Dustin Martin | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Dustin Martin

TBH i reckon most of the senior players have mentally checked out this year, no one wants an ACL since its the flavour of the month so most are doing there best but not busting their gut
Its Over GIF
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For me with out a doubt Dusty is in the top 5 players i have seen pull on a boot for us.
If i hear one more person say show some respect based on current performance i will go ape.

I don't want to see one of the greatest players we have had play like he is now. Based on performances this year he has been horrible and a shell of himself.

If this is all he has left don't retire, not for me or the club but yourself and the fantastic legacy you have built.

In saying all that i have no idea, like 99.9% here !!!!!of what issues he has if any. If he wishes to stay and thinks he still has something to offer and the club thinks the same then by all means give him another year.

He has been horrible in recent weeks and if not for injury probably should be dropped.
Hang draw and quarter me for saying it. Apparently that is disrespectful.
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Oh god…David Schwartz…Was at a function many years ago when the current AFL CEO, Demetriou, correctly described him as a “mental giant” of the game…
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Is he in self preservation mode and going though the motions this year with a contract at GC on the table for 2025 and beyond?
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The Sun$ is the only club that makes cents.
Ambassadorial role with Team AFL..reunited with his frm coach..grow the franchise with a great of the game, memberships, media, fabricated BS blah blah..

Be a shame to see it but I couldn't really care less. It’ll be like thinking of Doug Hawkins in a Fitzroy jumper if it actually happens.
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The Sun$ is the only club that makes cents.
Ambassadorial role with Team AFL..reunited with his frm coach..grow the franchise with a great of the game, memberships, media, fabricated BS blah blah..

Be a shame to see it but I could really care less. It’ll be like thinking of Doug Hawkins in a Fitzroy jumper if it actually happens.
Probably with the same result. Father Time doesn’t differentiate.
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The Sun$ is the only club that makes cents.
Ambassadorial role with Team AFL..reunited with his frm coach..grow the franchise with a great of the game, memberships, media, fabricated BS blah blah..

Be a shame to see it but I could really care less. It’ll be like thinking of Doug Hawkins in a Fitzroy jumper if it actually happens.
I think you mean couldn't care less?

Delids in Tsunami Orange comes to mind.
Would hate to see Aston Martin spending a day at Gold Coast zoo so as to not see Rfc beat his Huns in next year's granny.
Of course he has 3 cups in sky rocket.
Poor old Delids got Donuts.

Don't do it, Dusty.
One club man the way to go.
Tell the Meerkat to cease and desist.
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The Sun$ is the only club that makes cents.
Ambassadorial role with Team AFL..reunited with his frm coach..grow the franchise with a great of the game, memberships, media, fabricated BS blah blah..

Be a shame to see it but I could really care less. It’ll be like thinking of Doug Hawkins in a Fitzroy jumper if it actually happens.
I used to have an issue with it, but now I don’t. Personally, I still think he’ll retire when this season is done. He doesn’t want to play anywhere else, and his body is done. If GCS can convince him to play for them and pay him well for it, good luck to him. It won’t benefit them, in fact it could hinder them.
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Hope he stays a Tiger for life, even if it's ending at the end of this season. But if he's being offered an AFL funded retirement fund that's too good to refuse, then I wish him all the best.

What he did while wearing our jumper is something I don't think any of us can ever repay him for. Three Premiserships for starters. Certain AFL Legend and arguably the best performing finals player ever seen in the game.

He'll always be a Richmond Legend for life.
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At 34yo in 2025 going to GC IMO will cheapen the Dusty brand
He should go out as an immortal of the RFC as a tiger for life
*smile* this AFL ambassador role when a player is in the twilight of their career can’t play to the level expected and is laughed at by opposition supporters
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I wouldn't be surprised if the does indeed go to the GC.

Carr has been on record as comparing Dustin to Tom Brady, who incidentally after winning multiple Superbowls with the Patriots, then went to the Bucs when everyone thought he was done and won a Superbowl there as well.

I reckon Carr would be wanting Dustin's career to somewhat emulate Brady's by going to another club and winning a flag there.