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  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


I have a question in regards to Victoria’s mandatory vaccination requirement in regards to the AFL. I don’t know if anyone can answer it. As I read it, it’s compulsory for sportspeople to be vaccinated if they want to play in Victoria, as “ permitted workers”. The AFL haven’t made any decision yet if they are going to make it compulsory for players to be vaccinated. IF they decide that it won’t be made compulsory ( for whatever reasons), would that mean that players from interstate teams ( where the respective state governments haven’t mandated it should be compulsory), won’t be allowed to play here? Or would it mean , as usual, that high profile people will be granted exemptions?
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Al you are a good guy, but if you want post viewpoints from Poland you should check out what's actually happening in Poland first. That's not a tangent.
Points they raise are 100% valid. Many places around the world are freaking out to the crap we are facing here. Premier/State Govt have already been found to have violated human rights when he locked people up in the carlton towers. Now coercing people to take medication or they lose their livihood or profession. Seriosuly!, ffs, never seen such crap ever. 10s of 1000s stand to lose everything. he is incompetent individual imo forcing this. (other disagree or lap up everything he says, good luck to them) Wonder if other human rights issue are at play here.
And you wonder if this premier is pushing the deadline as 1 week later his powers "could" evaporate if he doesnt get the SOE extension as we get closer to 80% target of double vax & we have to live with it. Police again chosing their targets on types of protest the maggots. Another left alone the other day as it wasnt anti govt, meanwhile back at the ranch, battons out to crack a skull on anti govt stuff. Yeah, nah, Polish & many others are 100% right at what they say about what we are facing here imo. dont agree, fine, ignore it
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Fair sample size in the trial too Anty 775 people.

Not quite 47,000 though.

View attachment 13758

At its core why do you believe this stuff? What would it take for you to change your mind? Do you have a scientifically minded friend you trust that could take you through this? I admire the persistence but to me it seems you are trying to find proof of an answer you already have and the evidence isn’t there. If a proper study comes up that makes a case for it I think you will find everyone here be happy they were wrong.

There are studies with fabricated data to support invermetim results (with data sets that violate benfords law) and double blind studies showing it doesn’t work. I’ve seen charts showing correlation of deaths and invermectin iuse in the americas where clearly the death rate is related to parasite prevention and not Covid prevention as gets implied.

At its worst this turns into family members physically threatening medical practitioners to treat their loved ones with this drug.

For me invermectin seems a test of ones math skills. I want there to be pharmaceuticals that work but I also want them to be shown to work.
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Apparently long Covid affects 1 in 3 people who catch the disease, (it ain't just the flu), why would healthcare workers protest and not want to get vaccinated after hearing this nurse's story:

Yeah it's pretty hard to believe but they give many reasons which show they are just as distrusting as many others who are not employed in the health industry....they are only provisionally approved, they haven't been tested enough, they don't believe the data showing they actually do work, we need to know more about possible long-term side effects, they don't want to be part of an experimental trial, they want free choice and don't want to be forced to take any medication, etc. etc. totally ignoring the fact that millions more doses of these drugs have been given out than any previous "trial" in history. So we actually have more information about them than any drugs previously approved. It's just happened within a shorter period of time, out of necessity because the world needs this medication NOW.
Another point...with any new drug that is put on the market, the first 7 years of community use is regarded as still being part of the trial phase anyway. So our vaccine use is not so different.
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Apparently long Covid affects 1 in 3 people who catch the disease, (it ain't just the flu), why would healthcare workers protest and not want to get vaccinated after hearing this nurse's story:

Taken from Twitter via Reddit. A real Canadian ICU doctor explains what's really happening to people who are at the stage of being ventilated and how their lungs and other organs are damaged. This is why they die, and why antivirals at this stage are superfluous, the inflammation "wildfire" is out of control. It ain't the flu - get vaccinated. Even if you survive long covid will be with you.

