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Talking Politics

Others tell me Centrelink is the worst but I haven’t had to contact them.
Don't bother trying to ring them unless ya wanna spend half a day listening to elevator music. They've overhauled their office system though n its basically rock up to the counter, give em your details n take a seat for about 10 minutes rock in when someone calls ya up n done.
The weird thing is though it is the boomers that get the most offended.
Not in my experience.

It's the Gen Z / Millennials that wants to change things, keep things progressing.
The Boomers react and complain about everything changing and not understanding why they need to change.

In the meantime, the Gen Xers just keep their heads down, working hard and try to understand how they survived childhood.
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Just dumb this legislation & just what you would expect from the dumbest MP in Canberra Tony "Jerk' Burke.

A classic case where Boomers* and Golden Generation* don't understand what it's like to work in the modern day where comms is all digital. Your company is able to contact you 24x7 easily. In the "good old days" you could call someone's home landline and hope to reach them if you needed something done out of hours. Now between mobiles, chat etc, you know you can reach them 24x7. The pressure on an employee to do what's being asked by the boss has always been there, but now that can happen 24x7.

I make a point of not sending emails outside of business hours by using the delayed send feature in Outlook. But at the same time if we do have something unplanned that we need to get done afterhours, I can reach my whole team, and they can reach down to their teams, instantly.

As for the article. Who gives a *smile* what an American TV show personality thinks. Most likely hasn't read the law and just been given a soundbite that was delivered to get a negative reaction. Add in the fact it's the Daily Mail and the post should have been made in the Jokes thread.

*Yes, some generalizing there but the 24x7 contactable work expectation is a more recent thing that impacts the younger working generations more than others.
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I'll be honest, there's 3-4 reports I'm aware of. I have been smashed at work todau, so haven't had the time to go through it.
But there's been some stuff over the last week reported as well, so we've been talking about the thread before today.
Why didnt you just block the Trump supporters from the thread?
Then it would have stayed insightful and intelligent. And polite.
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No you weren't offended but you did feel the need to scold me.
Use lazy generalisations and you will probably get scolded. Nothing to do with being a boomer or being offended by it.

My experience is that there is a far greater level of outrage these days than when I was younger. Not sure it comes from any particular group but across society in general. Maybe it is the proliferation and access to information which allows people to find more “evidence” to support their views.
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The weird thing is though it is the boomers that get the most offended.
Haaarrrgh WTF. Think I'm what's supposed to b a boomer n I find your suggestion that us boomers are often offended highly offensive :)). FMD I'm usually the first prick at the front of the line doing the offending.
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allows people to find more “evidence” to support their views.

That goes hand in hand with the echo chamber social media creates. People end up surrounded by other voices who believe what they believe and whip each other up into a frenzy. Add in well-funded groups and organisations that would benefit from whatever belief they want to push, and technology kicks in to amplify the division.

Truth doesn't matter anymore. Non-believers are seen as naive, deluded, blind to the obvious, stupid, the enemy etc etc. This fractured world we're currently living in is a direct result of this. It's not hard to pick someone down a rabbit hole. They are so convinced they know the truth that is being hidden by the elites, dark forces, MSM etc that they ridicule anyone who questions them. They can be quite aggressive in their attack because they've been whipped into a frenzy.

Here's a classic example of the rabbit hole. The people interviewed here are so convinced of what is happening that if it doesn't turn out like they expect, someone has cheated. They are even prepared to die for their cause and make sure others die as well. It's *smile* madness.

And none could envision a world where they wake up on Nov. 6 and Trump is not the winner; if he isn’t, they say, Harris has either cheated or the election has been rigged.

“The media would tell you that Harris is winning, but the heart of America will tell you that Trump’s got it made,” said Kirk Deatrick, who said he stopped trusting Fox News when the network parted ways with Tucker Carlson.
He added of Democrats, “I think if they don’t cheat, I think he’ll win by a huge amount,” predicting an 80-20 margin of victory for Trump “if it was a fair and honest election, and illegal people don’t vote and they don’t use cheating.”

“We need God’s help, and I’m praying he’ll transition this thing peacefully, but if not, that’s where I come in,” said 62-year-old Richard McLeod, who said he was a member of two Michigan militias. He added: “I’m standing my ground. I’m fighting ‘til I die. And I want to make the other side die for their cause.”
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That goes hand in hand with the echo chamber social media creates. People end up surrounded by other voices who believe what they believe and whip each other up into a frenzy. Add in well-funded groups and organisations that would benefit from whatever belief they want to push, and technology kicks in to amplify the division.

Truth doesn't matter anymore. Non-believers are seen as naive, deluded, blind to the obvious, stupid, the enemy etc etc. This fractured world we're currently living in is a direct result of this. It's not hard to pick someone down a rabbit hole. They are so convinced they know the truth that is being hidden by the elites, dark forces, MSM etc that they ridicule anyone who questions them. They can be quite aggressive in their attack because they've been whipped into a frenzy.

Here's a classic example of the rabbit hole. The people interviewed here are so convinced of what is happening that if it doesn't turn out like they expect, someone has cheated. They are even prepared to die for their cause and make sure others die as well. It's *smile* madness.

That’s scary btw.

A Harris win will see violence unless Trump simply concedes and says it was fair, but he is too much of a narcissist to do that.
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Use lazy generalisations and you will probably get scolded. Nothing to do with being a boomer or being offended by it.

My experience is that there is a far greater level of outrage these days than when I was younger. Not sure it comes from any particular group but across society in general. Maybe it is the proliferation and access to information which allows people to find more “evidence” to support their views.

Nah it wasn't lazy, in fact your reaction has only reiterated the point.
My experience is that there is a far greater level of outrage these days than when I was younger.
Thats because dingbats now have a soapbox to stand on, when we were young to complain they had to write a letter and post it tp a newspaper or pollie which was vetted now they bang relentlessly on a keyboard

troll GIF
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That goes hand in hand with the echo chamber social media creates. People end up surrounded by other voices who believe what they believe and whip each other up into a frenzy. Add in well-funded groups and organisations that would benefit from whatever belief they want to push, and technology kicks in to amplify the division.

Truth doesn't matter anymore. Non-believers are seen as naive, deluded, blind to the obvious, stupid, the enemy etc etc. This fractured world we're currently living in is a direct result of this. It's not hard to pick someone down a rabbit hole. They are so convinced they know the truth that is being hidden by the elites, dark forces, MSM etc that they ridicule anyone who questions them. They can be quite aggressive in their attack because they've been whipped into a frenzy.

Here's a classic example of the rabbit hole. The people interviewed here are so convinced of what is happening that if it doesn't turn out like they expect, someone has cheated. They are even prepared to die for their cause and make sure others die as well. It's *smile* madness.

Sounds like the echo chamber the Lefties have created here.

It's America. They have had the same attitude since 1776 when they fought the British. Then 90 years later had a civil war to settle their differences. In fact you could even go back to the 1600s and the pilgrims.

What do you want them to do lie down and let the Leftist/Globalists take over? No, they will fight for their religious liberties and freedoms.
Thats because dingbats now have a soapbox to stand on, when we were young to complain they had to write a letter and post it tp a newspaper or pollie which was vetted now they bang relentlessly on a keyboard

troll GIF
Quite a few keyboard warriors in here.
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