogs will achieve even higher with his pursuits after football ........

i wish them both all the very best for the future and thank them so much for playing for the mighty tiges.
biglinds said:
On behalf of Mark, I just want to thank Rosy and Pre for all the support you have given him in the years he has been at the club.

As his uncle, I was an eagles supporter when Mark got drafted, but I determined to be as passionate tiger supporter as possible and threw everything in with the tiges. Now I wonder how on earth I ever supported the eagles.

Even though we didn't see the best of him and he was decimated by injury,we are grateful to the tiges for picking him up. We as a family and I as his uncle have spent many hours on this site reading the informed (and some not so informed) views of the tiger faithful. When the chat room was at its height a few years ago, I spent many hours yarning with my fellow tiger fans.

I said to Mark last night, that whatever happens to him, I will ever be a tiger supporter, my blood is so yellow and black that I couldnt even consider following any other team.

I knew Mark's number was up in his resurrection game. His strength was gone, his ability to break tackles and get out the quick hand pass was gone, he was being flung around like a match stick. It was distressing to watch. I only learned last night standing outside the ground that it was all over. I dont know what people thought of the big man in the tiger gear crying on the side walk.

Particularly I want to thank Rosy, she has been magnificent. You have got as your moderator on Pre one of the most loyal and faithful people one could ever have. This site would have collapse years ago if it wasn't for her stickability. I look forward to continuing on pre in the years to come. I also want to publicly thank Fiesty tiger for keeping me informed about tiger happenings and news from punt road. Over the years I've made many friends. RFC forever, Tigerdog, Mikee and Tigerbob have been special to me. Of late I just haven't had the time to spend as much time on Pre as I would have liked.

At the end of the day, as much as we all love it ,footy is a bag of wind, it has its highs and lows, I'll be pretty proud to say in future years that I had a nephew at tigerland who played 92 games and won a fairest and best. But it's off the field that I am especially proud of him. All the trials of the last few years have helped to make him an outstanding person off the field. His kindness and compassion not too many people know about.

Again Pre people, thanks so much from the family, over here in the west its all eagles and dockers, its so good to get the news from Melbourne(Ben Cousins said the same thing last night). The one thing I've learned most from being a tiger supporter as the absolute PASSION
tiger supporters have. It eclipses anything that I have known coming from the west.

Mark in his speech after the game praised the tiger supporters, It has meant so much to him. I'm pretty choked up at the moment, but come round 1 next year, I'll be donning the hat and the scarf again and hoping that Damien Hardwick can inspire a recovery

God bless you all, biglinds
a great read biglinds, we are all proud of the way Cogs tackled every challenge put before him and the manner in which he embraced our club...that was obvious from Day's a shame that both Browny and Cogs were dealt such a cruel hand from "lady luck" as had fate been more favourable I'm certain that a different chapter would have been cgharted in RFC history alas, we all move fills me with pride to hear you will always be a TIGER

all the best :clap
Thank You Biglinds...great post.
Like Rosy, I put Cogs up there with Knighter, the esteem he is held in by me and all other Tigers. That year he won the B&F, he was fantastic. 6 votes away from the Brownlow and head and shoulders above every other Tiger that season. I was shattered last night.

I remember the story that Tigerbob mentioned...another Tiger was being interviewed by the newspapers and mentioned it in passing, that Cogs would be sitting and having lunch with the boys, they might be planning to go out, and he would find out where they would be and then disappear, without saying where he was going. Turns out he would pop in to visit her in hospital before meeting his mates. Never bignoting himself, just felt like visiting her.

Agree with MB...I thought he was worth another preseason and year on the list.
CarnTheTiges said:
I remember Cogs in his B&F season, I thought he was going to be anything and he would have if injuries had not struck him down. It's a sad way for a potentially great career to end. I hope that the club keep him around. With all the time he spent in the box over the last few years he must have learned something. I think he'd make a good assistant and can possibly become a good coach in the future.

Fifth in the Brownlow just underlines just how good Cogs was in his prime. I'll always remember his 3 vote 40 possession game against Essendon, (in a losing side), even Sheedy was in awe of Mark's tenacity and character. Speaks volumes that the RFC gave him every opportunity to recapture that form, despite the cost both on and off the field.

Wish you all the best Cogs and I hope you remain at the club in some other capacity.
I am beside myself today - never felt quite this bad about a player going. I felt pretty bad when Knighter went too but not this bad! Even before the start of the season I considered Cogs to be the next big thing at our club, our saviour. I seriously do not think we gave him enough time to prove he isn't up to it.

I do not like the club very much just now as there are others that deserved to be told to go before Cogs - Im not sure I want to be around this club just now either. Im sick of them treating our champions like this and Cogs was a champion to me.

BigLinds - please give Mark a cuddle from me and tell him that I really didn't want him to go and to take care of himself. I hope that he has a great future ....... maybe at the Tiges in some capacity :'(

craig said:
I havent felt so bad about a player leaving since Kent Kingsley got the ass !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe a little respect for Cogs's uncle. There's other posts to gloat on.
I'm glad that similar to Polak and Brown there was never a question from the club that Cogs wouldn't be given the time he needed to get back to full fitness. While he may no longer be able to be the star he was, he can walk away from the club his head high - he and the club gave his body every chance.

Upsetting to see him go. I wish him well.
Awesome post.

In my view, at his best, Cogs was a top 10 player in the league. Sadly he and our club have been robbed of that.

Good luck to Cogs for the future.
craig said:
Ummmm howz about you read the whole thread or least go back a page.

Fair enough. I apologise. I read your earlier post but didn't put 2 and 2 together that they were both posts from you. Saw the later one and started fuming.
Well said Biglinds, great post. Mark certainly earned everybodys respect both on & off the ground. Just a class person.

Good luck & best wishes for the future Cogs. :clap :clap :clap
Biglinds, thanks for sharing what is an intimate view on a member of the family. To share that, the way you did, was very generous. :clap

Mark Coughlan for me will always be remembered as one of our great players - thanks for the journey Mark!

Didn;t think your second post was necessary at all Craig! :mad: