Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


I dont really see the point of paying 500 riot police equipped with state of the art non-lethal crowd control stuff (i.e. squash ball testicle grenades)

just to follow rioters around all day?

why dont they just use primary school teachers who have years of experience on yard duty

either let them break the law, or let them have the squash balls.

im not really into this passive aggressive policing

wont 10,000 looneys come out tomorrow for a bit of supervised insta-heroics, reassured that theyre not gonna cop a squash ball in the nuts?
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Maskless, anti vax thugs. Have a look at them all. How many are gonna fill our hospitals or put others in there ?

(Is that a quasi neo nazi signal those two scumbags are throwing up ?)

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Looks like Dane Swan and Andrew Bogut.

Not sure about those vaccines but I'll cover myself in tatts and no doubt pop in all sorts of pills.
This is America Australia.

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Flogs have retreated to the Shrine of Remembrance. What an unmitigated disgrace. Lock them all up.
There certainly isn't a lot of critical thought ability among them.

The logic to having the rally at the Shrine of Remembrance is the tired old cliche (borrowed and appropriated from US political discourse) - "They fought for our Freedom".

In actual fact, if you talk to most vets (I grew up partly raised by grandparents of the WWII generation) who literally, at the time, felt they were fighting for our country's survival in the battle for SE Asia and the Pacific. None would speak that cheesy, mindless modern cliche pulled from US cinema.

Some joined up for adventure. Some - who were vagrant workers, wandering the countryside moving from temporary job, to temporary job doing manual labour just to make enough to survive - saw it as a steady job they would get paid, fed and housed in. An end to the uncertainty of not knowing where the next shilling was coming from. And for others, they were simply typical of a generation that lived a life of duty and responsibility to their family and community as their raison d'etre. And as an extension, there was a duty and responsibility to contribute to the war effort, by serving, for the survival of our society.
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I'm so tired of this. These flogs have managed to make my stance even more hardline on vaccinations because we can't rely on some people to do it themselves. I want to be safe, I should have the freedom to be safe, and I want my family and friends to be safe.

Mandatory vaccinations may be the only way and in many industries and situations they need to be. These morons have managed to convince me that any other way is probably not going to work
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the NSW health minister has flagged the possibility of forcing mandatory vaccinations on members of Parliament.

thought the politicians would have been vaxxed by now
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the NSW health minister has flagged the possibility of forcing mandatory vaccinations on members of Parliament.

thought the politicians would have been vaxxed by now
No! and he stated that his CHO is the one that decides, haha. as if. I'd be surprised.
Certainly dont do as they preach
Looks like Dane Swan and Andrew Bogut.

Not sure about those vaccines but I'll cover myself in tatts and no doubt pop in all sorts of pills.
Swan and Bogut exemplify the huge problems with social media ie giving absolute deadshits a platform to propel their moronic crap to other absolute deadshits.
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Australia, and especially Victoria has definitely become an over-regulated/governed place. (i.e. nanny state). There are heaps of examples but simple things like illogical 40km road speed limits when 70km would be more appropriate, and having to fence pools with a Fort Knox style fence just remove any personal responsibility.

But I would imagine it is still a better place to live than the majority of the world although I am not in a position to know definitively. PREnders living OS such as @23.21.159 , @Baloo etc , or who have lived OS might be better placed to comment.
I will say this much.

I have a very good friend here, Aussie, been here as long as I have (since early 90s). He has never made any secret of his disdain for Denmark and that he is here for the sake of his wife. But just recently he has made public facebook mutterings along the lines of "first time in 28 years I'd rather be living in Denmark" and "no longer proud to be an Australian".

I would probably say the same except for the fact that I have never disliked living here anyway as much as he has - and I am loathe to get political on social media - although I am guessing I just did.
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No! and he stated that his CHO is the one that decides, haha. as if. I'd be surprised.
Certainly dont do as they preach
I reckon most would be. But then you have the likes of Craig Kelly who won't be.
It would be difficult, and a bit controversial to change the rules on who can be an MP between elections
you know - all the banging on about Freedom...

the internet, mobile phones, bills, licenses, ctv cams, car rego, etc etc etc etc ...
I reckon most would be. But then you have the likes of Craig Kelly who won't be.
It would be difficult, and a bit controversial to change the rules on who can be an MP between elections
good point. I do feel those in power forcing mandatory (making the decision & implementing) vax shld be fwiw.
Cops interacting with people. Hospital just advised by a relo have had a email sent to all staff advising deaadline to get vaxed

Mark Latham isnt but he mentioned they do rapid testing. Results in 10 mins
He raised the point that could be applied to construction on big site for unvaxed or all workers for instance. Check b4 they go on site.
Woman who went to Nth NSW with covid had a negative rapid test then a positive PCR later.
Has likely infected a few.
Rapid test has too many false negatives unfortunately. An adjunct test but not accurate enough where a definitive result needed.
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