Coronavirus | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


lets get them under 2.

no jab = no breastmilk

If the Hun ran with a headline of "No Job, no Boobies", we wouldn't have any AZ or Pfizer available. Our male vaccinated population would rise very quickly.
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If the Hun ran with a headline of "No Job, no Boobies", we wouldn't have any AZ or Pfizer available. Our male vaccinated population would rise very quickly.

there'd be a flood of Gold Coast breeding age females rushing to get vaccinated too, after a plastic surgery facebook misinformation campaign.
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Possibly. For all the hype of NSW getting a disproportionate share. It's not like this is equitably shared across the entire state. It's more complex than that if you drill down. So we've got to be a bit careful making blunt ("NSW can get *smile*" - as others above have) assessments indiscriminately aimed at all and sundry north of the border. My relatives in Sydney's north have been booked in for weeks and still are waiting until mid to late November for their vaccination. Haven't been bumped forward. The only thing my cousin could guess from this, is that all the extra doses are being pumped into western and southwestern Sydney and regional areas where outbreaks in indigenous communities are of concern (Dubbo, Wilcania etc). So a targeted campaign.

He said case numbers are very low in northern Sydney too. So while lockdowns are sufficiently limiting the spread in his area, he was willing to wait his turn for vaccination. He said if the outbreak does indeed become more prominent across his area, he will go and get AZ ASAP.
did you ask you cousin why he isnt getting the AZ now and instead choosing to wait months? and is he aware that everyone taking that attitude increases the likelihood of the outbreak spreading to his area?
chances are too if the outbreak does spread there will be higher demand for AZ so he may have to wait, putting himself and his family at unnecessary risk.
Self entitled *smile*.
I‘m getting really pissed off at how out of touch with reality all our political “leaders” have become.
I have a mate who has separated from his family a few months back. He’s living in a caravan park because that’s all he can afford. Lost his job due to all the lockdowns. He has been knocked back a few times to visit his sick dad over the border by heartless clueless government bureaucarts. He couldn’t see his kids because they live the other side of town. He had a fanfuckingtastic Father’s Day. Seeing andrews posting pics having a nice Father’s Day meal with his kids. Seeing scomo jet back and forth interstate so he can spend time with his kids. He is so depressed he is very close to, well, I hate thinking about it. All in this together my *smile* arse. *smile* all you *smile* *smile* people’s lives. You *smile* hypocritical pieces of *smile*!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
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Watching it at the time, I thought it was the dumbest thing to say when trying to accelerate the vaccine program.

On reflection, he is probably pulling two levers. One to slow down the state based vaccinations, and the second to accelerate the federal based vaccinations. No doubt the majority of new doses will be federally allocated.

Come February next year, he'll be able to say -

We gave the states a chance do vaccinate their populations, mate. We saw that we needed to do more, the states were slow, mate. So, I and the Federal Government accelerated the program. The states provided only 30% of the jabs, we provided the other 70%. We engaged private industry, mate. And look what we achieved, mate. The majority of the population is vaccinated, thanks to the Federal Government. We one the race, mate.

When does the next election need to be held by?
I posted this one about 2 weeks ago.

I got it wrong. Scomo is already trumpeting his on "success". In September this year, not next February next year.

From The ABC, his actual words, rather than my sarcastic comments, this time:

Earlier, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said NSW's greater share of vaccines had not come at the cost of other states.

"The argument was being put forward that NSW should take doses from other states. Well, I'll tell you who said no to that, it was me," Mr Morrison told Sky News.

"I wasn't going to have doses moved from other states to NSW. I went out and got more doses, from Poland."

6 months too late, mate...

And with the benefit of proofreading the original post, "one" could possibly be spelt "won".
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There was a report on the ABC News tonight that the highest vaccination rate in Victoria is the Queenscliff area - 92% first dose and I think it was about 75% double dose. We should be aiming for 90%, at least.

As for the fiasco that is the deliberate favouring of NSW, it gets even worse when Gulag Gladys talks about how they will open up international borders so those in NSW can travel overseas whether the rest of the country is vaccinated and state borders open or not. What a cheek, you open up to international travel because you have been favoured? Yeah, f*** off.

The favouritism is even more obvious when you see how so many more Victorians have been vaccinated with AZ, yet we are still behind the total vaccination rate of NSW - that can mean only one thing - NSW has had way more doses of Pfizer per person than any other state. The risk is very small of complications with AZ, but it gets larger if you are younger, but young Victorians have to make that decision, while NSW takes so much of the Pfizer which is relatively safer than AZ for younger people.

