Terrorist attacks in Paris | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Terrorist attacks in Paris

Brodders17 said:

im glad a very conservative Christian thinks religious fanatics should adapt to Australian values.
perhaps he will follow suit by backing gay marriage.

What's wrong with Australian values?

Is our culture so putrid that we should snuff it out in an attempt to not offend or to accommodate the sensitivities of other cultures?

Personally i have a problem with cultures that still believe in females circumcision, or stone females for adultery after they've been pack raped, or who slaughter people because they are gay etc etc etc

It seems that it's the putrid Western world rushing in with funding and aid workers every time a disaster strikes somewhere in the world. By extension, a lot of this aid is coming from Christian groups as well. It seems that if you're a Westerner you're a total bastard. If you're a Christian Westerner then well, you are one Son of a B!tch
Baloo said:
Plenty of kids who weren't brought up in a Muslim household have been recruited. Not sure you can blame the upbringing. A bit like saying I'm more likely to be a paedophile because I was brought up in a Catholic household.

Jihadi Jake says hello.
Baloo said:
Plenty of kids who weren't brought up in a Muslim household have been recruited. Not sure you can blame the upbringing. A bit like saying I'm more likely to be a paedophile because I was brought up in a Catholic household.

These aren't kids experimenting with drugs or dabbling in porn, they're deciding that blowing themselves up and taking as many people with them as possible is a good thing to do. This can't happen unless extremism is seen as a somewhat acceptable form of Islam.

WesternTiger said:
Jihadi Jake says hello.

Misfits and outcasts looking for a direction. David Hicks is another.

Bilardi didn't actually manage to kill anyone (other than himself). Maybe his heart wasn't in it.
Great story in Time recently about a group of Iraqis making a TV show poking fun at ISIS and how it is a massive hit in Iraq and elsewhere. El basheer show I think it is called.

Fighting them with humour and showing the region just how stupid they are. Putting their lives at risk whilst doing it I suspect. Good on them.
And another terrorist attack in the US at a facility for the disabled. 14 dead and 17 injured.
tigertim said:
And another terrorist attack in the US at a facility for the disabled. 14 dead and 17 injured.

Husband and wife terrorists. Charming.

No apologist can claim "marginalisation" on this one. Shot up the workplace he'd been at for five years. Married, new baby. And these are the well-adjusted ones.

Apparently left pipe bombs at the scene. Had to be at least some planning involved.
tigertim said:
And another terrorist attack in the US at a facility for the disabled. 14 dead and 17 injured.

Did I read Obama stating 'enough is enough' for the umpteenth time...
LeeToRainesToRoach said:
Husband and wife terrorists. Charming.

No apologist can claim "marginalisation" on this one. Shot up the workplace he'd been at for five years. Married, new baby. And these are the well-adjusted ones.

Apparently left pipe bombs at the scene. Had to be at least some planning involved.

am i right in assuming this mass killing is a terrorist act cos the killers were muslims?
or have facts come out linking them to a terrorist organisation or about their motives?
Brodders17 said:
am i right in assuming this mass killing is a terrorist act cos the killers were muslims?
or have facts come out linking them to a terrorist organisation or about their motives?

Some papers saying it was a dispute he had with the social services centre he worked at which made him and his wife react like this, but why go this far and leave a 6 month baby behind?

Brodders17 said:
am i right in assuming this mass killing is a terrorist act cos the killers were muslims?
or have facts come out linking them to a terrorist organisation or about their motives?

Muslims wreaking carnage at a Christmas party. You join the dots.

Come on, admit to yourself there are many, many Muslims who believe we deserve to die simply by virtue of being "Westerners". It's the first step.
Wish hitchens was still around he raised these issues about Islam many years ago. Sam Harris another voice of logic on this issue. Hard to argue against their views.
LeeToRainesToRoach said:
Muslims wreaking carnage at a Christmas party. You join the dots.

Come on, admit to yourself there are many, many Muslims who believe we deserve to die simply by virtue of being "Westerners". It's the first step.
What about the other 1041 mass shootings in the US since Sandy Hook, with over 1300 dead? The facts are that the US public are at far greater risk of being shot by some random nutcase who gets a gun legally than a terrorist act.

There is no clear motive yet it is all speculation but my friend in the US has told me that the rumour (and that is what it is at the moment so please take it that way) is that he may have been the subject of a lot of abuse from some colleagues for being muslim and all that is happening in the world.

it appears that at least some of the weapons they had were legally obtained. Therein lies the real sickness in US society.
Sintiger said:
What about the other 1041 mass shootings in the US since Sandy Hook, with over 1300 dead? The facts are that the US public are at far greater risk of being shot by some random nutcase who gets a gun legally than a terrorist act.

There is no clear motive yet it is all speculation but my friend in the US has told me that the rumour (and that is what it is at the moment so please take it that way) is that he may have been the subject of a lot of abuse from some colleagues for being muslim and all that is happening in the world.

it appears that at least some of the weapons they had were legally obtained. Therein lies the real sickness in US society.

I heard the same thing Sin. The FBI now saying he was radicalised. Looks like a bit of both.
Sintiger said:
it appears that at least some of the weapons they had were legally obtained. Therein lies the real sickness in US society.

I don't disagree.

Police have stated the attack was clearly pre-meditated.

Pretending there is no problem is also sickness.

(If I don't return from AC/DC or the Boxing Day Test, please put "I told yous all" on my tombstone.)
LeeToRainesToRoach said:
I don't disagree.

Police have stated the attack was clearly pre-meditated.

Pretending there is no problem is also sickness.

(If I don't return from AC/DC or the Boxing Day Test, please put "I told yous all" on my tombstone.)
Who said there wasn't a problem? What we disagree on is the extent and what to do about it.

Blaming and marginalising the vast majority of Muslims who are as appalled by violence as we are is not a solution.
Sintiger said:
Blaming and marginalising the vast majority of Muslims who are as appalled by violence as we are is not a solution.

That's just it, they aren't. I have been told this by Muslims - talk at (Sunni) dinner tables and family gatherings is often far from condemnatory regarding IS.
LeeToRainesToRoach said:
That's just it, they aren't. I have been told this by Muslims - talk at (Sunni) dinner tables and family gatherings is often far from condemnatory regarding IS.
If that is your view from what you have been told then so be it. No amount of discussion is going to change that it appears.

In my experience and years of knowing lots of muslims and from talking to people who have actually been in the Middle east recently and talked to those who are effected, you are wrong.