Eddie McGuire | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Eddie McGuire

I was in two minds about whether we should draft Cousins. But the more I hear big ed whinge and moan, the more I think it's would be good for everyone to nab him :)

Can someone refresh my memory please. When p!sshead shaw had his accident, big ed came out like a raging bull, 'scaly mates' etc. Came out all high and mighty, like he was in charge and had everything under control. When it was discovered he was lied to, and the scaly mate was, surprise surprise, a habitual offender from the club itself, did eddie come out again, or was all the media interviews etc done by gary pert? Was he too embarrassed to face the media because he was made to look like the *smile* that he is?
Saw this article after I posted.


Eddie's set for long haul
Glenn McFarlane | December 14, 2008 12:00am

COLLINGWOOD'S Eddie McGuire will remain president as long as the members want him in the wake of the club's $8 million loss on two Melbourne pubs. Dismissing speculation he could relinquish the post he has held for the past 10 years, McGuire said he intended to stay on to help restock the club's coffers as soon as possible.

"My job is to do what I have always done at the Collingwood Football Club, and that is to make money," he said ahead of what could be a fiery annual general meeting at the MCG on Wednesday night.

"The reason I got involved at Collingwood was to make it bullet-proof. We are, but it is a hard way to find that out by going through a disaster. Now we've got to build up again."

McGuire said the losses associated with the Beach Hotel in Albert Park and the Diamond Creek Tavern had been shattering in a financial and personal sense, but said the club was debt-free and looking to the future.

He admitted the situation could have been more disastrous had the club not posted profits on an annual basis in his time.

"The situation is that the pubs' deal could have potentially had a 30-year tail for the Collingwood Football Club," he said.

"It hasn't. Look, I took on mistakes that happened over a long period of time when I became president 10 years ago.
"Yes, the club made a mistake with the pubs, but what I am not doing is leaving it all to someone else. We will cop the whack and we will fix it."

He said that, unlike some AFL clubs, the Magpies had sold most of their shareholding before the global financial crisis.

McGuire hopes to put the pubs' issue to bed on Wednesday night, saying the club had been open in dealing with the mess.

"We have known about the situation for 18 months. This is ancient history in our minds," he said. "As soon as all the information came through, the club went into action. Gary Pert and I went on The Footy Show, we spoke to the papers and on radio. The pubs are gone, so is the money. But we will fix it."

Part of the sensitivity surrounding the issue is that two figures from the club at the time, then chief executive Greg Swann and then chief operating operator Eugene Arocca, are chief executives at Carlton and North Melbourne.

"The people we had put in place came up with the recommendation. I had no reason not to have a firm belief in them because they were the people who had helped us have the $10 million in the bank," McGuire said.

He said he was living in Sydney at the time, and said he was not as close to the action as he should have been. But he accepts that, as president, the buck stops with him.

"I take responsibility, not necessarily for what happened, but for fixing it up," he said.

"There is nothing I can do about it now, but I can make sure it never happens again."

McGuire has conceded he perhaps should have given up the presidency when he moved to Sydney as chief executive of the Nine Network.

"When I got on to the plane to go to Sydney (to live), I probably should have resigned for two years and then come back again," he said. "I was on top of everything before I went to Sydney, and then, for two years, perhaps I wasn't. But now I am all over it again, terrorising everyone."

The Magpie president said he was confident the club would win back the losses, even against a tough economic backdrop.

The first part I highlighted:not going too well ed ;D

The other part I highlighted is eddies typical modus operandi. Has digs at others quickly, to make sure people don't think he is the bad guy, then acts like he's the white knight coming in to save everything.
The thing with that part that I highlighted isn't what he said that shows what kind of a person he is, it's what he didn't say. He was on the board when those decisions were made, but hasn't said he stuffed up, "the people we put in place came up with the recommendation....", neglected to mention, "....which included myself...."
Good grief - is he for real - does he understand that apart from Pie supporters he would be considered the most laughable person in AFL (well maybe Kennett is close)? First he stuffs up Chanel 9 then the Magpie investments while laying the blame everywhere but with himself. I'd he was doing his job then the Magpies would never have lost that much money. Instead he is sniping at others instead of watching his own back yard.

He was a failure himself in his show on Chanel 9 - the most boring prick I had the displeasure to see on TV - a total non identity on TV if you ask me. SEN must be desperate to invite this moron to do a show on their station - that is not something I will never put myself through - listening to his show would be an hour of my life that I will never get back.

Fast Fat Eddie - you are a wanker, pure and simple.

Blame anyone but yourself and then sit there and wonder what stinks - it is you Eddie - you! You are a bloody hypocrite. I hope your hissy fit was worth it and I hope the AFL go ahead and give the Tigers what they want - it would be worth it just to stuff you up - you lowlife. You are a failure all round in my eyes :bash
The fat boy is fast becoming the laughing stock of the competition.

The fact that he is attempting to influence the AFL decision through the press will only help Polak's case.

Demestos and co will have to make their decision based on medical advice and medical advice alone, however on the side they will be more than happy to send a message to the fat boy about who really runs the AFL i suspect.
Leysy Days said:
Geez leysy hopes we get this Polak/Cousins thing over the line.

It's gunna be so beautiful listening to him whinge.