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I'm also wondering where all the folks are who were saying we should send all our vaccines to Indonesia or India are right now.
Pretty sure we can produce more than our demand. Despite everything happening there's still people holding out for Pfizer. We might as well keep producing at full capacity and shipping our unwanted supplies to our neighbours than are in desperate need.

As an aside, Victoria does have the highest AZ Vaccination rate in the country.
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I would hope we are currently producing 1 million doses a week of AZ, that was the promise and CSL (which we all used to own, but it got privatised) are capable of doing this. We can send plenty to our Asian and African neighbours and should be doing so.

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This is an important conversation. Crosses many taboo topics. One reality is that there aren’t infinite resources so you can’t save everyone. I didn’t know our $/year of life threshold was $k100 for drugs. Extrapolating says you would spend $8.3m to save a new born who live to Australia’s life expectancy and you are on your own after 83.

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I believe we are sending a lot of AZ to countries who need it desperately.
Great to hear as I hadnt seen anything on that. Had mentioned it too but had prefered there was no political spin on it. Just do it.
If that is the case, they got that part right! Well done and credit due on that part.

thanks for the info!
Beware the mu (pronounced 'mew').

Covid ‘mu variant’ running rampant in the US (paywalled)

The mu variant of Covid – which scientists say has “greater transmissibility” than Delta – has now been detected in 49 US states and 42 countries, as health officials keep an eye on the strain to see if it becomes dominant.

The strain, also known as B. 1.621, was first identified in Colombia in January and was added to the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) “variants of interest” list, however all but one US states and the District of Columbia have since detected the strain, with the exception of Nebraska, according to estimates compiled by

“The Mu variant is found to have key mutations linked to greater transmissibility and the potential to evade antibodies,” a statement from LA County Public Health reads. “More studies are needed to determine whether Mu variant is more contagious, more deadly or more resistant to vaccine and treatments than other Covid-19 strains.”
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That was aimed at the NSW government, not all and sundry north of the border. Also aimed at the *smile* politicians whining about other states not keeping up with vaccinations and potentially limiting the people of the great state of NSW from living their lives to the fullest extent. I've got many friends up there as well and they are doing the right thing.

But I am totally over the lecturing from NSW authorities and the chest beating about how great they are doing with vaccination. They are only doing well at the expense of other states. Their mismanagement of the outbreak has had far reaching repercussions and it has put Victoria into another seemingly never ending lockdown and on the precipice of a wave to match that of what we are seeing in NSW. But we have been denied the vaccines to which we are entitled. It's complete garbage and the attitude of the NSW authorities is the height of arrogance. Their behaviour is abhorrent.
Unsure if this fact being reported is true yet about NSW & add...

They provided government assistance to business as long as they don't sack anyone.
They are carrying on to vaccinate although stating not mandatory (not about what we think here "to be or not to be" vaxed) -bit of Shakespeare :)
Now the hypocrisy I heard, under the Covoid Safe plan for "any" business to re-open that is lodged with the NSW government "ALL" staff need to be vaccinated.
So if a staff member refuses to be vaxed, the paradox is, business sacks them so they can re-open but then, its a grey area, they might need to reimburse the funding by the govt they received as one of the criteria was NOT to sack anyone.
If its not mandatory, they are making it mandatory via the covoid safe plan. But they dont state that openly but is hidden in their paperwork!
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Great to hear as I hadnt seen anything on that. Had mentioned it too but had prefered there was no political spin on it. Just do it.
If that is the case, they got that part right! Well done and credit due on that part.

thanks for the info!
i think before we get to think we are too generous it should be noted that I believe a lot of the donated stocks of AZ were in danger of being over recommended shelf life and they needed to be used. Certainly that was the case of vaccines we have given around the pacific islands and PNG.

What all rich countries should be doing is supporting COVAX which involves UNICEF, WHO and others and is vaccinating about 20% of the worlds population. We may well be doing that, I don’t really know.

Apart from the humanity reasons to do it the very practical reason is that we will never be totally able to live as we did unless vaccination is world wide
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On another note another QLD treating people unfairly or poorly. This time our ADF soldiers wanting to came back from Kabul poorly.

After leaving Kabul, stuck in another city (forget where) Dubai??, the ADF had lodged the paperwork a while ago to come back into QLD. Before the AFL, NRL the family & wags and other sporting codes. Those sporting codes got their exemption yet still failed to "action" the ADF paperwork.
Soldiers stuck sleeping on tarmac, some many days without showering just waiting for QLD to "action" the paperwork.
Well a mother of one of the soldiers cracked it and took it to the media. They investigated the claims and it was all true. When the reporter sort an explanation, 1 hr later the QLD govt "Actioned" the paperwork and they were approved to come back in.

I just shake my head in disbelief
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