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  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.


Talking of Vaxxes, I've been able to get an appt. next Wednesday for my 16 yr old Grandson. Lucky timing. It beats waiting until 17th November.

Maybe more doses are flowing our way, but I doubt it.
Good news.

The extra 500,000 doses from Singapore would have joined the program. And the ones from England have probably given the distribution program a boost with bringing more first doses forward.
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Good news.

The extra 500,000 doses from Singapore would have joined the program. And the ones from England have probably given the distribution program a boost with bringing more first doses forward.
Possibly. For all the hype of NSW getting a disproportionate share. It's not like this is equitably shared across the entire state. It's more complex than that if you drill down. So we've got to be a bit careful making blunt ("NSW can get *smile*" - as others above have) assessments indiscriminately aimed at all and sundry north of the border. My relatives in Sydney's north have been booked in for weeks and still are waiting until mid to late November for their vaccination. Haven't been bumped forward. The only thing my cousin could guess from this, is that all the extra doses are being pumped into western and southwestern Sydney and regional areas where outbreaks in indigenous communities are of concern (Dubbo, Wilcania etc). So a targeted campaign.

He said case numbers are very low in northern Sydney too. So while lockdowns are sufficiently limiting the spread in his area, he was willing to wait his turn for vaccination. He said if the outbreak does indeed become more prominent across his area, he will go and get AZ ASAP.
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People in politics, such as Bob Hawke have said in their personal dealings with Tony Abbott, that he's actually quite a nice bloke. And so have people involved in community organisations in the northern suburbs of Sydney that he involves himself in. Apparently a really dedicated grass roots community bloke who rolls his sleeves up and gets involved. But on the flipside, these people concede that he is obviously a bit nutty and as such, wasn't PM material. He didn't earn the nickname 'The Mad Monk' for nothing. And people in the political sphere often have a different persona than they do in their personal sphere. He wasn't necessarily a perfect fit for Liberal Party ideology either. He did delve into relationships with ALP-right personalities early in his political dealings and was urged by some to join. But he felt it wasn't the party for him. Abbott was actually ideologically closer to DLP leanings in his formative years and has said he followed B. A. Santamaria closely.

ScoMo I've never really heard the same endearing side. Most accounts seem to be more that he's a bit hollow and you don't know what he stands for. And he certainly can't read a room. Completely tin eared.
My father hated BA Santamaria. When his TV segment "point of view" came on he would curse him in disgust and turn the sound off. Such is the nature of the history of Australian politics that such a socially conservative PM was close to an offshoot of the ALP in his formative years
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Possibly. For all the hype of NSW getting a disproportionate share. It's not like this is equitably shared across the entire state. It's more complex than that if you drill down. So we've got to be a bit careful making blunt ("NSW can get *smile*" - as others above have) assessments indiscriminately aimed at all and sundry north of the border. My relatives in Sydney's north have been booked in for weeks and still are waiting until mid to late November for their vaccination. Haven't been bumped forward. The only thing my cousin could guess from this, is that all the extra doses are being pumped into western and southwestern Sydney and regional areas where outbreaks in indigenous communities are of concern (Dubbo, Wilcania etc). So a targeted campaign.

He said case numbers are very low in northern Sydney too. So while lockdowns are sufficiently limiting the spread in his area, he was willing to wait his turn for vaccination. He said if the outbreak does indeed become more prominent across his area, he will go and get AZ ASAP.
I think your cousin will get an opportunity before November to be vaccinated. I feel like there seems to be some disconnect between original supply lines and the new improved timeframes. Perhaps they will wait until the new unplanned doses have been batch tested and distributed before they allow more appointments and bringing the appointments forward?
So we've got to be a bit careful making blunt ("NSW can get *smile*" - as others above have) assessments indiscriminately aimed at all and sundry north of the border.
That was aimed at the NSW government, not all and sundry north of the border. Also aimed at the *smile* politicians whining about other states not keeping up with vaccinations and potentially limiting the people of the great state of NSW from living their lives to the fullest extent. I've got many friends up there as well and they are doing the right thing.

But I am totally over the lecturing from NSW authorities and the chest beating about how great they are doing with vaccination. They are only doing well at the expense of other states. Their mismanagement of the outbreak has had far reaching repercussions and it has put Victoria into another seemingly never ending lockdown and on the precipice of a wave to match that of what we are seeing in NSW. But we have been denied the vaccines to which we are entitled. It's complete garbage and the attitude of the NSW authorities is the height of arrogance. Their behaviour is abhorrent.
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That was aimed at the NSW government, not all and sundry north of the border. Also aimed at the *smile* politicians whining about other states not keeping up with vaccinations and potentially limiting the people of the great state of NSW from living their lives to the fullest extent. I've got many friends up there as well and they are doing the right thing.

