Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


I'm sorry, but I can't help feeling a bit 'boo hoo' for regional Victorians. They've had lockdown lite for all of last year. It sucks this year, yeah, but we saw in Shep why it's happened.

I really can't dredge up any sympathy for it being difficult to find a table at a pub.
Spoken by someone who has clearly never lived in the country and has been paid through the whole of lockdown. Frankly, that shows no empathy or insight to the plight of regional Aust. There would be a few choice words from my colleagues and friends in the bush for your classic suburban attitude.
I'm sorry, but I can't help feeling a bit 'boo hoo' for regional Victorians. They've had lockdown lite for all of last year. It sucks this year, yeah, but we saw in Shep why it's happened.

I really can't dredge up any sympathy for it being difficult to find a table at a pub.
The funny thing is they will survive this far better than many in suburbia simply by being far tougher & more resilient.
They take the biggest crap on regional Victoria.

If you are lucky enough to get a table at one of the few restaurants, cafes and pubs that may open after the current restrictions ease. You can only remove your mask for food and not non alcoholic drinks. How is one supposed to have a few beers while they wait on their meal?
Is that right?
WHAT? no drinking allowed? Where is the health advise its okay to remove mask to eat but not to drink. Thats another Fkd decision. Idiots has to go
So do you put 2 pieces of bread, nibble then okay then to drink? But hold on you can have a soft drink right? So that stops Covoid but not beer?
he's got S@#T for brains.
Is that right?
WHAT? no drinking allowed? Where is the health advise its okay to remove mask to eat but not to drink. Thats another Fkd decision. Idiots has to go
So do you put 2 pieces of bread, nibble then okay then to drink? But hold on you can have a soft drink right? So that stops Covoid but not beer?
he's got S@#T for brains.
Sutton changed the rules after the Richmond pub crawl. But the public servants who write up the health advice haven’t made it currently legal to take your mask off for alcohol when getting seated service. They should be changing this tomorrow with their health advise, but one can never assume common sense.
Sutton changed the rules after the Richmond pub crawl. But the public servants who write up the health advice haven’t made it currently legal to take your mask off for alcohol when getting seated service. They should be changing this tomorrow with their health advise, but one can never assume common sense.
Thanks MB. Woah.
I reckon if I was a nurse in Sydney, id be giving a months notice next week.
Agree, cases are going to explode. She has lost the plot.
I can see every state shutting out NSW completely. Its going to get ugly.
Add too, with all the Covoid safe plans needed all staff need to be vaccinated, so basically if your not jabbed, you cant work! But its not mandatory (sarcasm). Dont get me wrong. just state it, from this date vax are mandatory. they have the power
I reckon if I was a nurse in Sydney, id be giving a months notice next week.
It is going to be ugly....but....Gladys has given everyone plenty of time to fall into line and she has got the necessary vaccines for her people. Like it or not, she has put her state first. one in NSW can complain. Everyone has had the chance and has been forewarned.

Those who are vaccinated can get back to having a nice life.
Those who chose not to be vaccinated can take their chances.

I don't mind this.
It is well overdue that people take responsibility for themselves.
Geez, the choice is the easiest one you will have in life.

It is like wearing a seatbelt and driving to the road rules. You have been well informed but if you choose otherwise then you face the consequences.

The point remains. Take resonsibility for yourself and your family FFS! It is very easy.
The state cannot lead you by the hand in everything.
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......... except doctors and nurses.

trench fodder.
It's their job.
ICU is shitty and many patients die a miserable death.
Every doctor and nurse has seen it time and time again and will give everything they have to help the patient regardless.
There has to be a line in the sand in all things in life...sadly. Thus is not Eutopia. Byron may feel close though!
This is the line ..six weeks away.
What will happen is people will act and get vaccinated. Not to is just incomprehensible. A very poor choice.
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......... except doctors and nurses.

trench fodder.
I agree with everyone’s thoughts about how they got the highest vaccination rates, in that’s it’s a kick in the guts for us. But it does pose some questions.

They will be over 80% vaccinated by then. And that is good compared to the rest of the world. So if not then, when should they open?
I agree with everyone’s thoughts about how they got the highest vaccination rates, in that’s it’s a kick in the guts for us. But it does pose some questions.

They will be over 80% vaccinated by then. And that is good compared to the rest of the world. So if not then, when should they open?

18th October is the date they "should" hit 70% double dosed. I'd be more comfortable if they were waiting until they were 80% double dosed. It feels to me like they are going a bit too early.

The key will be if they have ramped their health service capacity up enough. Technically you can open and live with Covid as long as you have hospital capacity to deal with the level of cases without having to resort to triage type scenarios.
I only learnt you have to sign out today!

If I got Covid, would the tracers think I have been at The Gabba since October 2020?
Would love to know how it's possible to sign out of a location. Have seen nothing on the app that suggests there is such a capability.
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Spoken by someone who has clearly never lived in the country and has been paid through the whole of lockdown. Frankly, that shows no empathy or insight to the plight of regional Aust. There would be a few choice words from my colleagues and friends in the bush for your classic suburban attitude.
good call....too many metro ppl sneaking here as well during lockdowns.
Agree, cases are going to explode. She has lost the plot.
I can see every state shutting out NSW completely. Its going to get ugly.
Add too, with all the Covoid safe plans needed all staff need to be vaccinated, so basically if your not jabbed, you cant work! But its not mandatory (sarcasm). Dont get me wrong. just state it, from this date vax are mandatory. they have the power vaccination mandatory or not?
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Spoken by someone who has clearly never lived in the country and has been paid through the whole of lockdown. Frankly, that shows no empathy or insight to the plight of regional Aust. There would be a few choice words from my colleagues and friends in the bush for your classic suburban attitude.
No doubt everyone's done it tough.

But I don't buy regional has had it harder. It's just not true.
No doubt everyone's done it tough.

But I don't buy regional has had it harder. It's just not true.
I for one are not in anyway saying regional Victoria are doing it any harder than Melbourne. What I’m saying make the restrictions proportional to the risks. Live in Mount Gambier live a pretty normal life in South Australia. Live in Portland same amount of cases live lockdown. When there are 5km restrictions this is not needed unless there is an outbreak like in Shep, then you lockdown again.

Regional Victoria from Friday is still in lockdown. I like how you called it lockdown lite. Lookdown lite is cruel to the hospitality sector, gym owners and gym goers etc. They want regional Victorians to travel these school holidays but the pubs, restaurants etc will only be able to do takeaway meals. Business is ready to be opened with COVIDSafe plans but the government won’t give them an opportunity.
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