Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


She should have stayed an ex judge. The parameters for the hearing, which I believe were set out by her were farcical. Put the hand out for the big superannuation booster for six months work n failed miserably to achieve anything but a complete and utter farce.
And yet there were comprehensive recommendations made and implemented. We also continue to have a well functioning hotel quarantine system.
Amazing that.
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She should have stayed an ex judge. The parameters for the hearing, which I believe were set out by her were farcical. Put the hand out for the big superannuation booster for six months work n failed miserably to achieve anything but a complete and utter farce.

Wrong, terms of reference for an inquiry are determined before an inquiry is established and a judge appointed.

Another tiresome "I hate everything" post TM - you and Stig make quite the pair.
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So the evil Merck comes through with a real antiviral, not an antiparasitic. Very good news if the clinical trials are up to scratch.

I wonder how many anti Big Pharma types will stick to their principles and refuse to take this if they get sick with Covid - after all, its an "experimental drug" just like the vaccines are.
I had this type of discussion with someone refusing to vax a couple of days ago. This person is happy to take drugs that he swallows but will not take a drug that is injected.
I had this type of discussion with someone refusing to vax a couple of days ago. This person is happy to take drugs that he swallows but will not take a drug that is injected.

Its a strange take but fueled by the huge amount of disinformation out there.

I'm sure we'll see the pro-Ivermectin crowd start to jump ship to these real anti-vitals soon. It's already starting to happen in this thread :cool:
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Plenty of people are scared of needles is all you can deduct from that.
Yes they are but unfortunately for this person he has a choice between overcoming that fear and losing his job.

There are going to be a reasonable number in that category I suspect
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My understanding is there are some oral vaccines in development. Is that right Sin?
I believe so but I don’t know how close they are.
Also suppositories I believe so when someone says you can stick the vaccine up your arse, the answer will be “ no up yours “ :LOL:
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Plenty of people are scared of needles is all you can deduct from that.

Some yes, but many others have misinformed ideas about vaccine safety, big pharma etc etc. Theyll happy ingest all sorts of substances and drugs - eg ivermectin from Big Pharma, but won't take vaccines because they come from Big Pharma. Go figure.
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As an employer I’m hesitant. I have a staff member who is 23 and anti vax. His choice. Not sure I should make him get the jab to keep his job. Me and almost every other employee double vaxed. Not sure I agree with this.
I guess it depends on your business, whether they will be interacting with the "public ", but also being aware the Vaccine is not 100% effective.
The chances of you or your staff being infected are greatly increased by having contact with someone unvaccinated.
And unless they change the isolation rules, there is a stronger risk of you and your other colleagues having to isolate for 14days if your unvaccinated colleague tests positive, depending on your contact with them.
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Wrong, terms of reference for an inquiry are determined before an inquiry is established and a judge appointed.

Another tiresome "I hate everything" post TM - you and Stig make quite the pair.
Did say that I was of the belief that the judge set out the parameters, if that was wrong, it's no biggie. But of course that then begs the question of who did set out the parameters of the inquiry. What's the old saying again? Never ask a difficult question unless you're absolutely positive you already know the answer?

Contrary to your insinuation Antsy one, I don't hate everything at all. Mind you there's plenty of politicians and their *smile* manipulations that I absolutely loathe. But as you've told me before, you already know that bit so I won't bore you by repeating it ad nauseam.
Did say that I was of the belief that the judge set out the parameters, if that was wrong, it's no biggie. But of course that then begs the question of who did set out the parameters of the inquiry. What's the old saying again? Never ask a difficult question unless you're absolutely positive you already know the answer?

Contrary to your insinuation Antsy one, I don't hate everything at all. Mind you there's plenty of politicians and their *smile* manipulations that I absolutely loathe. But as you've told me before, you already know that bit so I won't bore you by repeating it ad nauseam.

It's a simple thing to find out before throwing out accusations like that. But you can admit you are wrong at least, I give you credit for that.
I guess it depends on your business, whether they will be interacting with the "public ", but also being aware the Vaccine is not 100% effective.
The chances of you or your staff being infected are greatly increased by having contact with someone unvaccinated.
And unless they change the isolation rules, there is a stronger risk of you and your other colleagues having to isolate for 14days if your unvaccinated colleague tests positive, depending on your contact with them.
Is this correct? Are there definitive studies showing vaccinated are less likely to catch covid and less likely to transmit? And what are the stats associated? I have seen articles indicating viral loads are less and illness period reduced but how many verified studies have been conducted?

Ultimately we will follow the rules and if he decides his "principles" are more important than his and others welfare and his families financial security that is his choice. It will be difficult for him to to get another job if you choose to be unvaccinated. The funny thing is his wife is vaccinated and they have 2 young children.
I had this type of discussion with someone refusing to vax a couple of days ago. This person is happy to take drugs that he swallows but will not take a drug that is injected.

So he won't want any anesthetics if he ever need a life saving operation? :rotfl2 Somehow I doubt it. What a knucklehead.
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I know someone who won't get vaxxed because she's " scared of needles". This same person has Tattoos, a lot of them, including on her neck. When I pointed out that tattoos were done with needles she claimed that it was different. :rolleyes:
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I know someone who won't get vaxxed because she's " scared of needles". This same person has Tattoos, a lot of them, including on her neck. When I pointed out that tattoos were done with needles she claimed that it was different. :rolleyes:

From what I've seen (I don't have tattoos), a lot of tattoos seem to be a lot more painful than that tiny prick in your arm you get from the needle. I don't particularly like watching needles in my skin (they make me feel nauseous) but if I look away, no issue, thats needles going in or taking blood out. In fact I didn't even feel my Covid jab, I only knew she'd done it when she was dabbing the spot with a cotton bud.
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Will be interesting once these SOE powers finish in Victoria if someone applies for a job and is turned down on medical grounds of not being vaccinated, if that person will have grounds for discrimination against the future employer. Going to be interesting times ahead.