Terrorist attacks in Paris | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Terrorist attacks in Paris

WesternTiger said:
And another multiple homicide by hard line radical Chistrians in the U.S.

i expect every Christian on the planet to renounce these actions.
any who dont are not just condoning these terrorist acts, but supporting them.
I went to a Catholic high school. Do I need to renounce these actions or should I just concentrate on child abuse?
Brodders17 said:
i expect every Christian on the planet to renounce these actions.
any who dont are not just condoning these terrorist acts, but supporting them.

It's not good enough to just renounce them, Christians should be walking down the street, shouting from the rooftops, making neon signs and doing star jumps. Otherwise every Christian is a terrorist.
From terrorist attacks screaming for the cops to climate change riots attacking the cops.....hmm.
Brodders17 said:

im glad a very conservative Christian thinks religious fanatics should adapt to Australian values.
perhaps he will follow suit by backing gay marriage.

Devout Christians and Muslims should always have the right to oppose gay marriage and advocate against it.
But they should not attempt to impose their will on others through violence.
poppa x said:
Devout Christians and Muslims should always have the right to oppose gay marriage and advocate against it.
But they should not attempt to impose their will on others through violence.

Very true poppa. :clapping
poppa x said:
Devout Christians and Muslims should always have the right to oppose gay marriage and advocate against it.

and I'll keep this as the number 1 reason as to why gay marriage MUST be legalised.
poppa x said:
Devout Christians and Muslims should always have the right to oppose gay marriage and advocate against it.
But they should not attempt to impose their will on others through violence.

i agree about the violence bit. that is why we should help those who are fleeing such violence.

as for the first bit, they can hold whatever view they like, but i dont think they should restrict the freedoms of others based on their religion.
Brodders17 said:

im glad a very conservative Christian thinks religious fanatics should adapt to Australian values.
perhaps he will follow suit by backing gay marriage.

Where in the article does it mention that Hastie is speaking as a Christian, or is a Christian at all?

In my previous job with the Australian Defence Force, I studied IS propaganda, including many of its violent videos and images, in an effort to understand its objectives, aims and rationale.

Is obviously more knowledgeable about terrorism than me, and probably you as well.
LeeToRainesToRoach said:
Where in the article does it mention that Hastie is speaking as a Christian, or is a Christian at all?

Is obviously more knowledgeable about terrorism than me, and probably you as well.

it was well noted before the by-election that he is a devout Christian. his father is a preacher of some sort, and Hastie repeatedly refused to answer whether he believed in creationism. not suprisingly he was Abbott's pick.
Brodders17 said:
it was well noted before the by-election that he is a devout Christian. his father is a preacher of some sort, and Hastie repeatedly refused to answer whether he believed in creationism. not suprisingly he was Abbott's pick.

Nevertheless, he speaks sense without invoking God or Jesus or any of his other cronies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with calling for honest discussion. Input from the Muslim community to such a discussion would be most welcome.
LeeToRainesToRoach said:
Is obviously more knowledgeable about terrorism than me, and probably you as well.
Hastie has been in the military and was posted to Afghanistan I think but that doesn't make him an expert on terrorism. It might make him know about counter terrorism in places like Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria but I am not sure it qualifies him as an expert about the muslim community in Australia.

I could argue that aid workers who are working in the refugee camps in places like Northern Iraq, Turkey and Lebanon are far closer to the way a large portion of muslims think about terrorism, ISIS etc than a member of the military is.

I know a few and their overwhelming feedback is massive hatred and despair of what their "fellow muslims" are doing to their own people and to their religion.
Sintiger said:
I know a few and their overwhelming feedback is massive hatred and despair of what their "fellow muslims" are doing to their own people and to their religion.

Fair enough. My belief is that many are relatively "OK" with ISIS. How can warped propaganda sway adolescents to kill if the seeds aren't already sown in Muslim homes?
Plenty of kids who weren't brought up in a Muslim household have been recruited. Not sure you can blame the upbringing. A bit like saying I'm more likely to be a paedophile because I was brought up in a Catholic household.
Sintiger said:
Hastie has been in the military and was posted to Afghanistan I think but that doesn't make him an expert on terrorism. It might make him know about counter terrorism in places like Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria but I am not sure it qualifies him as an expert about the muslim community in Australia.

I could argue that aid workers who are working in the refugee camps in places like Northern Iraq, Turkey and Lebanon are far closer to the way a large portion of muslims think about terrorism, ISIS etc than a member of the military is.

I know a few and their overwhelming feedback is massive hatred and despair of what their "fellow muslims" are doing to their own people and to their religion.

Hastie has crazy eyes. He scares me.
LeeToRainesToRoach said:
Fair enough. My belief is that many are relatively "OK" with ISIS. How can warped propaganda sway adolescents to kill if the seeds aren't already sown in Muslim homes?
Your belief is way off the mark Imo. The numbers who are being swayed are a tiny minority of kids. Obviously they cause a lot of damage but most hate ISIS and what it stands for in my experience.

If you could pick one issue which most middle eastern Muslims rally around which you could regard as " anti western" it would be Israel and Palestine but these days there is very little if any violence around that cause outside that geographic area. 30-40 years ago that was a totally different story
LeeToRainesToRoach said:
Fair enough. My belief is that many are relatively "OK" with ISIS. How can warped propaganda sway adolescents to kill if the seeds aren't already sown in Muslim homes?

If you read the accounts of young Muslim people "converted" to radicalism, one of the recruiting strategies of the groups is to alienate the teenagers from their parents. They are told their parents "don't understand true Islam". These groups know that parents will try to dissuade their children from radical and violent action, so they make the parents and moderate Islam the enemy.