Dustin Martin | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Dustin Martin

To Leysy's thinking The retirement clause would only come into effect once the player was delisted (due to retirement).

They could then un-retire themselves and be available in one of the drafts - national, mid-season etc. Which like Lloyd, the AFL has blocked.

As that timeline hasn't occurred yet and until Oct 31 he is still contracted to Richmond, that doesn't come into effect.

Ergo - He can sign with another club as a free agent. Same as anyone else.
It's the dishonesty and blatant bald faced lying that would get me; if it eventuates.......................
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Whether he plays or not. He wants to, or is at least considering it.

This one hurts.

if it were true, it would be terminal for me and footy.

it really would.

I'll learn how to crochet or something
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Hardwick should have been sacked after the 2020 flag that’s my take on this

maybe Carter was right all along? and we shoulda sacked him end of 2016 and let leppaflycaracella win four flags in a row :cool:

this is :vomit

theres no upside whatsoever,

either 1. the whole world is *smile* and *smile*, or

2. AFL journos have plumbed such depths my guts are churning
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I don't GAF that he goes to the Suns. His playing days at Richmond are done. So be it. I just don't like the whole "I'm retiring" *smile* knowing full well he was going to the Suns. It's the Hardwick departure playbook. Try and leave on best terms and then all of a sudden an about face. Disingenuois and poor taste.

Just be honest and leave the club saying you've still got something left in the tank, but it will be elsewhere.
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You cannot brush off what is happening now, our next generation of leaders and our best player (Shai not Dusty)all cleared out.

Putting your head in the sand doesn't make it ok. If it was a corporate business having this amount of top level staff leaving there would be conversations as to why and that's what we need to do.
Difficult to disagree.
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Twomey clearly making explicit its a playing gig being explored,

which is impossible under current rules.

they wouldn't have to explore any rules if they were reporting a coaching gig, they juts hire him.

just when I was giving twomey the benefit of the doubt.

hes lost me.

useless mouthpiece bottom feeder
Didnt Hodge retire and then go to Brisbane?
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You cannot brush off what is happening now, our next generation of leaders and our best player (Shai not Dusty)all cleared out.

Putting your head in the sand doesn't make it ok. If it was a corporate business having this amount of top level staff leaving there would be conversations as to why and that's what we need to do.
I'll assume you're talking about the players and not Peggy, Benny etc. Dimma brainwashed our seniors to play his game plan and we achieved 3 in 4 flags. Their hunger is gone. This is why it could be bad for Scumwood in achieving success too quick. What other reason would they now plan to leave? Shai and Bakes now would rather finish their careers back home. Graham never said he wants to leave. Dan is getting married and maybe feels a warmer state is best to live in along with playing for his old coach to help this plastic team succeed. If you're implying some players don't like Ooze (personally) then bad luck to them. There's the door..... He's the new coach and players have to follow what he says. I'm now starting to really believe Dimma only left his sh!t behind after the 2020 flag and never planned to rebuild a 2nd time leaving the then kids (Shai, Balta etc..) with unknown future plans. The more I'm starting to applaud Pricky Scott in keeping his team flowing well.
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If it occurrs (and expect it will unless he fails a medical).

It will hurt Dustin financially in the long run. Think memorabilia, books, signings, on-stage A night with Dustin Martin" sportsman type nights he has done at Crown etc.

All that shine will wear off with Richmond supporters.

Let alone the impact on likelihood of things like stands, statues etc in his honour (that be prob doesnt care to much about TBH).
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I don't GAF that he goes to the Suns. His playing days at Richmond are done. So be it. I just don't like the whole "I'm retiring" *smile* knowing full well he was going to the Suns. It's the Hardwick departure playbook. Try and leave on best terms and then all of a sudden an about face. Disingenuois and poor taste.

Just be honest and leave the club saying you've still got something left in the tank, but it will be elsewhere.
Spot on. Don't *smile* down our backs and tell us it's raining.
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80% of the Premiership team is already here, the other 20% I will get from Richmond - D. Hardwick
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Smells rotten, feels off and we have everyone who can leave choosing to go. Bad karma.

And Dusty, this would be horrible, the club couldn't have respected you more and you choose to do this.
Not entirely true. Broad stayed…
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Whether he plays or not. He wants to, or is at least considering it.

This one hurts.
Yep. 100%. The others I dont care. But this one cuts deep.

Its not that he is going to another club but the nature in which its being done.

Betrayal is not a strong enough word. I dont care how many flags he has won us.
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Not entirely true. Broad stayed…
After reading someone posting that Vloss was angry with Shai in one the late games possibly now shows a bit of a divide in the team. Some want to leave against the ones who stayed (Vloss, Dion, Tom, Broad). Let's not forget how many times Ooze mentioned this in the pressers on 'hoping some players stay'.....even Timmy said it earlier this season.
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80% of the Premiership team is already here, the other 20% I will get from Richmond - D. Hardwick
Well if they are fitting in Rioli , Dusty and Noble there are less spots in the team , so who falls out
I’m feeling so angry 😡 as I’m sure every Tiger supporter is too
I wish everlasting failure and bad luck on that afl contrived club
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