Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Interesting and if the Feds sit there like dumb idiots allowing the pot shots well they'll have themselves to blame.

Wonder if Feds have heatlh ministers in each state to monitor things so they can spruik true data. Including state run centres and also gps aswell. give overall state by state figs. Do it in the afternoon. Snap media release after state one if it doesnt paint proper picture.

They need to grow a pair and put the gloves on.

With the national cabinet. Would scrap it. State Premiers playing games and reneging deals. Tassie now 90% b4 they open.

Do a Fed one. Set national targets. States don't comply, stuff em. Cut funding and anything else in the arsenal to force them to comply. Let them scream & have tantrums.

We are Australia ffs, not state countries. That needs to be corrected. My rant lol
Been doing that with the fancy *smile* ant national cabinet for near on 18 months. Pollies all sit around on zoom, *smile* in everyone's pockets n then go home n do exactly what they please.
Country n state leaders are running a farking circus.
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This is a chart showing VIC vs NSW total does administered, since the start of August. This represents the 7 day moving average. NSW 7 day moving average now been declining since the start of September. VIC continues to increase but significantly lags NSW.

Really interesting in here is seeing the adverse reactions on the 7 day moving average between 15th August and 23rd August. They both go in inverse patterns which would appear to be a clear indication of when NSW were taking vaccines from VIC directly. These weren't "new" doses from Poland, but essentially doses that should have been given to VIC appear to have been given to NSW. No other reason to explain the inverse reactions for that week or so.

View attachment 13382
Maybe they got extra doses coz the virus was running way harder in NSW than Vic at the time. Vic's had extra doses at other times during the year, but Dan won't fess up to that. He'd much rather try n butt *smile* everyone.
Just hours before regional is lifted, there is a regional case.
A Melbourne person who stuck up yesterday. Was always going to happen
ACT presser regarding Vax & unvaccinated people how they will be treated. Well done imo.

Some common sense in the topic and rapt. I know a few here will hate it and want the divide but I dont. Give everyone the oppotunity. Get over a particular %rate.

I feel like other CV19 outbreaks u see many then take up vax anyway, 1st in Vic, then NSW & followed up in Vic.
Find this refreshing imo & I know many will disagree & thats fine.
Not everyone will always agree on how to treat unvax people. They too are entitled no matter if they called selfish & so forth. In fact I know they see it the opposite towards Vaxed too. Polarising.

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ACT presser regarding Vax & unvaccinated people how they will be treated. Well done imo.

Some common sense in the topic and rapt. I know a few here will hate it and want the divide but I dont. Give everyone the oppotunity. Get over a particular %rate.

I feel like other CV19 outbreaks u see many then take up vax anyway, 1st in Vic, then NSW & followed up in Vic.
Find this refreshing imo & I know many will disagree & thats fine.
Not everyone will always agree on how to treat unvax people. They too are entitled no matter if they called selfish & so forth. In fact I know they see it the opposite towards Vaxed too. Polarising.

I agree Al. Once we get to a predetermined Vac rate services should open and the unvaccinated should not be ‘locked out’. Personally l find the lack of outrage over this issue staggering , Australians are truly a compliant bunch and l do think that we have been ‘beaten down’ over time by the lockdowns. I realise that the majority will be vaccinated and think ‘well this doesn’t effect me and l want to do stuff so who cares’ but this is short sighted imo. Unvaccinated not able to go to a restaurant ?? everyone will be exposed to the virus over time. Being locked down until a Vac rate is reached is done to protect the hospital system which is understandable but locking out a percentage of our population from services/venues is a huge step in the wrong direction. Impersonally very uncomfortable with it.
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ACT presser regarding Vax & unvaccinated people how they will be treated. Well done imo.

Some common sense in the topic and rapt. I know a few here will hate it and want the divide but I dont. Give everyone the oppotunity. Get over a particular %rate.

