Prime Minister Poll | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Prime Minister Poll

Would you like this man to be our next Prime Minister?

  • No

    Votes: 25 38.5%
  • Yes

    Votes: 29 44.6%
  • A cheese sandwich would be a better option

    Votes: 11 16.9%

  • Total voters
rosy23 said:
Difference is I asked a question in regard to it being a personal snipe. You posted about it being his personal experience under the Howard government as though that was fact.

That was my personal intepretation of his comments before he announced it was about his own daughters.

Your intepretation was that it was a personal snide remark at Gillard before he announced it was about his own daughters.

rosy23 said:
Seems more agree with my question than your fabrication anyway.
Out of 7450 votes in an Age poll asking if Tony was having a dig at Julia a massive 80% said yes.

Oh really?

Did Tony Abbott cross the line with his comments?
25% yes (6650 votes)
75% no (19,547 votes)


Where's Antman when you need him... :spin
Sorry Livers, been doing some actual work this morning.

I think we've exhausted this issue to be honest, although it's great that you think it's all about personal interpretations being equally valid again - you sound like a pinko leftie school teacher saying "you kids are all winners". The great thing about that philosophy is that no-one has to be wrong, ever, which should suit you just fine.
Liverpool said:
That was my personal intepretation of his comments before he announced it was about his own daughters.

Your intepretation was that it was a personal snide remark at Gillard before he announced it was about his own daughters.

No Livers you said he was spot on the it was fact...of course that was before you both changed tack.

Liverpool said:
What he said regarding the "experience" of the Government is spot on the money.....he was a minister during Howard's 11 year reign, a reign that introduced the baby-bonus itself in 2002,

I simply asked questions that many others are that still hasn't been answered on here I might add.

rosy23 said:
How could this not be a personal snipe at Julia's personal circumstances yet again? How would the Labor Govt in general be any less experienced in the area than the Libs?

While it's been fun watching you flip and flop like a beached carp I agree with antman's last post. I have better things to do with my time. :)
Liverpool said:
Where's Antman when you need him... :spin

Livers, I'm quite happy to look at polls and polling as adding insight to understanding attitudes to an issue. So are you, but only when the results suit your argument. Just another example of your "it's all personal opinion and bias" mantra.

Get back to me when you've got something useful to say rather than smiley faces and cliches.
rosy23 said:
No Livers you said he was spot on the it was fact...of course that was before you both changed tack.

Oh..thats were 100% with your interpretation and it was myself and Tony who 'changed tack' :cutelaugh

You jumped the gun Rosy and were wrong.

At least I admitted I was wrong with my interpretation as to what I thought Abbott meant with his comment....your turn?
Nah, didn't think so :-*

rosy23 said:
I simply asked questions that many others are that still hasn't been answered on here I might add.

Thought I answered it on reply #250?

antman said:
Livers, I'm quite happy to look at polls and polling as adding insight to understanding attitudes to an issue. So are you, but only when the results suit your argument.

Oh, like Rosy tried with her The Age poll, a couple of posts back, to try and make out the majority agreed with her? :spin

C'mon Antman, two can play the same game but some don't like it...and you're one of them.
Liverpool said:
As I said...thoughts and bias.

If you're really basing it on making sh!t up (lying) then you can cast your net far and wide there and get a good catch.

Abbott isn't Robinson Crusoe in that regard

im not sure i can remember too mnay politicians saying one thing on national television one night, then the following day totally contradict themselves in parliament, and the best excuse he could come up with was he misunderstood the question. and he does this very regularly.

biased? yes, but i really believe Abbott sets a standard, even for a pollie, for talking absolute sh!t.
Liverpool said:
C'mon Antman, two can play the same game but some don't like it...and you're one of them.

I really don't understand what you are getting at here Liverpool. Every time you mention a poll you mention me - much as I'm flattered by your attention, it's starting to get a bit creepy. I'm happy to look at them as evidence of people's attitudes.

I'm sorry to say this but you are becoming more and more incoherent in each post, and it's getting less and less worth my time even reading them.
antman said:
I really don't understand what you are getting at here Liverpool. Every time you mention a poll you mention me - much as I'm flattered by your attention, it's starting to get a bit creepy. I'm happy to look at them as evidence of people's attitudes.
I'm sorry to say this but you are becoming more and more incoherent in each post, and it's getting less and less worth my time even reading them.

Don't play dumb, mate....I know you're not.

It just seems there are a few double-standards....(dare I use the word, "hypocrisy") on here.

Accusing me of only using polls to suit my argument is one thing...but it seems o.k for Rosy to use a poll to suit her argument...?

If you don't have the balls to call the same shots at other posters who do exactly the same thing, then maybe it is best you don't read my posts, or even better, comment on them in the future.
Liverpool said:
Don't play dumb, mate....I know you're not.

It just seems there are a few double-standards....(dare I use the word, "hypocrisy") on here.

Accusing me of only using polls to suit my argument is one thing...but it seems o.k for Rosy to use a poll to suit her argument...?

