Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


I for one are not in anyway saying regional Victoria are doing it any harder than Melbourne. What I’m saying make the restrictions proportional to the risks. Live in Mount Gambier live a pretty normal life in South Australia. Live in Portland same amount of cases live lockdown. When there are 5km restrictions this is not needed unless there is an outbreak like in Shep, then you lockdown again.

Regional Victoria from Friday is still in lockdown. I like how you called it lockdown lite. Lookdown lite is cruel to the hospitality sector, gym owners and gym goers etc. They want regional Victorians to travel these school holidays but the pubs, restaurants etc will only be able to do takeaway meals. Business is ready to be opened with COVIDSafe plans but the government won’t give them an opportunity.
Yep. Just want a more nuanced and fairer approach proportional to risk.
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No doubt everyone's done it tough.

But I don't buy regional has had it harder. It's just not true.
No. I've been able to operate the whole way through. I've been lucky not to have done it tough in comparison to many. My friend operates a business in a town that hasn't had a covid case and he's been closed in every lockdown. He's got 3 young kids. His wife was lucky to get some part time work with a friends business. But they may have to shut the business. And not a covid case within 100km.
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Yep. Just want a more nuanced and fairer approach proportional to risk.
And as I have said before now is the time to trial it as in a couple of months we have been lead to believe that if 80% fully vaccinated and that there will be no lockdowns.
The point remains. Take resonsibility for yourself and your family FFS! It is very easy.
The state cannot lead you by the hand in eeverything
One of the most interesting trends during all of this has been how willingly some have outsourced control of their lives to the government. And others have not taken advantage of what the govt can offer.
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It is going to be ugly....but....Gladys has given everyone plenty of time to fall into line and she has got the necessary vaccines for her people. Like it or not, she has put her state first. one in NSW can complain. Everyone has had the chance and has been forewarned.
Not sure she has put her state first; if so she would have managed it a lot better and locked down earlier and harder. But she has certainly put her voter base in the eastern suburbs and the north shore first. And she has *smile* Victoria whilst she's at it so well done to Gladys.

She is an incompetent moron. She's opening up at 70% of 16yo plus population fully vaxxed. Her CHO and other experts have advised her to wait until 80-85% but no Gladys knows better. Remember this is all after she has admitted October will be the worst month for the hospital system; so that's the best time to open up is it.

We've gotta get there and open up at a point and I truly hope it is sooner rather than later. But Gladys is setting NSW up for an even bigger disaster. I just hope Andrews shuts the border water tight and lets no one from NSW in; we're already paying a heavy price.
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No doubt everyone's done it tough.

But I don't buy regional has had it harder. It's just not true.

with vax v antivax, right v left, rich v poor, qld v nsw,

the last thing we need is city v country cranked up.

plays straight into The Nationals hands,

and The Nationals, who are an incredibly corrupt, cynical, self serving collection of *smile*,

deliver us The Liberals. A horror symbiosis.

country and city unite, we all need clean rivers , latte's and footy. City people wear flouro and theres country spivs in suits.

deliver us from evil
324 new local cases and 1 case acquired overseas (currently in HQ). - 37,604 vaccines administered - 54,242 test results received
324 cases today.
Disastrous number. We are gonna smash the NSW outbreak with this trajectory.

Victorians have given up; particularly those in the northern and western suburbs of Melbourne going by the numbers and where the majority of cases are. This lockdown feels a bit pointless now. Six weeks in and it's getting worse every day; unlike last year where the numbers were coming down every day. Very deflating.

We just need to get to high vax rate ASAP and open up and get on with our lives. Gladys' 70% number is too low but maybe 80% is the benchmark. Hopefully we can do this before the end of the year. It's obvious everyone is totally over the lockdowns.
Doubt much will be opened at 70 %. That number is used to encourage all of us who are fed up.
Will need to be 80%.
By that time many under 16 will have had one or two doses.
Totally agree it is too early in terms of community health, but likely we will struggle to get much higher no matter how long it takes. Certainly will never be over 90% seeing all the whacko views around.
So has to be a line somewhere.
80% with some spread restrictions looks the best of a bad lot.
Re Gladys and putting NSW first....yes she was poor at initial control, but the evidence from OS and now in Vic suggests nothing would have worked when certain community demographics were involved. The other states dont have this.
Vic cannot control it with a harsh lockdown...mind you...hundreds of thousands of Vics are wandering all over the place with exemptions. I am still sitting locked up at home, seven months detention on, no exit on the horizon.
PS.. today's numbers prove what I wrote above. Now pointless having a strict lockdown of the innocent while masses of exempt people are everywhere and other communities cannot comply. Waste of time close at hand.
Answer...let the vaccinated out now. is a race ....and we are losing badly.
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Doubt much will be opened at 70 %. That number is used to encourage all of us who are fed up.
Will need to be 80%.
By that time many under 16 will have had one or two doses.
Totally agree it is too early in terms of community health, but likely we will struggle to get much higher no matter how long it takes. Certainly will never be over 90% seeing all the whacko views around.
So has to be a line somewhere.
80% with some spread restrictions looks the best of a bad lot.
Re Gladys and putting NSW first....yes she was poor at initial control, but the evidence from OS and now in Vic suggests nothing would have worked when certain community demographics were involved. The other states dont have this.
Vic cannot control it with a harsh lockdown...mind you...hundreds of thousands of Vics are wandering all over the place with exemptions. I am still sitting locked up at home, seven months detention on, no exit on the horizon.
I do feel and share your frustration; as most of us would. One of the things that has really annoyed me about this current lockdown is how many people we are still letting into Victoria from Sydney. At one stage I read that there were 8 planes a day coming in and they each had around 50 people on them. WTF??? Andrews and Sutton have been so rigid about lockdowns yet they were letting 400 people a day come in from Sydney?? WTF did they think would happen???

