Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


You don't vaccinate your kids, you don't get into govt funded pre-schools. How is this different?

But you want to make this personal again, as the cult does? Well here's some insight into why I have no *smile* time for these stupid, ignorant idiots. I have a pre-existing condition that means despite getting vaccinated, if I contract covid there's a good chance I'll end up on a ventilator.

Anti-vaxxers are a matter of life or potential death for me. It'll be wheels on the hearse, not bus.

Anit-vaxxers are *smile*. They always have been, they always will be.
thats all good, not disagreeing or agreeing with your views on your last post.
Just stating both side disagree. Its polarising.

Edit.. deleted article as it was changed online by news service about teachers & nurses could join protest
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Just stating both side disagree. Its polarising.
One side is backed by science. The other side is backed by self-proclaimed experts on dodgy internet sites.

Why should the beliefs of both sides be considered equal?
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Ok I missed that. Announced yesterday. Geez their timing is good. Almost inflammatory decision to reverse it. This highlights the lack of a uniform approach.
Its cool. So hard to keep on top of everything
Spot on. Yes I agree. You wonder if its politics of the 2 states having a crack at each other while using decisions on various industries

Also saw raw footage of a riot cop pleading with a guy to leave as they were entering the city 2 days ago ( a tradie) telling him he deosnt like the decisions but they will enforce it. Pleading a few times to leave.

yesterday at the Shrine, saw other good footage of cops again pleading with protesters to leave, a couple up who were close being asked to tell others to go. gave the protestors safe passage to get in their cars, trains and leave they wouldnt be touched. that couple tried to edit (tell others) but the mob didnt then the cops moved in. They handled it right
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One side is backed by science. The other side is backed by self-proclaimed experts on dodgy internet sites.

Why should the beliefs of both sides be considered equal?
Thats your view, fine. FDA also went 16-2 not to use booster didnt help either and many using that as being vindicated
The school i work at, id say 80% are vaccinated.
The other 3 or 4 workers were going to get jab in next 3 months i believe.
Yesterday were told, jab up or hand in resignation in 3 weeks.


1 teacher has quit this morning.
The school i work at, id say 80% are vaccinated.
The other 3 or 4 workers were going to get jab in next 3 months i believe.
Yesterday were told, jab up or hand in resignation in 3 weeks.


1 teacher has quit this morning.

Fair enough. They had warning, they chose not to get vaccinated earlier. They are in an environment filled with kids who are too young to be vaccinated. If I was a parent I'd want anyone handling my kids for most of the day to be vaccinated.
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......Health workers need a mandate I fully understand.

The next level that needs a mandate is the state parliament so that can be fully open and that the government can debate the merits of any mandate.
Attempting to mandate vaccinations for MPs is just asking for martyrs which will only further inflame tensions.
What happens when the Vic version of Craig Kelly or George Christensen says they are getting vaccinated? Do they, as elected members, get kicked out? do we have by-elections? And what do you think all the anti-vax supported will do then?
It is just asking for further trouble at a time it is not needed.

And why should health workers be made to? Public health.
Why doesnt the same apply to other sectors where it is in the interests of public health?
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The school i work at, id say 80% are vaccinated.
The other 3 or 4 workers were going to get jab in next 3 months i believe.
Yesterday were told, jab up or hand in resignation in 3 weeks.


1 teacher has quit this morning.
so they were happy to be vaccinated at their leisure, but have instead quit the industry because they have been told to do it quickly?
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Ok I missed that. Announced yesterday. Geez their timing is good. Almost inflammatory decision to reverse it. This highlights the lack of a uniform approach between states which adds to the chaos. The National cabinet is a farce.


morrison has abrogated responsibility on everything important.

quarantine, vaccination procurement, vaccination delivery.

he beleives in 1. Small Govt and 2. Delegating everything difficult.

when clearly, crisis is time for Large Govt and strong leadership.

as such, he *smile* everything up.

how can ad hoc mandating of vaccination for certain industries along state lines,

Possibly work?

Absolutely incompetant as a leader. Unprecedentedly so.

And if he doesnt show some leadership on far right extremists pronto (as if he will),

it wont be submarines we'll be worrying about
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morrison has abrogated responsibility on everything important.

quarantine, vaccination procurement, vaccination delivery.

he beleives in 1. Small Govt and 2. Delegating everything difficult.

when clearly, crisis is time for Large Govt and strong leadership.

as such, he *smile* everything up.

how can ad hoc mandating of certain industries along state lines,

Possibly work?

