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  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Not sure what capacity is. The point of the lockdowns is we don’t find out. So what would you do here with these rule breaches?
There are different levels of capacity and it depends on capacity for what ?

There is normal ICU capacity which in Victoria is probably around 400 or so but the COVID surge capacity is way more than that , closer to 1000. However the need for ICU beds is not just for COVID . There are still surgeries that need ICU, transplants, road and other accident victims etc etc.
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yes good post. I also have issues with how to vote and have for many years.

The other side of course is that if you go back to the founder of the Australian Liberal party in Robert Menzies, he was actually a great supporter of trade unionism. Not necessarily what it morphed into but worker representation itself.
Admittedly, off on a bit of tangent for this thread (would be more appropriate elsewhere). But I have been doing some reading on so called ‘blue labourism’ and ‘red toryism’ from the UK. From what I can ascertain they are two birds of a feather, with slight differences in emphasis.

Which feeds into your observation of the common ground between a figure like Menzies and the conservative factions on the left side of the political spectrum.
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VIC 14 day average is 145.1
NSW 14 day average at day 35 was 83.6

VIC hit 200 daily cases on day 30.
NSW hit 200 daily cases on day 43.

VIC total cases since day 1 is 23,650
NSW total cases since day 1 is 37,347

It’s so deflating and upsetting.

In recent weeks, I have often been pondering about the old sliding doors scenario… where would we be had Shorten won in May 2019? Probably not in lockdown today would be my assumption.
I'm certainly no fan of Shorten but it's hard to imagine anyone could have cocked up the vax rollout worse than Morrison has.
Speaking about that looney prick Craig Kelly, I was so angry that a guy like this, (under the guise of political party), can get hold of citizens mobile numbers and bombard them with unsolicited propaganda. A day or two ago i received an SMS from him about an 'adverse vaccine side effects report'
Anyone else get it as he obviously sent it out on mass to continue his scare mongering and anti vaxxing agenda.
As I said i were livid to receive it.
I did. And one a few days before. Annoyed, I Ignored the first one. When I got the second I was pissed off. Replied back *smile* Off!!!!
Don’t know if they received it but I felt good when I hit send
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Were they one of the Unions the DLP took with them in the split years 22nd?

From my reading on the history of the split, some unions went with the DLP and were brought back into the ALP tent during the Hawke years, when he offered them some olive branches.
testing me there and as old as I seem I wasn't around in the 50s when they split. But I do remember the Vic DLP election jingles from the 70s "show Clive he cant be trusted, vote DLP" So the DLP were actively campaigning against the ALP even though they were both in opposition.
BTW Clive Holding was Leader of Opposition for 10 years and lost 3 elections - they didn't make rash decisions about leaders in those days.
And to tie in to PRE - he was MLA for Richmond!
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From the Herald Sun apparently (I don't subscribe to it).

View attachment 13367

You can see why NSW are able to plan a Freedom Day now

Must be fake news. Scomo said that none of the states have given vaccine doses to NSW because he got 500k extra doses from Poland.

Therefore 5.5m less 0.5m = 5.0m. VIC is 82% of the size of NSW so should get 4.1m doses, and they got................2.5m.

But Scomo said...............................................................................

Hey Scomo - Where did our 1.6m doses go if they didn't go to NSW you peanut
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Must be fake news. Scomo said that none of the states have given vaccine doses to NSW because he got 500k extra doses from Poland.

Therefore 5.5m less 0.5m = 5.0m. VIC is 82% of the size of NSW so should get 4.1m doses, and they got................2.5m.

But Scomo said...............................................................................

