Don,t Fly the Flag | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Don,t Fly the Flag

Liverpool said:
There are a few laws that mention the Head of State as being the Governor General....just saying.

from your wiki link:
The dispute over who is Australia's head of state centres around the question of whether the Australian monarch or the Governor-General of Australia is the country's head of state; the term Australian head of state, or any variation thereof, does not appear in either Australian or international law.

seems to me the only people who want to argue the queen is not the head of state are those that want her to remain head of state, but think their argument is stronger by denying it.
Brodders17 said:
seems to me the only people who want to argue the queen is not the head of state are those that want her to remain head of state, but think their argument is stronger by denying it.

True, and it puts an interesting spin on it when you put it like that. They want to keep the Queen as our head of state, but believe that pretending the Queen isn't our Queen will assist in that goal by confusing and hoodwinking. Its water-muddying *smile*.

Tell it like it is royalists. You believe the Queen of England, by virtue of hereditary lineage, is a regal and supreme human that we are not worthy to be ruled by. You love to bow and courtsey and gush every chance you get. Own it.
Canada changed it's imperialistic flag in 1965 (sorry, don't know how to upload pics).

Old Canadian flag


Current Canadian flag

Not hard to tell which flag looks better...
Ian4 said:
Canada changed it's imperialistic flag in 1965 (sorry, don't know how to upload pics).

You can highlight the URL addresses you posted then click on the
button. The address should be between the[ /img] tags like this. Remove the gaps and the image will show. You can just type [img ]URL address[ /img] tags (without the gaps) and have the address in the middle too.

Ian4 said:
Not hard to tell which flag looks better...

Sure isn't FWIW there are 23 countries's flags that include the Union Jack:

Ashmore and Cartier Islands
British Indian Ocean Territory
British Virgin Islands
Cayman Islands
Coral Sea Islands
Falkland Islands
Heard Island and McDonald Islands
New Zealand
Niue (with embellishments)
Pitcairn Islands
Saint Helena
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Turks and Caicos Islands
United Kingdom

Great sense of individualism there. :p
tigersnake said:
Tell it like it is royalists. You believe the Queen of England, by virtue of hereditary lineage, is a regal and supreme human that we are not worthy to be ruled by. You love to bow and courtsey and gush every chance you get. Own it.

When you put it that way snake, I think Trent Cotchin was born to rule.
TOO, is it me or is australia (and perhaps NZ to a lesser extent) the odd one out of those list of courntries? excluding the UK as they are the 'mother' country, all of those countries listed are minor countries on a world stage compared to australia. and a lot of them might still have a heavy reliance on the mother country - at least compared to australia anyway
Ian4 said:
TOO, is it me or is australia (and perhaps NZ to a lesser extent) the odd one out of those list of courntries? excluding the UK as they are the 'mother' country, all of those countries listed are minor countries on a world stage compared to australia. and a lot of them might still have a heavy reliance on the mother country - at least compared to australia anyway

You're right Ian. We are a joke of a nation with our fear of cutting the apron strings.

It's about time we grew up and moved out of home. We're like the 40yo adult who still, and always did, lives at home with his parents.
Ian4 said:
TOO, is it me or is australia (and perhaps NZ to a lesser extent) the odd one out of those list of courntries? excluding the UK as they are the 'mother' country, all of those countries listed are minor countries on a world stage compared to australia. and a lot of them might still have a heavy reliance on the mother country - at least compared to australia anyway

dont forget 'Dhekelia'. they are a good country to be in sync with.
Seriously though, I find Gen Y'ers patriotism, the kind where you get two flags free with a case of Tooheys New and put them on your car and then get really pissed in a public place, rip off your shirt and fight with other blokes over who has a bigger southern cross tattooed on their back, a trifle disturbing.

I can get pre-baby boomer generations patriotism. The world was a smaller place and many had a family member who had to shoot people from across the seas. The patriotism was also a bit more discreet. A schooner and a steak at the RSL.

If we had to defend an invasion by china with an army of Gen Y's with southern crosses on various body parts, they would all be 'over it' after digging one latrine and we'd all be eating peking Duck by sundown. An aussie gen Y army would make the Italians in WW2 look like a regiment of Ghurkas

I digress a bit. On Australia Day, I wont be flying any flags. If I did, it would be the eureka or aboriginal flag, but I wont bother. I will take the holiday and reflect on 1. the lottery that sees one born in a country that pays you to have babies 2. How acutely shafted, and continue to be shafted, black fellas have been 3. How naricissistic and lost the pissed Gen Y drapped in the flag seems and 4. What a good King The Chimp would make.