*smile* mind boggling.
Hypotethetical ; we didn’t meet with Pfizer at all and only offered AZ to our population. Would we be better off?

the undermining of AZ has been the real clusterfuck by all levels of government. The Pfizer no deal not so much IMO.
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Hypotethetical ; we didn’t meet with Pfizer at all and only offered AZ to our population. Would we be better off?

the undermining of AZ has been the real clusterfuck by all levels of government. The Pfizer no deal not so much IMO.

It's amazing how reactive this government is to public opinion. Put all your chips into the AZ vaccine with one hand, undermine the vaccine with the other.

Utterly incompetent.
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It's amazing how reactive this government is to public opinion. Put all your chips into the AZ vaccine with one hand, undermine the vaccine with the other.

Utterly incompetent.
The blame for AZ's failure definitely has to be shared. Whilst some have taken aim at the Qld CHO & Andrews for undermining the vaccine, they tend to forget that Greg Hunt said publicly that if people were uncertain about taking AZ (after news of blood clotting) that they could wait until the end of the year when Pfizer was available. Many people in the older age groups took that advice.
The selling of AZ as a viable vaccine without alternatives available, (Pfizer or other) has been nothing short of a disaster.
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Hypotethetical ; we didn’t meet with Pfizer at all and only offered AZ to our population. Would we be better off?

the undermining of AZ has been the real clusterfuck by all levels of government. The Pfizer no deal not so much IMO.
It’s just a massively incompetent piece of the vaccine program, overseen by this disgraceful federal government.

We’ve had a massive production plant in our own backyard since March and yet…. here we are.
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October 18 NSW going to open back up.

October 18 is really is gonna be a massive kick in the guts to Victorians. NSW stuffed up their COVID response back in June. Spread COVID here. Stole all the vaccines and open up before us. And knowing them, they will rub it in our faces.

Sure, cases will explode. But that only increases the chances of it spreading to the other states (if it hasn’t already done so by then). one in NSW can complain. Everyone has had the chance and has been forewarned.

Those who are vaccinated can get back to having a nice life.
Those who chose not to be vaccinated can take their chances.

Doctors and nurses in NSW say hello.

As for you saying "its their job," did you see the open letter from NSW nurses the other day? they are worried nurse to patient ratio’s will be changed, making their lives harder. There will be mass resignations IMO.
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I fully understand this frustration. There needs to be more allowances for gatherings outside and in public. I fail to see how that would be a huge risk.

Also with the easing of restrictions in regional Victoria. Most pubs and restaurants won’t be opening. Only 10 people allowed inside and 20 outside.

A local pub that is my favourite posted they aren’t able to open as it won’t be viable. The frustration for them and the community is that this pub has function rooms by 2, a restaurant and the main bar. It would be licensed for over 400 people. Yet they can only have 10 people. Under strict density requirements a place that could hold 400 was able to get about 100 in the last lockdown. It just doesn’t seem right.
Meanwhile beauty salons, hairdresser etc are open and those businesses can’t socially distance.

The health advice needs to released.
Spot on. If they allow minor outdoor gatherings that will prevent many people who break rules go to higher risk indoor places. People have had enough and the longer they keep these restrictions the more people are pushed indoors to higher risk locations.

Construction continues yet the movement of people in that industry is spreading significantly. We know they re not at 25% but need to look after the union.

They should be putting tougher restrictions In the hotspot LGA like Sydney, - more testing, ban construction, only absolute essential open. But Dan doesn't want to upset his supporter base
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Sure you are right Ian that hospital staff are very distressed.
But...Don't think so re resignations.
Think they are calling for help with staffing.
Very reasonable but hard to see a quick fix.
Public health has driven staff away in droves for a multitude of reasons and it takes years for them to return.