Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


I’m having a bathroom renovated soon. Contract with builder has been signed but he told me last night he’s an antivaxxer. Work yet to start but have paid a 10% Deposit. Not sure I want him in my house tbh when things open up. Dilemma.
I’m having a bathroom renovated soon. Contract with builder has been signed but he told me last night he’s an antivaxxer. Work yet to start but have paid a 10% Deposit. Not sure I want him in my house tbh when things open up. Dilemma.
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I’m having a bathroom renovated soon. Contract with builder has been signed but he told me last night he’s an antivaxxer. Work yet to start but have paid a 10% Deposit. Not sure I want him in my house tbh when things open up. Dilemma.
If he cant be smart enough to get a jab that could save his life or the life or health of his loved ones, i wouldnt hold much stead into his tiling prowess.
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before or after the vaccine?

He delivered his message night after night in Portuguese TV studios, dressed in military fatigues to convey the sense of a war.

here in Australia there were people upset when we put a general in charge of ours..... the uniform sends the wrong message, scares migrants, blah blah

He even used a Sniper analogy to ease the hesitancy over AZ, (whatever gets the job done ;) )
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I’m having a bathroom renovated soon. Contract with builder has been signed but he told me last night he’s an antivaxxer. Work yet to start but have paid a 10% Deposit. Not sure I want him in my house tbh when things open up. Dilemma.
Nah she'll be right mate, Give him a hug every morning as he comes in. :) then start coughing as you walk away. haha
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I’ll do it for you ToObs. Just tell me what you need doing, give me a few days to Google it, and I’ll come round.

At Drofder Designs our motto is “Relax. We’re double vax.”
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I’m having a bathroom renovated soon. Contract with builder has been signed but he told me last night he’s an antivaxxer. Work yet to start but have paid a 10% Deposit. Not sure I want him in my house tbh when things open up. Dilemma.
Would've thought he's an authorised worker and therefore covered by Dan's proclamation today under "building and construction services". Especially seeing things like propery inspectors and removalists get a mention.
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I’m having a bathroom renovated soon. Contract with builder has been signed but he told me last night he’s an antivaxxer. Work yet to start but have paid a 10% Deposit. Not sure I want him in my house tbh when things open up. Dilemma.
As Lee said he now has no choice. So you either ask for the 10% deposit back. Or ask him to complete the job before the end of November so that it’s all done before the rule is 100% in.
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I’m having a bathroom renovated soon. Contract with builder has been signed but he told me last night he’s an antivaxxer. Work yet to start but have paid a 10% Deposit. Not sure I want him in my house tbh when things open up. Dilemma.
Avoid X 2. You'll be able to get your deposit back too.
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But that was predominantly all in the wave that hit western europe on 2020. Daily deaths at the moment are in the single digits.

Yep, Portugal is a success story. Main concern is boosters for old people.
Yes, it was a Board of Inquiry not RC headed by a ex Judge who had been a commissioner on the child sex abuse Royal Commission and is also an ex Victorian State Coroner.
She should have stayed an ex judge. The parameters for the hearing, which I believe were set out by her were farcical. Put the hand out for the big superannuation booster for six months work n failed miserably to achieve anything but a complete and utter farce.
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I'm glad employers are mandating vaccines to attend work. Why should I have to share my workspace with a pathetic needle-shy petri dish of deadly virus?

As an employer I’m hesitant. I have a staff member who is 23 and anti vax. His choice. Not sure I should make him get the jab to keep his job. Me and almost every other employee double vaxed. Not sure I agree with this.
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depends on whether the public servant is an authorised worker like myself. Very happy with Andrews press release today. Its just a shame we had to wait til mid-October to implement this. If only we'd reached this point 4-5 months ago, then we wouldn't be in lockdown now.
What country had reached this point 4-5 months ago?
Good to see the Guardian positive about an anti viral drug for a change.

Usually even 60 studies showing benefit don’t impress them. Interesting last sentence of the article

A convenient pill that patients could take when Covid symptoms first appear has long been viewed as a crucial goal in controlling future waves of infection and reducing the ongoing impact of the pandemic.

Can't say I disagree.

Good on Merck too. I am sure that its nothing like that other drug they made.
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Just heard that on BBC. Key points they mentioned ...h
Halved hospitalisation
No one died v 8 in placebo group
US FDA halted trial because of the clear difference in deaths (ethics)
Emergency use approval in two weeks
Has to be given very early after catching COVId
Good to see the Guardian positive about an anti viral drug for a change.

Usually even 60 studies showing benefit don’t impress them. Interesting last sentence of the article

A convenient pill that patients could take when Covid symptoms first appear has long been viewed as a crucial goal in controlling future waves of infection and reducing the ongoing impact of the pandemic.

Can't say I disagree.

Good on Merck too. I am sure that its nothing like that other drug they made.

Just heard that on BBC. Key points they mentioned ...h
Halved hospitalisation
No one died v 8 in placebo group
US FDA halted trial because of the clear difference in deaths (ethics)
Emergency use approval in two weeks
Has to be given very early after catching COVId

So the evil Merck comes through with a real antiviral, not an antiparasitic. Very good news if the clinical trials are up to scratch.

I wonder how many anti Big Pharma types will stick to their principles and refuse to take this if they get sick with Covid - after all, its an "experimental drug" just like the vaccines are.
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