Note on point 3. I think there are plenty of well-bought up, well adjusted Gen Ys full of promise and with plenty to offer, its just that they generally would grasp that stellar constellations are best marvelled at in the sky, rather than on the inside of a gym inflated-bicep that hasnt done a decent days work in its life. :eek:ld
Baloo said:
You're right Ian. We are a joke of a nation with our fear of cutting the apron strings.

It's about time we grew up and moved out of home. We're like the 40yo adult who still, and always did, lives at home with his parents.

I reckon part of the problem is getting agreement on an alternative. The strongest influence on modern Australia is our British heritage. Yet people don't want to reference that because it's seen as a) not cutting the apron strings, and/or b) being offensive to non-British migrants and aboriginal people. Our other single common cultural heritage is aboriginal Australia. Yet some aboriginals would object to a reference because it would be seen as co-opting their culture, while some non-aboriginals would object because it's giving exclusive reference to a minority group. What else do we have? Multiculturalism? How the hell do you represent that on a flag? Go the way of South Africa's mess??

We're left with the southern cross, kangaroos and Uluru. Fine, but what colours? Plenty think green and gold is ugly. Red white and blue? Same problems with reference to Britain above. Yellow black and red? Problems with aboriginal cultures as above.

Exactly what is the Australian identity the flag will represent? Do we have one?
Azza said:
I reckon part of the problem is getting agreement on an alternative. The strongest influence on modern Australia is our British heritage. Yet people don't want to reference that because it's seen as a) not cutting the apron strings, and/or b) being offensive to non-British migrants and aboriginal people. Our other single common cultural heritage is aboriginal Australia. Yet some aboriginals would object to a reference because it would be seen as co-opting their culture, while some non-aboriginals would object because it's giving exclusive reference to a minority group. What else do we have? Multiculturalism? How the hell do you represent that on a flag? Go the way of South Africa's mess??

We're left with the southern cross, kangaroos and Uluru. Fine, but what colours? Plenty think green and gold is ugly. Red white and blue? Same problems with reference to Britain above. Yellow black and red? Problems with aboriginal cultures as above.

Exactly what is the Australian identity the flag will represent? Do we have one?

Baby steps.

Decide to be one a republic, then work out the best model.
Decide to change the flag, then work out the best design for a new independent nation.

Agree on the end state then workout how to get there's d the details as you progress along.
Baloo said:
Baby steps.

Decide to be one a republic, then work out the best model.
Decide to change the flag, then work out the best design for a new independent nation.

Agree on the end state then workout how to get there's d the details as you progress along.

Yet we can't even agree on a republic model.
Azza said:
Yet we can't even agree on a republic model.

the original referendum should have been a simple yes or no answer to 'do you want australia to become a republic?' and if yes won (which i believe it would have), then we could have had a debate and a second referendum on the proposed models.
Ian4 said:
the original referendum should have been a simple yes or no answer to 'do you want australia to become a republic?' and if yes won (which i believe it would have), then we could have had a debate and a second referendum on the proposed models.

Yeah, agree with that.

I left out the Eureka Flag. That would be a good option I reckon, if it hadn't been ripped-off by the unions and bikies. In the context of todays Australia run by mining companies, media barons and sycophants to the yanks, I reckon it would be aspirational rather than reflecting reality.
Baloo said:
You're right Ian. We are a joke of a nation with our fear of cutting the apron strings.

It's about time we grew up and moved out of home. We're like the 40yo adult who still, and always did, lives at home with his parents.

More like the 60 year old. We are too far away from most countries and are too scared to live alone as a continent. Maybe with this latest influx of Indian, Asian, Muslim and African people into our population, we can maybe get closer to becoming a republic when their kids get older in later generations...possibly after the year 2040.
I bet you all were happy to take the Queens Birthday off work....pack of with your heads!

Funny thing is that while many of you are anti-clash footy jumpers and any talk of changing the words to the Tigers theme song or our jumper is met with derision and angst and talk of "tradition and history" yet expect people to throw away their country's flag and anthem in the dustbin at the drop of a hat because its seen as 'not cool' to have the British flag on ours. :p

Anyways, I see the usual pests on the topic at this time of year are out in force....Wayne Swan wanting to bring the republic debate (what debate? Referendum was held and the republic lost...time to move on) and Ray Martin and his flag-changers:

Swan calls for new republic debate

Ausflag unveils new Aussie flag to be used at sporting events
Tigers of Old said:
Sure isn't FWIW there are 23 countries's flags that include the Union Jack:

Ashmore and Cartier Islands
British Indian Ocean Territory
British Virgin Islands
Cayman Islands
Coral Sea Islands
Falkland Islands
Heard Island and McDonald Islands
New Zealand
Niue (with embellishments)
Pitcairn Islands
Saint Helena
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Turks and Caicos Islands
United Kingdom

Great sense of individualism there. :p

22 later this year.

Fiji are changing their flag.