Reddit link here, Twitter link here.
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Taken from Twitter via Reddit. A real Canadian ICU doctor explains what's really happening to people who are at the stage of being ventilated and how their lungs and other organs are damaged. This is why they die, and why antivirals at this stage are superfluous, the inflammation "wildfire" is out of control. It ain't the flu - get vaccinated. Even if you survive long covid will be with you.

Reddit link here, Twitter link here.

The Vic Press conference today had 2 amazing nurses on that gave first hand accounts, it's just a pity that all Victorians won't hear it and the anti-vaxxers certainly wouldn't have been tuning in.
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The Vic Press conference today had 2 amazing nurses on that gave first hand accounts, it's just a pity that all Victorians won't hear it and the anti-vaxxers certainly wouldn't have been tuning in.
How good were they, awesome. Embarassing the anti-vaxxers really. Check out Jurgen Klopp's press conference too, a great analogy with drink drivers.
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I went and chased up the press conference to hear the nurses testimony, I agree its worth a watch.
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The Vic Press conference today had 2 amazing nurses on that gave first hand accounts, it's just a pity that all Victorians won't hear it and the anti-vaxxers certainly wouldn't have been tuning in.

Thanks Caesar, will check it out.

EDIT - just watched. Of the 90 patients in ICU in Victoria "not one was fully vaccinated. Not one."

Get vaccinated.
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Our first doses have been a bit disappointing over the past week. With Moderna being online you would have thought that a higher percentage of doses for us would have been in first dose rather than the second doses. With the mandate now here first doses should be 5% or higher for the week. Also with Pfizer being shorter now at State hubs hopefully that is also above 5%.

Very compelling. As others have said, those who have dug their heels against being vaccinated probably won’t watch this stuff.
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No, the anti-vaxxers won't watch it, but they can get their Darwin Awards when they end up in ICU.

It is the vaccine-hesitant and the "haven't got around to it" we need to target and there are ways of doing this.

My partner was getting some shopping for her brother, who is under 24 hour care for a variety of conditions, yesterday.

She was going towards the supermarket and in front of her were a couple of blokes, middle aged, don't look like they take care of themselves particularly. Anyway, they are talking about getting a slab and visiting one another's house. My partner says, ahem, what are you talking about? Then asks if they are vaccinated.

A few minutes earlier she had been at a chemist in the shopping centre. The chemist was asking everyone if they were vaccinated, they had Pfizer doses they would need to chuck away if not used as they were going out of date. The chemist had already been through the supermarket literally shouting down the aisles that there were vaccines available, now, immediately, no wait, no appointment, just come and get jabbed. The young guy on the check out was also asking everyone he served (not directed by management, just doing it off his own back).

So, my partner asks the blokes if they were vaccinated - nah, didn't get around to it. She marched them to the chemist (it helps being an ex teacher!) who quickly grabbed them and now they have their first dose.

These guys weren't hesitant or anything really. Just hadn't got their sh1t together.

You read the stories of how people suffer and can't be vaccinated by the time they get to hospital. You hear about the horrible suffering. We know a lot of people are affected by COVID long after they are out of hospital. We know the stats - if you are vaccinated you are around 90% protected against getting sick enough to end up in hospital or ICU. We know that there is barely any medical reason that prevents anyone getting the vaccine.

There is no excuse, ask anyone you meet if they are vaccinated and tell them to get vaccinated if they're not. It is the only way out of the pandemic.

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Our first doses have been a bit disappointing over the past week. With Moderna being online you would have thought that a higher percentage of doses for us would have been in first dose rather than the second doses.
Approaching the ceiling.

First doses - second doses in Vic:

Sep 22 +27,169
Sep 23 +25,654
Sep 24 +21,784
Sep 25 +18,236
Sep 26 +12,492
Seo 27 +11,419
Sep 28 +13,016
Sep 29 +10,799
Sep 30 +7,674
Oct 1 +3,074
Oct 2 -1,749
Oct 3 -2,621

NSW was last in the +ve on Sep 14.

Following Dan's proclamation on Friday, first dose numbers were up 19% on last weekend in Vic.