Talking Politics | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Talking Politics

Really? I have only ever reported one post in my entire life on this site. it was a post about Trump having incestuous relation with his daughter.
I am about to leave this site because you allow a free reign to one side of the political debate and shut down free speech when the views don't align with yours.
I have never asked to have anyone to have their right to have their own beliefs and thoughts restricted in anyway unless it is based on moral grounds.

How dare you even inference that I have complained about someone having a right to a different view than mine!!

I would defend to the death the right of Left wing people to express their view even though I totally disagree with their Marxist ideals.
Imagine if Trump with all his filthy gutter talk posted on this site, he would've been banned quick smart.
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So what you can have is the employer & employee at odds with one another then if they do not come to an agreement it goes to a hearing at the Fair Work Commission. When that is resolved employer & employee will embrace one another like long lost brothers retire to the nearest water hole. What brought this about ?. Were there complaints brought before he FWC to trigger this legislation ?.

Dunno. What does it say in the Daily Mail?
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I am about to leave this site because you allow a free reign to one side of the political debate and shut down free speech when the views don't align with yours.

Any examples of this? I didn't see the Mods getting involved, in their official capacity, at all, until the thread was locked, which impacted everyone.
IMO religious belief is the main driver of all division. It once dictated every decision of most of the planet. As science has progressed, decisions are less and less influenced by religion. But many religious followers hang onto their beliefs (despite evidence) and see progress as a threat to everything. Why they are so scared is beyond me.
Always has been n always will be about control of the populace. No boogie man to hide behind n terrify the plebs with = no control.
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What about me Albo ? You are going increase Rent Assistance by 10% yet you have increased my Tax by $2909.00 per annum. I am 85 ,own my own home . wife living with me, both Veterans. Do you care about us ?. I think not !!.
What about me Albo ? You are going increase Rent Assistance by 10% yet you have increased my Tax by $2909.00 per annum. I am 85 ,own my own home . wife living with me, both Veterans. Do you care about us ?. I think not !!.

Albo's not here man.

Actually TALK to a tax accountant rather than constantly moaning about your personal tax affairs on here.
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A classic case where Boomers* and Golden Generation* don't understand what it's like to work in the modern day where comms is all digital. Your company is able to contact you 24x7 easily. In the "good old days" you could call someone's home landline and hope to reach them if you needed something done out of hours. Now between mobiles, chat etc, you know you can reach them 24x7. The pressure on an employee to do what's being asked by the boss has always been there, but now that can happen 24x7.
Most Boomers I know have worked in the last 30 years so why would they not understand? Or are you referring to 101 year olds?
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Really? I have only ever reported one post in my entire life on this site. it was a post about Trump having incestuous relation with his daughter.
I am about to leave this site because you allow a free reign to one side of the political debate and shut down free speech when the views don't align with yours.
I have never asked to have anyone to have their right to have their own beliefs and thoughts restricted in anyway unless it is based on moral grounds.

How dare you even inference that I have complained about someone having a right to a different view than mine!!

I would defend to the death the right of Left wing people to express their view even though I totally disagree with their Marxist ideals.
Leaving a footy forum because Trump has publicly said he has a penchant for his daughter? Seriously get a grip.
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Most Boomers I know have worked in the last 30 years so why would they not understand? Or are you referring to 101 year olds?

Mobiles as a 24x7 device really didn't start until the late 00s. SMS messaging grew from the turn of the millennium, but that's still not what I would call 24x7 always on. Whatsapp, for example only launched in 2009.

It's the last 10 or 15 years when being contactable 24x7 really kicked off, but *really* ramped up in the last 4 years with COVID when WFH became a common thing.

So no, I'm not referring to 101 year olds.
Mobiles as a 24x7 device really didn't start until the late 00s. SMS messaging grew from the turn of the millennium, but that's still not what I would call 24x7 always on. Whatsapp, for example only launched in 2009.

It's the last 10 or 15 years when being contactable 24x7 really kicked off, but *really* ramped up in the last 4 years with COVID when WFH became a common thing.

So no, I'm not referring to 101 year olds.
Been working since the 80s and 24x7 was common, has to be in many industries. Pagers common in the 70s/80s. I don't think it's a new concept at all. Internet started becoming popular mid 90s, mobile phones late 80s. But my point really was why would boomers not understand, most have worked in the last 20-30 years? I worked from home late 80s into 90s, remote connections to work was already happening but yes not commonplace, COVID has made it much more so, but hardly uncommon, but since that was in the last 4 years why would only boomers not grasp this?

