Prime Minister Poll | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Prime Minister Poll

Would you like this man to be our next Prime Minister?

  • No

    Votes: 25 38.5%
  • Yes

    Votes: 29 44.6%
  • A cheese sandwich would be a better option

    Votes: 11 16.9%

  • Total voters
Liverpool said:
Can we agree it wasn't about Gillard then?
I think that will take longer.... :cutelaugh

No cos I think that might just might happen to be wrong. If he was referring to experience through his own daughters' situations rather than his party's experience, then his comments obviously referred to someone's lack of experience, rather than the Govt's as a whole, in that area as well. I wonder who would qualify?
Liverpool said:
Exactly the opposite of "dog whistling Gillard" and the like that was floating around here earlier too ;)

I don't even know what you mean by that, but what is clear is that you stood by Abbott all the way, claimed that he was talking about his "professional experience" and that anyone who thought different was way too sensitive and pretty much off their rockers.

The old bloke comes out and says "oh sorry I was referring to my experience with my daughters". And yet no admission from you that you were wrong all along. From Tony's own mouth. Do you realise how sad that makes you look?

If Tony flip-flops his story again no doubt you'll back him all the way and claim that's what you were arguing all along.
And no admission from either you or Rosy that you were also wrong and that Abbott's remarks were in reference to his own experiences regarding his daughters and not an personal attack on Gillard like he was being accused of.

Think Hockey sums it up here:

Mr Hockey accused Labor of being over-sensitive.
''This is pathetic. This whole rhetoric is pathetic,'' he said. ''If we're at the point now where we can't refer to the Government and families in the same breath, surely the debate has got to an absurd point.''

Spot on Joe :)
Liverpool said:
No, he shouldn't be more considerate or careful with his words when people are choosing to twist them to suit an agenda.

What he said regarding the "experience" of the Government is spot on the money.....he was a minister during Howard's 11 year reign, a reign that introduced the baby-bonus itself in 2002, so I would say that maybe he and some of the remaining ministers from that era do have more experience in that area than Gillard and co.

If of Old...or the lady down at the local fish'n'chip shop want to interpret that a differently or twist it to suit your own bias, then so be it.

EDIT: Same goes to you Antman

Who did the twisting?

Liverpool said:
Tony has daughters and decided to use his own personal experience at raising kids to try and get his point across or argue against the ALP decision.

Livers theme song

Liverpool said:
And no admission from either you or Rosy that you were also wrong and that Abbott's remarks were in reference to his own experiences regarding his daughters and not an personal attack on Gillard like he was being accused of.

Abbott's minders have been forced in to damage control yet again. Seems to me you were the one who was wrong've gone from claiming the comment as a reference to his extensive experience with the BB as a minister in the Howard government to now saying he was referring to his daughters. Big swing Livers.

Yet again I'll ask you what the reference to the lack of Government experience refers to?
Liverpool said:
And no admission from either you or Rosy that you were also wrong and that Abbott's remarks were in reference to his own experiences regarding his daughters and not an personal attack on Gillard like he was being accused of.

So first it's all "professional experience" and anyone who thinks otherwise is "twisting the truth"? Now it's all "personal experience" and anyone who says otherwise is twisting the truth?

EDIT my apologies, I see Rosy already took you to school on this issue. Better luck tomorrow Livers.
rosy23 said:
Seems to me you were the one who was wrong've gone from claiming the comment as a reference to his extensive experience with the BB as a minister in the Howard government to now saying he was referring to his daughters. Big swing Livers.

And you were wrong too, remember? :spin

antman said:
EDIT my apologies, I see Rosy already took you to school on this issue. Better luck tomorrow Livers.

Oh yeah, she really nailed it, didn't she:

rosy23 said:
He's at it again.
How could this not be a personal snipe at Julia's personal circumstances yet again?
Liverpool said:
And you were wrong too, remember? :spin

Not at all. There is still doubt in many minds and it's being widely discussed. No matter what he meant he should have been more careful with his words. Can't see too many suggesting he was referring to his extensive experience under the Howard Govt. Only you in fact and Tony has told us otherwise. You just make things up as you go. Reminds me of someone else actually.

You keep avoiding the question Livers.

In regard to the following comment what was Tony referring to by "more experienced in this area?

