Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


So has anyone figured out who the protestors are? According to many here they are right wing nut bags but it appears many/most are genuine cfmeu/construction workers. Can they be both?
I always assumed union members were labour voters?
And it’s all Murdoch, Howard and neo-liberalisms fault?
personally I reckon shocking should be in there somewhere too.
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So has anyone figured out who the protestors are? According to many here they are right wing nut bags but it appears many/most are genuine cfmeu/construction workers. Can they be both?
I always assumed union members were labour voters?
And it’s all Murdoch, Howard and neo-liberalisms fault?
personally I reckon shocking should be in there somewhere too.
All I know is that they are *smile* wits.
Interesting article. CHO and the office stopped communicating. This shouldn’t be the way to get things done. Communication, education and realistic timelines if it has to be mandated should have been the way forward.

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So has anyone figured out who the protestors are? According to many here they are right wing nut bags but it appears many/most are genuine cfmeu/construction workers. Can they be both?
I always assumed union members were labour voters?
And it’s all Murdoch, Howard and neo-liberalisms fault?
personally I reckon shocking should be in there somewhere too.

Its both. Right wing leader Avi Yemeni has been involved as have other prominent anti covid right wing personalities along with construction workers. Its pretty clear the anti covid/anti vax crowd are fanning the resentment.
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Tigers of Old...most of it is because last year the goverment said jab wouldnt be mandatory.
a year on, well if you dont get it you lose your job/leisure and livelyhood.
Tigers of Old...most of it is because last year the goverment said jab wouldnt be mandatory.
a year on, well if you dont get it you lose your job/leisure and livelyhood.
That angry mob isn't all on the same page. It's a melting pot of frustration.
Honestly believe much of the anger is aimed at Andrews for the continued lockdown as a result of the slow motion rollout.

Mandatory vaccinations for construction (and many other industries) will also apply in NSW.

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No it doesn't.
Much of the frustration of this angry mob also stems from the fact we're still locked down.
The union protests are about the mandate. The Age article I posted refers to this.

As for the above they are protesting lockdown and mandates. So I can sort of see what you are saying.

The mandate is a State issue.

Health workers need a mandate I fully understand.

The next level that needs a mandate is the state parliament so that can be fully open and that the government can debate the merits of any mandate.

And to set the right example if the Government feels that mandates are the right and only way to go it can be mandated that all CBD public servants are to be and back into offices in some form to get the city going again.
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The union protests are about the mandate. The Age article I posted refers to this.

As for the above they are protesting lockdown and mandates. So I can sort of see what you are saying.

The mandate is a State issue.

Health workers need a mandate I fully understand.

The next level that needs a mandate is the state parliament so that can be fully open and that the government can debate the merits of any mandate.

And to set the right example if the Government feels that mandates are the right and only way to go it can be mandated that all CBD public servants are to be and back into offices in some form to get the city going again.

No doubt anti-vaxers are angry at the mandates. As I've said before you could see this unrest from a fair way out. Despite the current noise, unfortunately I think it's a battle they'll ultimately lose given they're a relatively small minority. Anti-vaxers will be left with no choice & replaced if they don't get the jab. Public health will be the priority.
Tigers of Old...most of it is because last year the goverment said jab wouldnt be mandatory.
a year on, well if you dont get it you lose your job/leisure and livelyhood.

That's called consequences of people's decision not to vaccinate.

Consequences of decisions and actions seems to be an alien concept these days. People should be allowed to do whatever they choose* without any consequences. It's their right apparently.

*Conned into doing by nutters on the internet
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That's called consequences of people's decision not to vaccinate.

Consequences of decisions and actions seems to be an alien concept these days. People should be allowed to do whatever they choose* without any consequences. It's their right apparently.

*Conned into doing by nutters on the internet
And thus the perpetual arguments continue about to be or not to be vaxed.
Both think they are right and no different to you even with your steroetyping of those that dont want to get vaxed "* conned into doing by nutter on the internet"
The wheels on the bus go round and round.
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And thus the perpetual arguments continue about to be or not to be vaxed.
Both think they are right and no different to you even with your steroetyping of those that dont want to get vaxed "* conned into doing by nutter on the internet"
The wheels on the bus round and round.

You don't vaccinate your kids, you don't get into govt funded pre-schools. How is this different?

But you want to make this personal again, as the cult does? Well here's some insight into why I have no *smile* time for these stupid, ignorant idiots. I have a pre-existing condition that means despite getting vaccinated, if I contract covid there's a good chance I'll end up on a ventilator.

Anti-vaxxers are a matter of life or potential death for me. It'll be wheels on the hearse, not bus.

Anit-vaxxers are *smile*. They always have been, they always will be.
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Thought that too ToO but then I saw NSW changed their approach.
They are letting unvaccinated workers back on construction next Monday.
Ok I missed that. Announced yesterday. Geez their timing is good. Almost inflammatory decision to reverse it. This highlights the lack of a uniform approach between states which adds to the chaos. The National cabinet is a farce.
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