I feel like other CV19 outbreaks u see many then take up vax anyway, 1st in Vic, then NSW & followed up in Vic.
Find this refreshing imo & I know many will disagree & thats fine.
Not everyone will always agree on how to treat unvax people. They too are entitled no matter if they called selfish & so forth. In fact I know they see it the opposite towards Vaxed too. Polarising.

Common sense finally. Going to virtually impossible to police & will only create wide divisions & civil unrest in society.
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When lockdowns end, and when Australia opens up again, a measure of caution would be well advised.

After having vaccinated 80% of their population 12 and over in June, Israel lifted restrictions, they are now having daily cases of 16,000.

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Common sense finally. Going to virtually impossible to police & will only create wide divisions & civil unrest in society.
Talking of the divide & unrest.. Well the lady in charge of the Chapel Street Precinct Association wanted only the vaccinated allowed to shop only in Chapel St. In fact put a traffic light system in place in front of the shops green enter, red not allowed!. And now she is getting so much hate mail & death threats.
When lockdowns end, and when Australia opens up again, a measure of caution would be well advised.

After having vaccinated 80% of their population 12 and over in June, Israel lifted restrictions, they are now having daily cases of 16,000.

Yep, aware and have posted that over a week ago. They are battling it with boosters shots. They had one of the best vax rates and I look at were they are up too and how they are dealing with it. Australia I hope are studying it and other countries

Also you'll find deaths occurring in fully vaxed people too there.

Agree with measure of caution, mask should continue & probably more measures.
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I just don't understand why people wouldn't want to get vaccinated. Unless there is a genuine and undeniable medical reason then what is the excuse? Whatever happened to the "greater good". I can't see how anyone can deny that vaccination is the only way to deal with this virus; to be able to live our best possible lives. Do we want to be locked in our houses for the rest of our lives? Yes as we are seeing in Israel there are vaccinated people still contracting the virus and going to hospital but you can only imagine how bad it would have been without the vaccination.

You could make an argument that unvaccinated people will in the future represent a public health risk. You can't get pissed and get behind the wheel of a car so why shouldn't there be repercussions for people who refuse vaccination? But I guess for them it's all about them and stuff everyone else. Me me me.

Aside from a genuine, undeniable medical reason, it can only be selfishness and ignorance that would lead a person to refuse vaccination. If that means they get denied the right to do stuff that vaccinated people do then I could not give a *smile*. They make their bed; they can lie in it.
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You could make an argument that unvaccinated people will in the future represent a public health risk. You can't get pissed and get behind the wheel of a car so why shouldn't there be repercussions for people who refuse vaccination? But I guess for them it's all about them and stuff everyone else. Me me me.
Totally agree Rids, I don't understand why anyone wouldn't want to get vaccinated.
Ultimately though won't non-vaccinated people just be a health risk to other non-vaccinated people? eg Darwin theory?
By health risks you could argue that it will generate long term pressure on the health system that will impact those that require care for other conditions but outside of that I'm not concerned by those that have covid if I've had the jab.
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Talking of the divide & unrest.. Well the lady in charge of the Chapel Street Precinct Association wanted only the vaccinated allowed to shop only in Chapel St. In fact put a traffic light system in place in front of the shops green enter, red not allowed!. And now she is getting so much hate mail & death threats.

Yep, aware and have posted that over a week ago. They are battling it with boosters shots. They had one of the best vax rates and I look at were they are up too and how they are dealing with it. Australia I hope are studying it and other countries

Also you'll find deaths occurring in fully vaxed people too there.

Agree with measure of caution, mask should continue & probably more measures.

It'd be heaps easier to get vaccinated, and go shopping in Chapel St.

than to send death threats and hate mail you'de reckon?

with the side effect of not dying in UCU holding the sweaty hand of a stranger.

Hospitality is gonna be a nightmare, asking to see looney libertarians green tick.

it'll get ugly for a few weeks, then be pretty normal.

Im actually looking forward to sitting in the window of a bar, taking a big swallow of a frosty schooner,

and waving at the unvaccinated.

