Dustin Martin | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Dustin Martin

One thing that *smile* me about the media is nearly every year they come with bull *smile* about Dusty. They seem very jealous that he plays for Richmond and report crap that will devalue his legacy with us.
And the thing is Dusty has never given any indication that he wants to go anywhere. When Carr shopped him to GWS he torpedoed that himself. When he signed with us at the end of 2017, he said we were family. Listen to what he said at the end of his 300th. They weren’t the words of someone who wanted to play elsewhere ever.
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One thing that *smile* me about the media is nearly every year they come up with bull *smile* about Dusty. They seem very jealous that he plays for Richmond and report crap that will devalue his legacy with us.

We've had a few "take to the banks" with Dusty. Going to North, Going to Swans, retiring after 300, going to Suns...
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Maybe he's just had enough and counting down the days to the end where he gets to live away from the fishbowl and find his happiness in his next chapter.

Losing his father and his injury ended the Invinceibility of the great man.

His mind set had been understandably shifted probably significantly and he's never been the same.

What a truly wonderful and imperious player.

Weve been blessed.

Revel in the fact you were here to witness the true greatness.be

Will always be the Tiger KIng.
Maybe he has a back injury.
He's clearly injured and you question his motivation.
I reckon thats ordinary.
Carries niggles all year and plays because we are decimated and he is team first.
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Tom Morris just went strong with various sources saying Dusty to Gold Coast or retire. No more Tigers after this year. I tend to believe him. Pay at Gold Coast would be slashed in comparison to what earning now
Tom Morris just went strong with various sources saying Dusty to Gold Coast or retire. No more Tigers after this year. I tend to believe him. Pay at Gold Coast would be slashed in comparison to what earning now

FWIW, He also claimed it is the Martin camp chasing GC, not GC chasing Martin.
He just got a photo with several one club Richmond legends. Many of them his good friends.
Loyalty is his one wood. I’d honestly be stunned if he changed football clubs in the exit lounge of his grand career.
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The Barrett article wasn’t terrible but the last bit:

“Richmond has allowed itself to meander through the back half of 2023 and for all of 2024. It was validated in having a crack at being a mix of Geelong and Sydney in the hope of perpetually being a Grand Final possibility, but it simply hasn't worked. The three flags are distant memories only now, not a base for more success. This is a club in limbo, with tough decisions needing to be made by tough people very soon.”

...is kind of stupid. I assume the club decided to ride this sucker to the end of the line, much like Brisbane and Hawthorn did. Keep the list together and wring out that sucker until there’s no more juice left in the orange. In 2022 we were making a push until the ARC final. Last year was a disaster with Hardwick but the decision to have one last crack with the list wasn’t a bad one. You can argue if this is preferable to being ‘up there’ for year after year but only winning one (or none). But that’s the path we chose. As for the flags being a distant memory…that’s laughable. They are fresh in my memory. Three in four years. Something fans of other clubs can only dream about.
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This is real.

More chance of it happening than not.

Going to be interesting to see how certain people within the Richmond supporter base fraternity handle themselves after being so strong on him staying.
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For me with out a doubt Dusty is in the top 5 players i have seen pull on a boot for us.
If i hear one more person say show some respect based on current performance i will go ape.

I don't want to see one of the greatest players we have had play like he is now. Based on performances this year he has been horrible and a shell of himself.

If this is all he has left don't retire, not for me or the club but yourself and the fantastic legacy you have built.

In saying all that i have no idea, like 99.9% here !!!!!of what issues he has if any. If he wishes to stay and thinks he still has something to offer and the club thinks the same then by all means give him another year.

He has been horrible in recent weeks and if not for injury probably should be dropped.
Hang draw and quarter me for saying it. Apparently that is disrespectful.

Will Ferrell Agree GIF
The Barrett article wasn’t terrible but the last bit:

“Richmond has allowed itself to meander through the back half of 2023 and for all of 2024. It was validated in having a crack at being a mix of Geelong and Sydney in the hope of perpetually being a Grand Final possibility, but it simply hasn't worked. The three flags are distant memories only now, not a base for more success. This is a club in limbo, with tough decisions needing to be made by tough people very soon.”