Talk about icing on the cake. Gee it would annoy him. And to put the cherry on top you would hope that Run Benny Run has 30 touches when we play the Pies.
Cornes is a freelance moron of the highest order but gee he hit the nail on the head with that piece.
Mr Magic said:
The fat boy is fast becoming the laughing stock of the competition.

The fact that he is attempting to influence the AFL decision through the press will only help Polak's case.

Demestos and co will have to make their decision based on medical advice and medical advice alone, however on the side they will be more than happy to send a message to the fat boy about who really runs the AFL i suspect.

I wouldn't be saying that too quickly Magic; The AFL's decision tomorrow may well take into account Polak's situation, but, Richmond will be forced to take Cousin's with Pick 6. I cant see room for a Rookie Junior and then Cousins.
Eddie is challenging the system and our proposal; Good on him...that's what Carlton & Richmond would be doing if Collingwood was in the box seat to get Cousins.
frickenel said:
Here's Eddie's latest ramblings. Check out how he's distorting the facts:


The errors Eddie makes are these:

Richmond are not seeking to have Polak put on the long term injury list, but the rookie list. Stop changing the facts to suit your selfish means.

This situation is NO DIFFERENT to the Adam Ramanauskas case.

The chances of Ramanauskas making a full recovery from cancer and playing again were small to the point that due diligence would have seen him de-listed.

By applying to the AFL on compassionate grounds, Essendon were able to maintain Ramanauskas on their list as a rookie and therefore not be competing one man short. This special consideration by the AFL showed compassion to an employee at the lowest point in their life. Essendon as an employer is morally richer for their actions. Something I think Eddie struggles with judging from what I’ve read about his treatment of employees contracts when he entered channel 9.

Richmond are in the same position with Polak. His chances of making a full recovery and contributing to a level that makes it worthwhile keeping him on the main list are extremely minimal. Richmond want to keep him on the list (as did Essendon with Ramanauskas), to keep his spirits up and give him something to aim for. To do this without competing a player short, the only real option is to seek permission to list him as a rookie.

This is very different to say a knee reconstruction where players are put on the long term injury list. The chances of these players making a full recovery are massively high and therefore their position on the senior list is not in jeopardy ie Kayne Pettifer.

No wonder Eddie is about the most hated person involved with an AFL club. In all his time reporting on the game, and involved with it, he's learned nothing about sportsmanship.

Well said. Eddie hasn't shown much sympathy to the situation. He just thinks Collingwood is the most important thing and he wants to diverse the bad press about them. He has never had much interest in the club before this. His club gets the easiest draw and barely travel interstate and he whinges about Richmond getting an extra pick which doesn't make much difference in the draft.
In essence Eddie is indicating that Polak and Cousins be thrown on the scrap heap. Meanwhile Didak remains a protected species ???
What has Eddie said to indicate Polly be thrown on the scrap heap? Polly will be on our list whether the AFL make an exception for him on the rookie list or whether he remains on our main list.
Does anyone seriously think the AFL will want to attract negative publicity by declining our application? It's a forgone conclusion. Richmond will have 2 picks in the PSD, and Cousins will be playing for us next year.

As for Eddie, this is proof that all that comes out of his mouth these days is hot air - no-one takes him seriously anymore. Buy yourself a gold jacket eddie, and take a seat next to your braindead buddy Joffa.
rosy23 said:
What has Eddie said to indicate Polly be thrown on the scrap heap? Polly will be on our list whether the AFL make an exception for him on the rookie list or whether he remains on our main list

"Everyone supports Graham Polak's recovery, but as hard as this may sound, it doesn't matter if you get hit by a tram or a centre half-forward as far as the rules are concerned" http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/sport/afl/story/0,27009,24795484-5016140,00.html

Which is exactly why we are applying to the AFL for a ruling based on the Rama precedent. As Benny Gale said in support of our case the circumstances for both players health issues were "not football related".
I still don't follow you Hayfever.    Isn't Eddies gripe more towards us getting an extra pick, through being granted an exception to the rules, rather than throwing Polly on the scrap heap?  He knows Polly will still be on our list no matter what the AFL rule.
SCOOP said:
Cornes is a freelance moron of the highest order but gee he hit the nail on the head with that piece.
Even that dopey Cornes is making Quagmire look bad.

Things are looking up. :)
Pffffff! Nothing to do with Cousins?

If Cousin's wasn't in the draft and we ask the AFL to place Polak on the rookie list - Eddie would have said "good luck and merry christmas"

This has everything to do with Cousins and everyone knows it.
Hayfever said:
"Everyone supports Graham Polak's recovery, but as hard as this may sound, it doesn't matter if you get hit by a tram or a centre half-forward as far as the rules are concerned" http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/sport/afl/story/0,27009,24795484-5016140,00.html

Which is exactly why we are applying to the AFL for a ruling based on the Rama precedent. As Benny Gale said in support of our case the circumstances for both players health issues were "not football related".
so we get back to the correct processes processes that i admit i think ive been ignorant of.
at the end of the day the only question that needs answering is. DOES POLAK QUALIFY FOR THE RAMA PRECEDENT. until recently i thought he did but i dont think so now. ive been pulled up on another thread for this and i had to plead ignorance of the rule . ive been pushing for us to execute the rama rule since polaks injury.the other question that needs to be answered is do we want the draft processes compromised us being richmond i would say we dont give a stuff after all we dont know what processes are look at our footy dept.