Hey Scomo - Where did our 1.6m doses go if they didn't go to NSW you peanut
Being a fake PM he is well qualified to assess fake news.
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I can only guess, I suppose he’s just one of those who doesn’t rock the boat. Doesn’t see himself as anymore important than anyone else. And will just wait his turn in the mainstream booking system alongside everyone else. I wouldn’t have thought anything more complex than that in his thinking. He has said at present though he and his family hardly leave home. So they do take the risks and lockdown compliance seriously. Certainly not of the resistant anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist mindset.
Not having a go at you at all, or your cousin really, but I assume the vaccination situation in NSW is similar to Victoria. (Besides the 100ks of extra Pfizer they have been given.) if it is then there is AZ waiting to be put into arms. Your cousin, and anyone else waiting in NSW without specific health advice should not be waiting, and would not be rocking the boat by booking in to get vaccinated ASAP. they would be doing the right thing for themselves, their family and the wider community.
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The DLP's aim was to stop the ALP from being elected, they would run candidates and preference away from the ALP. Interestingly, they would also run candidates with names starting with "A" because the ballot papers were in alphabetical order back then.

Socially conservative, think Abbott sorts of views, but supported organised labour.

They succeeded in keeping the ALP out of power in Victoria for 27 years (or at least contributed to that) and federally for 23 years. I always remember the "Vote Jack Back" ads when they were trying to get their senator from Victoria back into the senate after he lost his seat in maybe 1972.

Anyway, back to the plague: numbers in NSW - are they stabilising or still rising? Same question for Victoria too. We'll see.

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Not having a go at you at all, or your cousin really, but I assume the vaccination situation in NSW is similar to Victoria. (Besides the 100ks of extra Pfizer they have been given.) if it is then there is AZ waiting to be put into arms. Your cousin, and anyone else waiting in NSW without specific health advice should not be waiting, and would not be rocking the boat by booking in to get vaccinated ASAP. they would be doing the right thing for themselves, their family and the wider community.

NSW seems more resistant to getting AZ, their AZ vax numbers are far lower than Victoria's, see the chart on P13 of the document linked here:

So NSW started the outbreak with a far lower base of vaccinations and a slacker lockdown but success seems more elusive in Vic.

Any medical explanation?

[looking at NSW things really took off about day 40, maybe we will avoid that now with the vax rates and our still more stringent lockdowns]

You can only speculate that it was lockdown fatigue and conformance rates are much lower than it has been in the past. I recall the government used to provide conformance data last year (from memory the target was 80% conformance and it reached 90% at the peak). I don’t recall anyone talking about conformance percentages this time around.
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So why did the tried and true Vic style snap lockdown prove less effective than NSW non lockdown?
Maybe it all boils down to the comparable vax rates at Day 1 of each outbreak?
But on my reckoning Day 1 is when local cases reach 10:
NSW 23 June and total does then 1,975,000 v Vic 15 July with 2,713,000 (and if you believe we beat the virus on 4 Aug as you seem to do by quoting today as day 35 then the rate was 3,463,000, pro rata near double NSW)

So NSW started the outbreak with a far lower base of vaccinations and a slacker lockdown but success seems more elusive in Vic.

Any medical explanation?

[looking at NSW things really took off about day 40, maybe we will avoid that now with the vax rates and our still more stringent lockdowns]

Only explanation us Victorians or too many of us became too complacent and self centered and disregarded many of the measures needed to keep us safe..
Apathy can also be found in our pathetic testing numbers.
On vaccination it could well be that the GP and Pharmacy network in NSW is way better than VIC?, how else do you explain it, not sure supply favouritism is the sole reason
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Explain this one Morrison and Hunt.

Pfizer offered Health Minister Greg Hunt a meeting with its top officials in June last year, claiming it could supply “millions of vaccine doses” by the end of 2020.
But new documents obtained under Freedom of Information reveal Mr Hunt’s office did not become directly involved in talks for over a month.
Labor has lashed the Morrison government over the delay, saying it had failed the vaccine rollout.
”While other countries were signing Pfizer deals, our government couldn’t even be bothered arranging a meeting,” Opposition health spokesman Mark Butler said.
“The vaccine rollout was always a race, but Australia started a lap behind because Scott Morrison’s government took a deliberate ‘wait and see’ approach to vaccine deals.”
Emails obtained by Labor show Pfizer requested a “formal” meeting with members of the vaccine task force on June 30, 2020.
The official warned it should occur at the “earliest opportunity” because the drugmaker was in talks with other countries.
There is overwhelming demand for Pfizer and little supply. Picture: David Crosling
“I am able to make senior members of Pfizer’s global leadership team available for this discussion, especially if the Minister and/or Departmental leadership can be involved,” they wrote.
An attached letter addressed to Mr Hunt requests a meeting with him to discuss Australia’s Covid-19 vaccination program.