But I am totally over the lecturing from NSW authorities and the chest beating about how great they are doing with vaccination. They are only doing well at the expense of other states. Their mismanagement of the outbreak has had far reaching repercussions and it has put Victoria into another seemingly never ending lockdown and on the precipice of a wave to match that of what we are seeing in NSW. But we have been denied the vaccines to which we are entitled. It's complete garbage and the attitude of the NSW authorities is the height of arrogance. Their behaviour is abhorrent.
Let’s invade them and take over General Chimpley !

They’re useless at everything - especially sport - so this will be a win for the country (and easy to achieve as well.)

General Dwight D. Chimpleyhower.
Let’s invade them and take over General Chimpley ! They’re useless at everything - especially sport - so this will be a win for the country (and easy to achieve as well.)

General Dwight D. Chimpleyhower.
I'll meet you at Puckapunyal and we can drive the tanks and troop carriers up the Hume to assemble at Wodonga before the final surge!

He is just the worst.

New vaccines shouldnt be distributed on a per capita basis, they should be distributed on a per capita basis minus what has already been allocated.
No we in Vic should we getting more per capita than SA and WA. Not the time to be egalitarian.
.. higher the risk the greater the resources.
Same logic that said older people and health people went ahead of a work from home 40 year old.
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That’s just individual stories or anecdotes. I could give you those for lockdown and say regs are in place, being policed and people or establishments penalised. The reality though ????

Where’s the numbers and data to show that vax passports are limiting spread in an unrestricted/non lockdown environment ?

At best it’s just an encouragement to avoid hassle at the odd venue or event and not much else.
I'd need to see if they are published but to be honest I couldn't be arsed. Living here I can tell you those anecdotes are reflective of the norm here now. Even if I pop into a petrol station to pay for the petrol, probably a 2min transaction, they'll ask me to exit the store if I'm not wearing a mask. If they didn't see me scan the QR code they'll ask to see it, sending me back out to scan if I didn't. Every restaurant I've entered has asked to see my vaccination status.

It's not an odd venue or event, it's the norm here. You can see the vaccination rates, people want to return to normal but they know it will only happen when the Gov feels it's safe to do so. Result is 81% of total populations have the first jab. Of those that can be vaccinated, 12yo and above, most age groups are in the 90s for first shot, some are in the 90s for double dose.

Is there data to identify the %contribution of Vax passports to that high vax rate? I doubt accurate data could even be gathered.
Are the Vax passports contributing, absolutely. But so are strict enforced regulations, consistent government messaging, oversupply of vaccinations , generally little media coverage of antivax nutjobs and a realisation that the country has to vax it's way back to normality. Only the last one of that list seems to be dawning on Australia now.
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Could make the argument how come in Vic the low risk area of the leafy east have per head had the most vaccines administered? Either more supply to those areas or places in the west have the supply but are not getting the doses out. State borders aren't the only way to stratify a population.
Could make the argument how come in Vic the low risk area of the leafy east have per head had the most vaccines administered? Either more supply to those areas or places in the west have the supply but are not getting the doses out. State borders aren't the only way to stratify a population.
Age is as big a reason as any here - there’s simply an older population in that area, younger out in the west (and in outer suburbs in general).
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He's right to call it out, but NSW is actually in crisis (9 deaths reported today, 0 for the rest of the country). They need doses more urgently than the other states to mitigate the disaster that is Gladys.

But Gladys is showing no sign of being grateful for the extra doses, she keeps shoving it other States faces in press conferences every day which is the most galling thing.
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Sooooo after Dans dummy spit (I thght too okay say it), anyone update what the responses were from Feds, or just accept Dan version of events based on political views or based on dislike of the other person that it has to be the gospel truth when someone bags them.
Read all the hate just now & thought maybe someone might have noted the response. But no... hahaha.
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But Gladys is showing no sign of being grateful for the extra doses, she keeps shoving it other States faces in press conferences every day which is the most galling thing.
Like Vic did early on the piece with the Feds where these vaxs brought forward??? What was the response or was it a correct allocation? No actual deal or what?
This is just disgraceful, words fail me, 100 f#%#%#% people :mad:

Tomorrow it should be announced that any religious group that acts in such a way loses their charity status and will be expected to pay taxes. After all we will be needing these tax so we can pay for extra ICU beds. I think this would be one of many unfortunately that would be doing this crap.
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But Gladys is showing no sign of being grateful for the extra doses, she keeps shoving it other States faces in press conferences every day which is the most galling thing.
I didn't say she deserves them to get her off the hook. The people of NSW deserve better, and if the corruption enquiry has any legs then Gladys will be out on her arse.