Footy media , love’m or hate’ m ? | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Footy media , love’m or hate’ m ?

Carro on 3aw had a crack at our media manager Simon Matthews in making it difficult in getting Richmond players on, then later Dylan Grimes is on the show after a brilliant game and what does Carro do, asks him about his staging charges and then Tim Lane goes sorry Dylan we are going to have to cut your interview short as we are running tight for time :mad:

And she wonders why we can't be stuffed putting anyone up:rolleyes:
Carro is a semi retired Malvern lady these days, footy just a part time gig, a shadow of her former self. If not for COVId would have been in Europe mid season, hardly committed to the cause so no surprise she goes for the low hanging fruit, which has rotted.
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She has this hidden agenda towards us.
The only reason i can come up with is her 'insiders' aren't telling her anything or they have gone.
Greenberg would give her everything she needed regarding us.
Balme must've put a stop to it.
Caro part time panellist, is not Age Chief Football Writer any longer
An old boss told me it's the card you carry that opens doors or gives you the authority to do get your job done.
If Bernstein and Woodward worked for the Akron Bugle we probably would never heard of Watergate.
For those who still give a *smile* what the media say

on first crack on fox they talked about how it was an anomaly the way geelong played

then talked about the role blitzarse plays

then talked about hawkins island

you wouldn't know who geelong played
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For those who still give a *smile* what the media say

on first crack on fox they talked about how it was an anomaly the way geelong played

then talked about the role blitzarse plays

then talked about hawkins island

you wouldn't know who geelong played
King and Montagna. Seriously. If it’s not in Champion Data ol Hindsight Kingy has nothing to talk about. Montagna offers as much insight as Brad Johnson and boring Lewis.

That Kath Loughnan chick runs rings around all of them. And she’s the only one smart enough to acknowledge Richmond should win the flag.
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For those who still give a *smile* what the media say

on first crack on fox they talked about how it was an anomaly the way geelong played

then talked about the role blitzarse plays

then talked about hawkins island

you wouldn't know who geelong played

Spot on Harry.
Im not sure blokes like DaSanto, Johnson and especially Montagua should be taken seriously.
I said it before Friday's game if we won, there would be no coverage and no headlines.

Let's have a look at the difference, compare the glory Geelong got after beating a finished Essendon side, compared to our game.

There was a tiny liitle 6 minute block that Geelong looked good and every media outlet ive heard or watched has mentioned it. Nothing about the 3qtr time score.
Or the 2.8 we kicked in the 3rd qtr.
Im just over it.

I had a listen to Jayden Short do the ran around after the game for channel 7, and the one thing he constantly brought up was our scoreline.
To me it seems internally they're spewing that it wasn't a 60-70 point win. And thats all i care about.
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For those who still give a *smile* what the media say

on first crack on fox they talked about how it was an anomaly the way geelong played

then talked about the role blitzarse plays

then talked about hawkins island

you wouldn't know who geelong played

Wasn't Blivas the bloke Martin out marked in the preliminary final?
Not sure why they keep on referencing him.
You guys have gotta stop watching all these shows. Honestly - once you stop watching, you dont even know whats being said, life is more positive and you can spend your time doing something else. There is absolutely no point wasting time listening to any of these clowns.
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King and Montagna. Seriously. If it’s not in Champion Data ol Hindsight Kingy has nothing to talk about. Montagna offers as much insight as Brad Johnson and boring Lewis.

That Kath Loughnan chick runs rings around all of them. And she’s the only smart enough to acknowledge Richmond should win the flag.
Great post.
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Whateley - Richmond broke the sharply tuned Geelong system. The cats are not that good kermit. Taylor/Henderson as your key backs? Kolidj as 3rd tall. Bews/Henry/Stewart make up a very average back 6. Where's the speed and kicking ability?

Imagine if we break even in the contested & clearance stuff against the cats.

Wondering if they'll stop the Bill Belicek nonsense when talking about Scott now his team has been viscerated?

Perhaps Hardwick might be mentioned as a super coach at some stage?
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Our 'commentator's and 'experts' could learn a lot from the NFL's. Seem to be a lot more professional, non-biased with very informed and quick, intelligent analysis
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Robbo today on Tom Lynch: “Richmond forward Tom Lynch came under match review scrutiny and social media angst after a typically robust performance . A caller to 3AW even accused him of sniping. Have to disagree. When Lynch crosses the line physically the AFL takes care of it with a fine or suspension and when he plays within the boundaries there’s not a team in the AFL that wouldn’t love him as part of the forward division. It’s a tough sport and Lynch supplies that hard edge. DEAL WITH IT.”

Are you shocked?

Because he’s not talking about Lynch, he’s talking about Shane Mumford (I changed the name).