I might give them the thumbs up and the Bailey Smith Ice-in-Veins celebration, but in my deltoid, have another pull on my schooner, and wipe off my frothy moustache with the back of my hand.

But I guarantee 95% of the libertarians will get vaccinated within a month.

you should see how many 'Woolworths I wont shop there' stickers there are on cars in the carpark of Mullumbimby Woolworths.
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I just don't understand why people wouldn't want to get vaccinated. Unless there is a genuine and undeniable medical reason then what is the excuse? Whatever happened to the "greater good". I can't see how anyone can deny that vaccination is the only way to deal with this virus; to be able to live our best possible lives. Do we want to be locked in our houses for the rest of our lives? Yes as we are seeing in Israel there are vaccinated people still contracting the virus and going to hospital but you can only imagine how bad it would have been without the vaccination.

You could make an argument that unvaccinated people will in the future represent a public health risk. You can't get pissed and get behind the wheel of a car so why shouldn't there be repercussions for people who refuse vaccination? But I guess for them it's all about them and stuff everyone else. Me me me.

Aside from a genuine, undeniable medical reason, it can only be selfishness and ignorance that would lead a person to refuse vaccination. If that means they get denied the right to do stuff that vaccinated people do then I could not give a *smile*. They make their bed; they can lie in it.
Religious crackpots and conspiracy theorists have a lot to answer for. Over 300 million died from smallpox, imagine if a vaccination wasn't discovered for it.
I wonder what these nutcase say about that, they probably reckon it's fake news.
Talking of the divide & unrest.. Well the lady in charge of the Chapel Street Precinct Association wanted only the vaccinated allowed to shop only in Chapel St. In fact put a traffic light system in place in front of the shops green enter, red not allowed!. And now she is getting so much hate mail & death threats.
I obviously don't condone that behaviour but I'm not surprised. That's a small example of what will happen when businesses try to freeze people out. Unfair on business people to try & police it.
What I am really struggling to understand why many vaccinated people are fearful of those who aren't.
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I obviously don't condone that behaviour but I'm not surprised. That's a small example of what will happen when businesses try to freeze people out. Unfair on business people to try & police it.
What I am really struggling to understand why many vaccinated people are fearful of those who aren't.
I'm not fearful of them just hate their *smile* attitude and entitlement mentality. That said the more people who are vaccinated the better; there will be less strain on the hospital system which means they can attend to serious illnesses for which their is no vaccine; cancer etc.
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That said the more people who are vaccinated the better; there will be less strain on the hospital system which means they can attend to serious illnesses for which their is no vaccine; cancer etc.
True but where do you stop with that? Do you stop people smoking & drinking because they fill hospitals too with associated illnesses?
For the life of me I don't know why people don't want to get vaccinated but at some point it's got to come down to personal choice about your own health.
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Totally agree Rids, I don't understand why anyone wouldn't want to get vaccinated.
Ultimately though won't non-vaccinated people just be a health risk to other non-vaccinated people? eg Darwin theory?
By health risks you could argue that it will generate long term pressure on the health system that will impact those that require care for other conditions but outside of that I'm not concerned by those that have covid if I've had the jab.
I suppose this ties in with a parallel that I saw someone mention on here weeks ago. People resistant to the vaccination are obviously going against scientific medical advice, which is foolish. But such a phenomenon is not uncommon. People drink to excess or smoke all of the time. Neither of these things are illegal, but certainly those things go against scientific medical advice. And by partaking in those actions, one would argue that they aren't really effecting anyone but themselves. But similar to the anti-vaxx example you give, we can argue undoubtedly that these people generate long term pressure on the health system.
I'm not fearful of them just hate their *smile* attitude and entitlement mentality. That said the more people who are vaccinated the better; there will be less strain on the hospital system which means they can attend to serious illnesses for which their is no vaccine; cancer etc.
Agree said similar for awhile.

Spot on the push to get vaccinated will help ease on hospital. Case nos might be there but deaths hopefully wont be