“We have the potential to supply millions of vaccine doses by the end of 2020, subject to technical success and regulatory approvals, then rapidly scale up to produce hundreds of millions of doses in 2021.”
First Assistant Secretary Lisa Schofield – who was charged with procuring Covid-19 vaccine doses on behalf of the government – responded a few days later, saying the letter had been passed on to Mr Hunt, and that she would like a meeting with Pfizer.
Pfizer then requested that a confidential disclosure agreement be signed before high-level talks with global staff could proceed.
An introductory meeting with Australian Pfizer officials, which did not require an agreement, was taken up instead by Ms Schofield.
Notes from the July 10 meeting reveal Pfizer wanted discussions to move quickly, adding doses could be supplied by the end of 2020.

In late July, the company sent another email flagging it had recently signed deals with Britain and the US.
However, it wasn’t until August 4 that a member from Mr Hunt’s office attended another meeting with Pfizer Australia.
Mr Butler said Australians were paying the price of Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s incompetence.
“We have more people in lockdown and fewer people fully vaccinated than any other developed country,” he said.
“He’s failed the vaccine rollout and Australians won’t forget.”
Both Pfizer and the Commonwealth previously denied Australia had rejected a big offer of vaccines at the start of negotiations.
Mr Hunt’s office was contacted for comment.

Australia struck a deal with Pfizer in November last year to buy 10 million doses of the mRNA vaccine.
It later struck a series of further agreements to boost its stock of the highly sought-after jab.

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On vaccination it could well be that the GP and Pharmacy network in NSW is way better than VIC?, how else do you explain it, not sure supply favouritism is the sole reason
Well NSW GPs and pharmacists received 3.5m doses of vaccine in an 8 week period from the start of July to the end of August. Victorian GPs and pharmacists received 1.2m doses in the same period. That is 2.3m extra doses for NSW in an 8 week period.

On those figures I'd say supply is basically the only reason. No wonder they are winning the race.
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Saw this being discussed and happened across the attached.
Maybe the VRC get truckloads of it in and make it mandatory for all on course so we can have a crowd at the spring carnival ... sounds like real good stuff.

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@tigerman - Norman Swan said something a few months back about Pfizer approaching Australia and asking us how many doses of vaccine we wanted. Instead of Greg Hunt being involved in the negotiations, they sent a more junior staff team who haggled with Pfizer over the price. The article you posted suggests he was on the money.

If you listen from the 4:20 mark it gets discussed.

The federal government were probably concerned at the time that Job Keeper was costing billions, and that Pfizer was much more expensive per dose (not 100% sure if correct, but I've gathered AZ is $4/dose vs Pfizer at $40/dose). But once again, its typical Morrison government lack of foresight - Surely it wasn't that hard to see the possibility of on-selling any vaccines we didn't require to our neighbors? Instead we went the cheap route with AZ and skimped on the Pfizer and now here we are.
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Explain this one Morrison and Hunt.

Pfizer offered Health Minister Greg Hunt a meeting with its top officials in June last year, claiming it could supply “millions of vaccine doses” by the end of 2020.

Hunt and Morrison are not fit to hold office. This is just criminal. In any other parallel universe, they would be forced to resign in disgrace. But not in this universe.
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Explain this one Morrison and Hunt.

Pfizer offered Health Minister Greg Hunt a meeting with its top officials in June last year, claiming it could supply “millions of vaccine doses” by the end of 2020.
how about

"We're at the front of the queue"

"It's not a race"

"It's not my job"

"I reject the premise of your question"
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Gee, with all this talk of vaccinations, where are we now?

31.1% of population fully vaccinated
38.75% of 16+ fully vaccinated
Ranked 34 of 38 OECD countries

Yep, they f***ed it up.

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