Yep the guy that called Lynch a goose and whinged on is now defending Mumford for WORSE acts.
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Robbo today on Tom Lynch: “Richmond forward Tom Lynch came under match review scrutiny and social media angst after a typically robust performance . A caller to 3AW even accused him of sniping. Have to disagree. When Lynch crosses the line physically the AFL takes care of it with a fine or suspension and when he plays within the boundaries there’s not a team in the AFL that wouldn’t love him as part of the forward division. It’s a tough sport and Lynch supplies that hard edge. DEAL WITH IT.”

Are you shocked?

Because he’s not talking about Lynch, he’s talking about Shane Mumford (I changed the name).

Yep the guy that called Lynch a goose and whinged on is now defending Mumford for WORSE acts.

Heh. I was shocked, until I wasn't shocked.

Robbo as a chief footy writer for one of the biggest rags is all that's wrong with the footy media.
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Where the game is at today internally at club level with the analysis and coaching it’s too far beyond the media to comprehend. The things clubs are analysing and the systems of play they are using seem beyond the media to understand or talk about.

So the media persists in dribbling the same tired cliches when previewing and reviewing games and I think it’s for two reasons.

Firstly the so called experts and stars (every player whose ever been on an AFL list is considered a star!), is only there because they either have some comedic value or they can present themselves well enough and are coherent enough to appear in front of a national audience. They most likely have multiple media gigs and brand ambassador roles and are therefore considered media personalities automatically certifying their opinion as an ‘expert’.

I also think there is a reluctance on behalf of those producing the tv shows and editing the written content to emphasise detailed tactical or strategy analysis. For example I’ve noticed watching tv occasionally something about a player and the way that player plays the game is mentioned as if it’s known within afl circles, but the point doesn’t get taken any further, with the conversation directed back to a more straight forward and simplistic judgement or analysis. In these instances I’m often left wanting more of what someone knows from an internal viewpoint but it’s never going to come. Light hearted, cheerful, a few laughs and a headline grabbing sledgehammer moment seem to be the rinse and repeat for the media.

Secondly, who are these media types addressing when they look down the camera? Unfortunately the majority of the general public are no more insightful and buy into what they are told. Just look at social media and the way people think and view the game without any depth or substance in their judgement. It’s absolutely laughable how people view players and teams but they don’t know any better as the media doesn’t educate them on the realities of the game.

After the Cats game runs a story about how bad the game was due to lack of scoring! It seems impossible for anyone to understand and appreciate the strategy and physical work required to stop a team from scoring, but this is forever overlooked in media world. Shouldn’t the narrative be Tigers dominate Cats, restrict them to one goal in three quarters - isn’t this positive? It should be heralded. Instead the media pumps out the same old lines about low scoring ruining the game, cats just need to change their game plan etc.

Even when Soldo went down it took until the players were walking off the ground post game for BT to slot in a line about Chol. He’d just spent the rest of the game mentioning Astbury, Pickett, Broad and bring up Grigg before the obvious in Chol. Seemed as if someone told him to mention Chol so he didn’t appear to be a complete goose. Then too top it off Jon Ralph says Balta should move from defence !

I think we would all love the media to laud over us but our game is cut from a different cloth. The desire for easy media entertainment, increased clicks and sensationalism doesn’t fit with a unified, strategically sound and well run club. They just don’t know us, and if they do they sure aren’t letting on.

So turn off the media rubbish and stick to PRE!
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Robbo today on Tom Lynch: “Richmond forward Tom Lynch came under match review scrutiny and social media angst after a typically robust performance . A caller to 3AW even accused him of sniping. Have to disagree. When Lynch crosses the line physically the AFL takes care of it with a fine or suspension and when he plays within the boundaries there’s not a team in the AFL that wouldn’t love him as part of the forward division. It’s a tough sport and Lynch supplies that hard edge. DEAL WITH IT.”

Are you shocked?

Because he’s not talking about Lynch, he’s talking about Shane Mumford (I changed the name).

Yep the guy that called Lynch a goose and whinged on is now defending Mumford for WORSE acts.
That's insane
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For those who still give a *smile* what the media say

on first crack on fox they talked about how it was an anomaly the way geelong played

then talked about the role blitzarse plays

then talked about hawkins island

you wouldn't know who geelong played

This whole Hawkins island thing, they showed some down the ground images of this after the game on Friday, might have been Nick R that showed what our whole gameplan was. Balta was on Hawkins, Hawkins went up the ground, Balta didn't follow. This went on for most of the game, we held position even though Geelong were trying to get us to follow them, so when we didn't have the ball we sat back, this is why their backmen got so many touches of the footy and so many uncontested marks, because we allowed them to do it.

Geelong then if they want to score, have to be good enough to pick us open with perfect kicking (which they didn't do) or they will turn the ball over and then when we did that, we broke with pace to expose their slow defence.

It was a perfect gameplan against them, and 1 which we will do again if we play them in finals.

We didn't allow Hawkins to open a desert island, it was more Bali than a desert island (ie. filled with "All"Australians)
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That's insane
Tis. Have to remember next time a Richmond player gets aggressive that it’s “robust”, “the AFL will take care if it’s outside the boundary” and that “AFL is a tough sport, deal with it”.