Absolutely incompetant as a leader. Unprecedentedly so.

And if he doesnt show some leadership on far right extremists pronto (as if he will),

it wont be submarines we'll be worrying about
nope. I get the angst u have on Scomo but those decisions are 100% state controlled

Edit: Scomo wanted all borders open within Aust, States got it right when they shut them
nope. I get the angst u have on Scomo but those decisions are 100% state controlled

quarantine and vaccination procurement are Fed responsibility, so your 2/3rds wrong

delivery and mandating, your right,

but they can be Federally led
In regards to the protests and vaccination rates, kill two birds with one stone. The solution to increasing the vaccination rates and lowering the number of protestors is staring everyone right in the face.
Instead of arming the cops with guns that fire rubber bullets, paint balls, pepper balls etc, why not give them dart guns loaded with the vaccine. Think about it, they get more vaccinated and once word gets out that the protestors are getting vaccinated, the protestors will be wary about being out for fear of being involuntarily vaccinated

reminds me of the story about how Islamic extremists claim they aren’t afraid to die, but become very afraid if their executioner dips their bullets in pigs blood.

I think if you just offered a cycle of steroids with every vaccine you'd have them big boys lining up. I won't put it in my body if I don't know what's in it doesn't apply to nose beers, random party drugs or testosterone enanthate.

yep. just had this same argument with someone on twitter. Some of these protesters have been caught with illicit substances. Hypocrisy at its worst.

So has anyone figured out who the protestors are? According to many here they are right wing nut bags but it appears many/most are genuine cfmeu/construction workers. Can they be both?
I always assumed union members were labour voters?
And it’s all Murdoch, Howard and neo-liberalisms fault?
personally I reckon shocking should be in there somewhere too.

by muddying the waters on who is behind this, the extreme right are achieving their purpose. And its being made worse by not being publicly condemned by right wing political parties. Yes, I’m sure a small percentage of these protesters are genuine tradies, but the actions of the protesters tell us they are significantly in the minority and are definitely not running things.

They are also taking advantage of the fact that the CMFEU is on the nose with the public after their petty *smile* tearoom protest on Friday.

1 teacher has quit this morning.

You know how extreme people have become when a teacher quits because they won’t get the vaccine. I hope this selfish knob never gets a teaching gig again.
You know how extreme people have become when a teacher quits because they won’t get the vaccine. I hope this selfish knob never gets a teaching gig again.
according to Bunnerz they were going to get vaccinated, they just wanted do it at a time that suited, in a few months apparently. but quit their job teaching kids, because they were going to have to get a vaccine that will help protect those kids a couple of months earlier.

if that is a true story it sounds like the school and kids are better off without them, because they clearly dont have the kids best interests at heart.
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You know how extreme people have become when a teacher quits because they won’t get the vaccine. I hope this selfish knob never gets a teaching gig again.

I think theres something slightly noble about having the strength of their convictions to quit.

but the reason i ask bunnerz if they are any good at teaching is,

theres plenty of crappy teachers out there, and one less libertarian teaching kids

would be a pretty good result.

but maybe they are a gifted dead poets society pedagogist with cystic fibrosis?

thats why i asked
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quarantine and vaccination procurement are Fed responsibility, so your 2/3rds wrong

delivery and mandating, your right,

but they can be Federally led
was talking purely about the State decision on construction & u joined in as ToO & I discussed that on the inconsistancies from different States.
Its a State thing.
Not about the other points. Not meant on that. Hope that clears it up
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The school i work at, id say 80% are vaccinated.
The other 3 or 4 workers were going to get jab in next 3 months i believe.
Yesterday were told, jab up or hand in resignation in 3 weeks.


1 teacher has quit this morning.
Just proves that there is no such thing as compulsory vaccination.

That teacher has exercised his/her democratic right to choose, same rights that the construction workers have.
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One side is backed by science. The other side is backed by self-proclaimed experts on dodgy internet sites.

Why should the beliefs of both sides be considered equal?
And the biggest hurdle is overcoming the bias these right wing groups have against our scientific community and mainstream media. They don't listen to or trust our media they only keep listening to their facebook groups and other internet sites that keep pushing the same misinformation they want to believe, that these vaccines are dangerous, not been tested enough, etc. They need to read the weekly safety reports by the TGA but they wouldn't read them so I don't know how we can reason with can't. Truth is being pushed aside because they want to break the fabric of our society and create a way of life that I don't understand.
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