...is kind of stupid. I assume the club decided to ride this sucker to the end of the line, much like Brisbane and Hawthorn did. Keep the list together and wring out that sucker until there’s no more juice left in the orange. In 2022 we were making a push until the ARC final. Last year was a disaster with Hardwick but the decision to have one last crack with the list wasn’t a bad one. You can argue if this is preferable to being ‘up there’ for year after year but only winning one (or none). But that’s the path we chose. As for the flags being a distant memory…that’s laughable. They are fresh in my memory. Three in four years. Something fans of other clubs can only dream about.
Strongly disagree. Hardwick stubbornly kept doubling down on his outdated game plan and methods, despite clearly diminishing returns since 2020.

And then instead of evolving, even slightly tweaking things, he took the easy option that involved coddling senior players who were showing decline in their play or their application - at the expense of bringing in new blood or developing youngsters. AND THEN for good measure he lumped us with 2x 7 year albatross contracts to Hopper & Taranto before giving us all the “peace out” and heading north.
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But back on topic - Dusty has been amazing for us and given it everything he’s had. He’s the real driving force behind this recent successful era. Not Hardwick, Gale or any of the other glory claimers.

Whatever he decides to do at the end of the year, best of luck to him. He owes us nothing.
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Strongly disagree. Hardwick stubbornly kept doubling down on his outdated game plan and methods, despite clearly diminishing returns since 2020.

And then instead of evolving, even slightly tweaking things, he took the easy option that involved coddling senior players who were showing decline in their play or their application - at the expense of bringing in new blood or developing youngsters. AND THEN for good measure he lumped us with 2x 7 year albatross contracts to Hopper & Taranto before giving us all the “peace out” and heading north.
At the end of 2022, with our unlucky loss in Brisbane, I don’t think that this was so obvious. It is now, with hindsight. But at that point we were able to go deep into September doing what we were doing.
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But back on topic - Dusty has been amazing for us and given it everything he’s had. He’s the real driving force behind this recent successful era. Not Hardwick, Gale or any of the other glory claimers.
There were a few contributors
Whatever he decides to do at the end of the year, best of luck to him. He owes us nothing.
*smile*. He owes us everything. We gave him his career when no other club took him in the draft.

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The Barrett article wasn’t terrible but the last bit:

“Richmond has allowed itself to meander through the back half of 2023 and for all of 2024. It was validated in having a crack at being a mix of Geelong and Sydney in the hope of perpetually being a Grand Final possibility, but it simply hasn't worked. The three flags are distant memories only now, not a base for more success. This is a club in limbo, with tough decisions needing to be made by tough people very soon.”

...is kind of stupid. I assume the club decided to ride this sucker to the end of the line, much like Brisbane and Hawthorn did. Keep the list together and wring out that sucker until there’s no more juice left in the orange. In 2022 we were making a push until the ARC final. Last year was a disaster with Hardwick but the decision to have one last crack with the list wasn’t a bad one. You can argue if this is preferable to being ‘up there’ for year after year but only winning one (or none). But that’s the path we chose. As for the flags being a distant memory…that’s laughable. They are fresh in my memory. Three in four years. Something fans of other clubs can only dream about.
Barrett is drop kick.
But he made some valid points.
some people still basking on the back of those flags.
4 years now.
It’s history, move on but make sure they don’t leave a
drunk burger GIF by Leroy Patterson
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Strongly disagree. Hardwick stubbornly kept doubling down on his outdated game plan and methods, despite clearly diminishing returns since 2020.

And then instead of evolving, even slightly tweaking things, he took the easy option that involved coddling senior players who were showing decline in their play or their application - at the expense of bringing in new blood or developing youngsters. AND THEN for good measure he lumped us with 2x 7 year albatross contracts to Hopper & Taranto before giving us all the “peace out” and heading north.

He did head north though.
I wouldn't blame Dusty for going. He is born to play finals. One last crack at a flag with Dimma would be appealing. He has given us so much and we will be a bottom team for a few years yet.
Am I the only one who is tired over these never-ending speculative opinions about Martin staying or not staying. All I care about is his contribution on the field this season, and the same goes for every Richmond player, and it is obvious to everybody that his on-field performances have been ordinary to say the least. By any standard.

No one player is bigger than the side they play for; ever. I hope and want to believe that the club is all over the list - who stays, who is offered contracts, who is traded or delisted leading into the off season. I am hoping that all these processes have already begun.

There will be changes within the football department as well along with the administration. The measure of a good club is how well they make these transitions; bringing in the best people available. The measure of a great club is to do this consistently and seamlessly; without accepting second best.
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