If you don't have the balls to call the same shots at other posters who do exactly the same thing, then maybe it is best you don't read my posts, or even better, comment on them in the future.

I would never play dumb Livers, it's not a role suited to me. Whenever you've cited polls subsequently you drag my name into it. I really don't mind if you cite polls or not, if they support your argument, good for you. If Rosy can, good for her.

My position on polls hasn't changed - use them to support your argument on merit. I think all this came about because I cited a poll on the Gay Marriage thread and started you off on the whole "polls are wrong" thing. Hence my statement about you being in favour of polling as a method when they support your view, but they are "wrong" when they run against your view.

So all this bluster on polls and "hypocrisy" is just kind of strange, as far as I'm concerned. Hope that clarifies things for you.
Abbott has managed to put his foot in his mouth. Again.

Read more:
Brodders17 said:
Abbott has managed to put his foot in his mouth. Again.

Read more:

Hilarious. He could collect black people, sort of like smurfs.
So we're not allowed to use the term "urban Aboriginal"? :cutelaugh

Its o.k to have phrases like "city slickers" or "country folk" to differentiate people from their origins or where they live, but put the word 'Aboriginal' in there when Abbott is talking about two Aboriginal candidates, and the word 'urban' to differentiate the two Aborigines from each other, and we have a storm in a teacup? ::)

Liverpool said:

What's pathetic is him saying that an indigenous person from a tribal background in central Australia is somehow more "authentic" than an indigenous person who's grown up in an urban environment. But since you only seem to read headlines, not the actual story, you missed this. Or didn't get it.

I guess it's been a week or two since Abbott's last gaffe so he was overdue.
Very selective posting Livers. You seem to have omitted the fact he differentiated between "urban" and "authentic". No matter what his intent was it was yet another tactless foot in mouth incident that he specialises in.

Your reaction is hardly surprising considering you want to move Aboriginals to "small" houses on the outskirts of the city, lure them with food vouchers and ban them from using their language in the school yard.

''I think it would be terrific if, as well as having an urban Aboriginal in our Parliament, we had an Aboriginal person from central Australia, an authentic representative of the ancient cultures of central Australia in the Parliament,'' he said.

Read more:

Edit...antman just noticed beat me to it.
Liverpool said:
So we're not allowed to use the term "urban Aboriginal"? :cutelaugh

Its o.k to have phrases like "city slickers" or "country folk" to differentiate people from their origins or where they live, but put the word 'Aboriginal' in there when Abbott is talking about two Aboriginal candidates, and the word 'urban' to differentiate the two Aborigines from each other, and we have a storm in a teacup? ::)


This is an outrage. At the next under 18 football carnival the AFL must group Vic Country and Vic Metro under the same banner as just Victoria otherwise they will be just like Tony Abbott.
MB78 said:
This is an outrage. At the next under 18 football carnival the AFL must group Vic Country and Vic Metro under the same banner as just Victoria otherwise they will be just like Tony Abbott.

:hihi spot on mate :clap
Liverpool said:
So we're not allowed to use the term "urban Aboriginal"? :cutelaugh

Its o.k to have phrases like "city slickers" or "country folk" to differentiate people from their origins or where they live, but put the word 'Aboriginal' in there when Abbott is talking about two Aboriginal candidates, and the word 'urban' to differentiate the two Aborigines from each other, and we have a storm in a teacup? ::)


You either dont read stuff/listen to stuff, or you over-simplify issues just like laws/jones/zemanic/devine/bolt. Generally, those who over simplify, do it for 1 of 3 reasons. 1. They arent that intellectually sophisticated 2. They just want to create controversy to make money or draw attention to themselves or 3. They are nasty pricks.

Abbott says the city blacks have no culture, whereas the desert blacks are chockers with culture, irrespective of 1. how much cultural connection they have to their aboriginality, which Abbott has NO way of discerning based on postcode and 2. Make no allowance for how they got there in the first place (theft of children/rounding up like cattle ) or indeed, if their country is in Redfern or West End. Its not analogous to city slicker or red neck or hill billy or tender foot at all. Use your brain.
rosy23 said:
Very selective posting Livers. You seem to have omitted the fact he differentiated between "urban" and "authentic". No matter what his intent was it was yet another tactless foot in mouth incident that he specialises in.

Your reaction is hardly surprising considering you want to move Aboriginals to "small" houses on the outskirts of the city, lure them with food vouchers and ban them from using their language in the school yard.

Edit...antman just noticed beat me to it.

Thats right...

...."an authentic representative of the ancient cultures of central Australia"

and the issue is?

He's talking about the ancient culture from central Australia....whereas the other candidate is an "urban Aboriginal", from a city, and therefore has a different agenda to suit the constituents he is representing.

''I think it would be terrific if, as well as having an urban Aboriginal in our Parliament, we had an Aboriginal person from central Australia, an authentic representative of the ancient cultures of central Australia in the Parliament"

Seems like he is wanting a cross-section of Aborigines to represent the different demographics to me, but of course, the ALP voters on here like to twist things around to suit their political agenda :spin