The main reason 24/7 contact is such an issue now is because people are addicted to their phones, brains have become intrinsically programmed to check their messages, no matter where from, all the time, or stress kicks in. It's a disease. With a bit of effort you can take control of your lives, you don't have to answer you boss 24/7 and if you do without agreement then it's the wrong company to work for. Yes some people don't have the luxury of choosing their job and that's where protection is needed from the unscrupulous employers.
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What about me Albo ? You are going increase Rent Assistance by 10% yet you have increased my Tax by $2909.00 per annum. I am 85 ,own my own home . wife living with me, both Veterans. Do you care about us ?. I think not !!.
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Albo's not here man.

Actually TALK to a tax accountant rather than constantly moaning about your personal tax affairs on here.
I agree, I had a huge tax problem so went to a good accountant and no more tax problem (y)
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Been working since the 80s and 24x7 was common, has to be in many industries. Pagers common in the 70s/80s. I don't think it's a new concept at all. Internet started becoming popular mid 90s, mobile phones late 80s. But my point really was why would boomers not understand, most have worked in the last 20-30 years? I worked from home late 80s into 90s, remote connections to work was already happening but yes not commonplace, COVID has made it much more so, but hardly uncommon, but since that was in the last 4 years why would only boomers not grasp this?

The main reason 24/7 contact is such an issue now is because people are addicted to their phones, brains have become intrinsically programmed to check their messages, no matter where from, all the time, or stress kicks in. It's a disease. With a bit of effort you can take control of your lives, you don't have to answer you boss 24/7 and if you do without agreement then it's the wrong company to work for. Yes some people don't have the luxury of choosing their job and that's where protection is needed from the unscrupulous employers.

This law is aimed at people who aren't compensated to be on call 24x7. If work gave you a pager or Backberry, it was because they wanted you to be available 24x7. If they didn't, they'd have to try your landline at home which was a fairly big step and one also easily dodged. Most people were paid an on call allowance or had that expectation built into their base salary, normally once you reached a higher job grade.

Even today, at least in the fields I'm familiar with, if the employer wants an employee to be available after hours, they will provide a mobile phone, or subsidise the cost of the line, with the expectation the employee is contactable afterhours. This scenario is outside of the right to disconnect because their employment contract should state that requirement and there is compensation for it.

The right to disconnect is there primarily to protect employees who aren't compensated for on call work, but have employers who are reaching out to them in non-emergency situations and expecting a response / effort to be made. I think it's a fair law.
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Really? I have only ever reported one post in my entire life on this site. it was a post about Trump having incestuous relation with his daughter.
I am about to leave this site because you allow a free reign to one side of the political debate and shut down free speech when the views don't align with yours.
I have never asked to have anyone to have their right to have their own beliefs and thoughts restricted in anyway unless it is based on moral grounds.

How dare you even inference that I have complained about someone having a right to a different view than mine!!

I would defend to the death the right of Left wing people to express their view even though I totally disagree with their Marxist ideals.

If you make baseless accusations against another poster then I'm going to set the record straight.
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This law is aimed at people who aren't compensated to be on call 24x7. If work gave you a pager or Backberry, it was because they wanted you to be available 24x7. If they didn't, they'd have to try your landline at home which was a fairly big step and one also easily dodged. Most people were paid an on call allowance or had that expectation built into their base salary, normally once you reached a higher job grade.

Even today, at least in the fields I'm familiar with, if the employer wants an employee to be available after hours, they will provide a mobile phone, or subsidise the cost of the line, with the expectation the employee is contactable afterhours. This scenario is outside of the right to disconnect because their employment contract should state that requirement and there is compensation for it.

The right to disconnect is there primarily to protect employees who aren't compensated for on call work, but have employers who are reaching out to them in non-emergency situations and expecting a response / effort to be made. I think it's a fair law.
I think the issue Baloo is that you made generalisations about Boomers which are really irrelevant.
Some people adapt and change, some don’t, we don’t have to box people up.
There are things that people of different generations can learn from each other at work, we just need to have open minds. One skill that I see being lost by the proliferation of text and email is the ability to talk to people.
I don’t know how many times in the last 5-10 years I have had a version of the following conversation
“ Have to followed up x ?“
“ sent her an email and no response, texted her to please reply”
“ have you talked to her or gone to see her ?”

blank look :ROFLMAO:
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I think the issue Baloo is that you made generalisations about Boomers which are really irrelevant.

Agree, but it's the politics forum. Someone needs to be offended at every post. I chose Boomers for this one :)

“ have you talked to her or gone to see her ?”

Yeah, it's amazing how people resist calling. I often ask the Gen Zs at work if they realise you can actually talk to someone on their smartphones, not only chat.
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Agree, but it's the politics forum. Someone needs to be offended at every post. I chose Boomers for this one :)

Yeah, it's amazing how people resist calling. I often ask the Gen Zs at work if they realise you can actually talk to someone on their smartphones, not only chat.
I’m a boomer so I have been blamed for everything from climate change to the price of housing !!

So true about calling people. One serious issue is that hard conversations never happen because you can avoid them!
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