"I think if the Government was a bit more experienced in this area, they wouldn't come out with glib lines like that."

Actually don't bother. You'll just fabricate something as per usual. It's pretty obvious he wouldn't have been comparing his vast experience as a poppy to the entire Labor Government when plenty of them have kids and babies too.

Waffle on all you like. You've dug a deeper hole than Tony Abbott. Keep shovelling. :wavey
Correction from me. I heard Tony mention his experience with his daughters on the radio yesterday. I assumed they must have had babies and commented accordingly. Turns out he was alluding to his own experience, or so he claims, having to spend hundreds of dollars on a double pram many years ago. No wonder he questions Labor's experience when he's been through that. :blah
rosy23 said:
Not at all. There is still doubt in many minds and it's being widely discussed. No matter what he meant he should have been more careful with his words. Can't see too many suggesting he was referring to his extensive experience under the Howard Govt. Only you in fact and Tony has told us otherwise. You just make things up as you go. Reminds me of someone else actually.

Not making things up, but happy to admit that when I read his comments, it seemed that he was referring to his Party's experience compared to the ALP's.
It was either going to be his professional experience or his personal experience......I would have gone for professional experience and that why I assumed that what he was referring to...I was wrong...he was referring to his own personal experience.
I'm not too fussed I was wrong as he has more personal experience and professional experience than many on the ALP side of things anyway.

At least I didn't jump on here and start throwing "personal snipe at Gillard" accusations around before hearing his explanation, like someone we both know, eh? ;)
As for your question about the:
"I think if the Government was a bit more experienced in this area, they wouldn't come out with glib lines like that."

Seeing that Abbott, himself is talking about his own personal experience, then I think that answers your question.
Baloo said:
I see this as the ALP copying the tactics the Abbott led Libs have been using effectively on the government. It seems to be the only thing that the Australian media fed public want to see.

Great post.
It's been going on since forever to a degree but Mr Negativity took it to a whole new level.

Julia's just getting better at fighting fire with fire and Abbott is getting some of his own back.

Unfortunately the loser in all this bickering is the Australian public as the pollies lose sight of the bigger picture.
Liverpool said:
Not making things up, but happy to admit that when I read his comments, it seemed that he was referring to his Party's experience compared to the ALP's.
It was either going to be his professional experience or his personal experience......I would have gone for professional experience and that why I assumed that what he was referring to...I was wrong...he was referring to his own personal experience.
I'm not too fussed I was wrong as he has more personal experience and professional experience than many on the ALP side of things anyway.

At least I didn't jump on here and start throwing "personal snipe at Gillard" accusations around before hearing his explanation, like someone we both know, eh? ;)

its understandable you got it wrong as there is a far chance Abbott made up his 'explanation', as he does a lot of things.
Brodders17 said:
its understandable you got it wrong as there is a far chance Abbott made up his 'explanation', as he does a lot of things.

Maybe he did....maybe he didn't...I guess it comes down to one's personal interpretation, thoughts, or bias when forming that opinion.
Liverpool said:
Maybe he did....maybe he didn't...I guess it comes down to one's personal interpretation, thoughts, or bias when forming that opinion.

im basing it on his past blatant history of making sh!t up.
Brodders17 said:
im basing it on his past blatant history of making sh!t up.

As I said...thoughts and bias.

If you're really basing it on making sh!t up (lying) then you can cast your net far and wide there and get a good catch.

Abbott isn't Robinson Crusoe in that regard
I know Antman and other like a poll.

I see the poll on this thread is 23-all.

Seems I'm not Robinson Crusoe on here either 8-
Liverpool said:
At least I didn't jump on here and start throwing "personal snipe at Gillard" accusations around before hearing his explanation, like someone we both know, eh? ;)

Difference is I asked a question in regard to it being a personal snipe. You posted about it being his personal experience under the Howard government as though that was fact. Then like Abbott you had to try and dig yourself out of that hole.


Seems more agree with my question than your fabrication anyway.

Out of 7450 votes in an Age poll asking if Tony was having a dig at Julia a massive 80% said yes. That doesn't mean it's fact but it's certainly a perception that he keeps feeding.

Abbott is doing the Libs a great disservice with his continued blundering. His continued questionable attitude towards women is even of the most read articles on the world's biggest newspaper sites. He'll probably have to drag Margie out on a damage control world tour soon.